Underused Skills Challenge - SC Betrayal SSF- Goes live ~ 16 hours from post

Hey dude I'd like to join if there is room, thanks
IGN - @Smokntumbleweed ~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/smokintumbleweed
Ignite Vortex Build Guide - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1735563
Brain Rattler 100% Fire Build Guide - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1757390
My Loot Filter located @ bit.ly/poefilter
Is scorching ray too mainstream ? 0.4% BSC and 0.3% BSSFSC.

In any case, i'm in if there is still room ! seems fun
Sign me up, also lmk if you put in ball lightning or scorching Ray!
I would love to be a part of this, and I can assist in crowd funding when needed.
Count me in, happy to put in a few points.
Me, me, me! Lets go :)
is there still a spot ? : ) how can u monitor if a player is leveling with lets say not storm brand ?

P.S. what about ball lightning ? i have a great meme build in my head
Last edited by velislav87 on Feb 9, 2019, 7:31:45 AM
Sign me up please, thanks!
I would like to join!
i'd like to participate as well!

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