Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012

i like Grim Dawn a lot! i loved Titan Quest, more with mods on.
Erevos wrote:
i like Grim Dawn a lot! i loved Titan Quest, more with mods on.

Loved Titan Quest (been playing that recently) but it's a very flawed game.
“God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I will never die.”
Tagek wrote:
rpgfiend wrote:
So basically it all comes down to:

Want a new experience -Diablo 3

Want the same old whore with a new coat of make-up -PoE

Please, don't post shit like this.
You don't like it either when people say stuff like this about D3.
Contribute something in a meaningful way or get the hell out of here.

I don't care what people say about any game.I'm one of the few people that could care less what people say about a video game.My life hasn't become that shallow and pathetic yet.
Would be a good time for a mod to swoop into this thread right about now. :)
''Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.
The silence is your answer.''

IGN: Vaeralyse
Let's be honest though,from what I've seen of Path of Exile,it looks good if all you are looking for is a Diablo 2 experience with some slight improvements.And if that's all you want in an Arpg,then that's great.Nothing wrong with that.From what I've seen in D3,it looks like Blizzard has actually done what they did with D1,and that's create something fresh and different.Which is also good.So it will come down to playing whatever you prefer,but of course D3 will have a lot more players.
rpgfiend wrote:

I don't care what people say about any game.I'm one of the few people that could care less what people say about a video game.My life hasn't become that shallow and pathetic yet.

Oh yeah, that's why you need to came here and troll. Nice logic, mate.
aitalar wrote:
rpgfiend wrote:

I don't care what people say about any game.I'm one of the few people that could care less what people say about a video game.My life hasn't become that shallow and pathetic yet.

Oh yeah, that's why you need to came here and troll. Nice logic, mate.

I'm not trolling,just giving my opinion.If your life is so empty and meaningless that you feel offended over comments about a game,then oh well.
If someone wants to say every bad thing they can think of about Diablo 3,then go right on ahead.You won't get one reply from me defending it,because D3 and PoE are just video games,not people or important things except to the people that create and profit from them.
I will continue to reply to comments directed at me,so if you want to turn this thread into something all about me,then go right on ahead.Just keep in mind my initial comment was my opinion about games,not a personal attack on someone.
rpgfiend wrote:
Let's be hunest though,from what I've seen of Path of Exile,it looks good if all you are looking for is a Diablo 2 experience with some slight improvements.And if that's all you want in an Arpg,then that's great.Nothing wrong with that.From what I've seen in D3,it looks like Blizzard has actually done what they did with D1,and that's create something fresh and different.Which is also good.So it will come down to playing whatever you prefer,but of course D3 will have a lot more players.

totaly agree.

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