Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
I would ditch the AG and RS in your gloves and put maybe immortal call cwdt and ICD in there...This build is just really skellies and zombies...If you want to run AG and RS, you w should put ICD (increase duration support ) and minion life....I would go for charged chetains in old fields act 2 and put in cast magic blood support and the cheftains will cast frenzy on your minions and they just FUCKIn crush.
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" Yeah since probably >97% of our dmg come from zombies and skellies with vaal skeleton providing burst dmg for bosses, the gems in my gloves are all subject to experiment I guess. I'm also tempted to try one of the offering skills with all the coprses lying around since my zombies never die to anything other than phy dmg reflect on maps. Atm AG and RS are just there to make the minion army look bigger :P Thanks for the suggestion :) |
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I just dislike AG, but people love AG, RS is fine to run and just find minions that can help...there's a few that can be an enfeeble autobot and you can ditch enfeeble and run something else..this build is ideally made to be played any style...I currently use a bow and put zombies in the bow and enfeeble rain of arrow faster attacks curse on hit and enhance for my chest which frees up gloves and such....
Last edited by Rodneyking#2843 on Jan 11, 2019, 12:08:43 AM
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Hi, I'm a new player in my first league. This is the third build I've stumbled across and I'm enjoying it very much so far. I was able to farm Humility cards on my initial build so I have a Tabula Rasa for leveling. Can you talk about the pluses and minuses to putting both Raise Zombie and Vaal Summon Skeleton in the same 6-link? It seems like they share quite a few support gems, and as socket-starved as summoner builds seem to be, this seems like a good way to free up some valuable gem slots. What are your thoughts?
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You wanna put the skeletons in the helm and zombies in chest..Putting both in would work, but you lose out on a link, so you have zombies and skeletons which leaves you four spots left when with zombies I can choose between 5 other options support them and skeletons have there three other... Vaal skeletons is nice, it just lets you summon a mass army of skeletons along with normal skeleton summon
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"Unfortunately it does seem that some pretty basic crafting recipes, like the ones you mentioned are currently only in league. It makes me think that the Betrayal content will eventually be in the core game, but it's pretty silly that Chaos Resist crafting isn't in the core game. Regarding the Enchants, if Cold Damage in anyway is coming from you, you'll be activating the negative effects of Elemental Equilibrium for your minions. I'm not sure if I understand which enchants you have, but read what they are on the wiki and see if they work for you or not. Also, keep in mind that if you are using a Bone Helmet, that if you put an enchant on your helmet, it'll replace the Minion Damage Bonus. I appreciate your messages! Thanks! And you too :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey saintonan, Welcome to POE :). I hope you like the game! It's my favourite game hands down. To the point where since I started playing, I haven't played anything else solo. I'm glad you like the build! You have an excellent idea in combining Zombies and Skeletons in the same links. Most of the links are the same. I don't find a big benefit to having Minion Life on Skeletons, nor Fortify. But Minion Speed and Damage, and Melee Physical for sure! Maybe Hypothermia as well? Try it out! It would let you have a few options. CwDT level 1, Desecrate level 7, an Offering of your choice Level 8, and either a Immortal Call or Phase Run Level 3 would be something you could add. Well, anything you like! You seem to have grasped the game functionality quite quickly, so have fun experimenting :). Rodneyking above post is a good suggestion as well. Do whichever makes you smile the most. Smiles tend to fade as death becomes more frequent ;). If your changes end up hitting a wall, just don't forget the changes you've made incase things need to be modified later on. Have fun messing around! I hope it works! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Meant to put an update here.
I finally did get eternal labs done. Got my skeleton ascendancy nodes and swapped to Vaal skeletons from SRS. Big difference in some major matchup and against he syndicate. That at the nerf/tweaks recently made them much more doable overall. For the most part steam rolling all the content. I haven't done anything past T15 yet. Mainly because this game's RNG hates me. Literally. Want to know how BAD the RNG is for me in this game? I've been playing since beta from 2013 to now. 6 years. I have thousands of hours logged into this game. I have spent hundreds of thousands of fusings trying to 6 link anything. Never done it until 2 days ago. Literally just got the achievement for my first 6 linked item from using a fusing. THAT is how bad the RNG is for me in this game. Hence why I go for the cheap builds. I am lucky to get an exalt to drop for me per league. PITA to get higher tier maps dropping and going too. Still this is one of the better overall builds I've done so far for ease of play. It is fairly cheap, effective, and easy to play. |
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" I feel you with regards to getting higher maps to drop. I chisel, alc, vaal, then fully clears all red maps and not only do they hardly ever drop red maps (to begin with, most of my T11s came from running T10s, my atlas bonus is 110%ish) they don't even give back T9-10s for me, its mostly way lower. I blew all my remaining T11-12s today, 6 of them, got 1 T12 from those 6, ran it, got nothing back, so now I'm out of red maps completely without trading. Since my character is steamrolling T12-13 to the point I'm mostly just charging around picking up loot, I'm forced to trade to access content that actually provides a challenge, which needless to say sucks. On the other hand, I personally find making 'money' in POE not that hard as a casual (time wise) player. In the last 10 days of on and off playing I made enough exalts to buy a United in Dream for this char and a Frostferno for the Templar I'm levelling, and about 3ex and 120c sitting in the bank, almost all through trading, and I have not been blessed with godly lucky drops. The only 'expensive' as in worth more than 50c item I got and sold was the fated Kaom's Way ring for 1ex. Agree though on the accessibility of this build. Good for new players to learn, and cheap to run (don't really need that 6th link on the chest piece, a 5 link will do just fine), like OP's title suggests its so 'relaxing' to play compared to other classes/builds. Last edited by z3mcneil#3966 on Jan 12, 2019, 11:56:21 AM
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" I put Immortal Call with CwDT on my gloves and so far it's working great! I find the offerings highly situational. My personal favorite is Spirit Offering for added chaos damage and ES for the minions, it's a major boost in Incursions and during Delving, but mostly useless against bosses, so I swap it with other gems depending on the content. Also got a 12% superior Vaal Skeleton gem to drop so I'm levelling this gem now. I don't consider the alternate, ie. quality a normal Skellie to 20% then corrupt it a reliable nor efficient method, so this is perfect. 12% extra damage for the skellies is very nice :) Last edited by z3mcneil#3966 on Jan 12, 2019, 11:55:34 AM
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