Underused Skills Challenge - SC Betrayal SSF- Goes live ~ 16 hours from post

If there is still open slots sign me up
Sigh...Well. I'm sorry I fucked up. I was messaging people back on reddit and forums and updating the leagues, then I went and messed up the league creation into Betrayal not Betrayal SSF.

So, I hope people will be honorable and follow the rules as previously announced.

Sorry about that. Just a massive fuck up.
League Discord - https://discord.gg/9s6atAT
Discord link: https://discord.gg/9s6atAT
Sign me up.
Last edited by bhavyat550 on Feb 9, 2019, 2:03:47 PM
if theres space then please sign me up
Any place left? I'd love to join.
Any place left? I'd love to join.

yep, just go to the link and apply and you'll be approved
Shaper is down, Wednesday evening around 9:00 PM PST as a Lacerate Champion. Almost had him deathless, but I made a mistake in phase 3 within 5% of cull range. Otherwise it was a fairly clean kill, the side bosses and void dude giving me as much trouble as Shaper himself. Shaper himself doesn't do anything too crazy with the extra mods other than spawning triple balls and having a slightly higher action speed.

I was lucky enough to find some decent gear, though I wasn't able to get a 6 link. My general strategy was to level as a Gladiator and progress through maps quickly thanks to bleed explosions, switching to Champion once I got up to the guardians. After switching to Champion, my clear speed decreased by something like 200%, and I quickly realized why Lacerate is in the "underused" category. Gladiator was able to carry it, and probably would do equally well with any of the phys based skills available in the challenge, though the damage isn't there for the endgame bosses.

My strategy for obtaining the fragments was simple enough: use harbinger + horizon orbs on t15 maps and run the Guardians as white maps. With all the extra league mods, guardians are essentially as difficult as they are in rare maps with damage mods in a normal league - not easy! Phoenix and Chimera are especially difficult due to the snakes and phoenixes scaling with LMP.

This was a great challenge. Thanks again for organizing it, and I'm looking forward to returning in the next one!

Clip of the kill: https://clips.twitch.tv/SuspiciousEnjoyableTubersGOWSkull

Full run: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/380382249

My character: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/zzat1/characters
Last edited by zzat1 on Feb 14, 2019, 1:22:55 AM

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