Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
I just wanted to say thanks for your nice build idea.
I play HC (Lvl 78 atm) and changed your build a little bit. With TC + enfeeble its kinda easy to survive :D At the moment I play with zombies and mage skeletons (jewel dead reckoning) without EE and Hatred aura, because I prefer the ranged skels for better clearspeed and safety. Also the bloodbond unique is realy nice with the blood offering, later I want to try the regeneration with the mistress of sacrifice combo. My goal is to use arctic armor, clarity , TC curse aura and maybe another herald / aura ?, so I skilled reduced mana reservation. The problem is the enormous dextery amount. I think the passive "hex master" is not needed , thats why I skipped the increased duration and 10% increased curse effect. EE doesnt work with mage skels + hatred aura or ? Another idea was to use necromantic aegis + acrobatics with the victario's charity shield. What do you think about that? Kind regards |
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Quick question that I am dreading the answer to.
I have like 65% increased damage while leeching, will the zombie leech proc that? Or do I have to try to leech with shield charge? Thanks, I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say... |
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"Hey Fuddlepip, You're very kind! Thank you. It's a pleasure to help people understand a game as complex as POE. There are many things in this game that this guide doesn't touch, but I've been fortunate enough to find a build that I can play, that simplifies the game (like minions do), while also being able to be get stronger as the game progresses. Being new to POE is really exciting. Just looking that the different Ascendancies makes my head spin with non-stop ideas. Please ask as much as you like. As you get set in your items, they'll be things that you stop picking up. I think I'll be updating the "New Person" section in the guide. I have two normal items showing up for each "chancing". Using a Chance Orb on Normal items has a rare chance to turn them into a unique. But the rares that come from them can be really cheap to buy if you're not SSF. I'd stop trying to chance things as your gear looks setup. Chances are well used for buying Maps lower tier maps from Zana. I like to pick up everything, ID them, then vendor (or sell to other users) what I don't use...which is almost everything. Because I can make my own filters, I update mine as I go along. So my filter now doesn't show any chests, weapons, and I'll be taking helmets out too. So ignore what you like and pickup what you can improve upon. Does that answer your question? Good questions. That's definitely an area I'll improve in the guide for 3.6. Thanks again :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Sweet. Thanks for taking the time! I'm glad you're loving it! I'm a Delve lover too. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"HC! You dawg you ;-). Good job! And thanks! I'm glad you're liking it. I like hearing what HC players do with my builds as I don't plan my builds around that aspect of the game. EE is initiated by YOUR damage. So if you had EE on the tree, but never hit anything yourself, EE would never show up in battle. If you are hitting, just remember that your mages are doing random element damage. So occasionally the element with which you are hitting is going to be cast by your mages. I think the shield combo is great. Really strong. Just as long as you have enough survivability obviously... But in HC you're not going to forget about that. Thanks again! Good luck! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jan 9, 2019, 3:55:39 AM
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"Your dread is correct. Your leech is only returned to you through your damage. You could always try The Baron helmet... Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jan 9, 2019, 3:56:16 AM
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Well that's good... and sad.
But hey I need more life so I will roll off that leech damage since it's not used. Hit 101 in delve, I'm too shy, I could and will go MUCH deeper. I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say... |
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Hi OP.
As someone who quit wow right around blizzcon:P I basically started playing poe a few weeks before betrayal league dropped. My first char was a marauder for which I didn't follow any build guides so needless to say, he's ruined and dies to even T1 map bosses so I'm waiting on the next passive reset for this guy... This necromancer on the other hand is my 2nd character and I've basically followed your skill tree/gem guide to the letter and since your build is super cheap for a new player like me it's been an amazing experience so far so thanks! Also since I mained Warlock in wow and Witch Doctor in D3 so this is kind of my playstyle and class fantasy XD The only thing I did change on the skill tree was the final 2 ascendency points. For some reason the +ele resis buff was bugged for me and I couldn't get it to work at all so I chose the skeleton master one instead. This isn't a problem as my gear is loaded with decent to good life+resist rolls on rares so not only are they all capped I think I'm having 210% fire and 110%lightning in particular. The skeletons now do noticeably more dmg than my zombies and casting 3 at a time means less downtime during boss fights which is a boost for survivability. I've also been relatively lucky with my drops so far which enabled me to upgrade my build quite considerably. For my chest armor, I got the 5 link on the 2nd try on the craftbench so it was a massive upgrade to my zombies instantly. Then, about a week ago, I got back-to-back Exalted Orbs from T8 maps which prompted me into trading for a United in Dream. The content I'd been previously running (T10 maps since I can't sustain red maps yet and delving @ around 100) became a cakewalk. Overall the char screen registers I think 460% increased minion damage so every boss I have access to right now dies in seconds. I'm experimenting with Animated Guardian at the moment, putting AG and a fortify support into my glove replacing a totem gem. (I thought fortify support would also help my stone golem and spectres a bit) To be honest I have no idea how my AG is performing with all the zombies and skeletons doing damage so this is kind of a useless feedback haha. I just ran a T13 map today that dropped as corrupted and unidentified so I couldn't tell the mods until I got in. What I could gather was no mana regen, no life regen, reduced flask effect (my life flask only recovered 1200ish hp), but luckily no phy dmg reflect or my zombies were definitely toast, and the map had 130% iiq and 70% ir. Well, I thought it would be impossible to do with no life and mana regen, but surprise surprise I did it deathless with just my zombies and 1 use of vaal skeleton on the boss, with 0 mana the entire way and no portal back to town. Since Enfeeble can't proc without using charged dash, this 0 mana run says good things about the survivability of your build :) However all I got from this map was a T2(!) Pen map so it felt like the game was trolling me lol. The only time I failed a map was a Colosseum map with 4 mods and a sextant all buffing the boss. (area has 2 unique bosses AND 70% increased boss aoe) What happened was there were 2 bosses at the end, all spamming flying swords, about 90% of the arena was covered at any one time (I'm sure the 2 unique boss mod broke it) and even popping 3 health flasks at once was useless. I'm sure this is one of those impossible combinations people talk about though. All in all, thanks for the build and I'll see how I progress through the red maps and hopefully on the Shaper, Uber Atziri etc. Last edited by z3mcneil#3966 on Jan 9, 2019, 12:29:08 PM
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"Hey z3mcneil, Welcome to POE! I hope you're loving it! Don't be discouraged with your first character. It's a crazy game to go in blindly and be efficient. Honestly, great job getting to end game on your first go! I'm glad you're liking the game and build. I too was always a Pet based Which Doctor in D3 so I feel you. Please pass on any feedback you like. Feedback is valuable from both the new and experienced alike. If I understand your Ascendancy changes correctly, Commander of Darkness isn't glitched. It'll only affect your minions. It's an important one for capping their resists at 75%. The reason CoD doesn't affect you is because Blasphemy auras don't count as auras (for some reason) and Hatred is linked with Generosity which means it doesn't affect us, only ours allies. There's nothing wrong with your selection though! You'll deal more DPS than I. But if you find your Zombies dying more than you like, consider Commander of Darkness again. You have some great gear! The changes you've made seem great! I hope they work out well! I love the concept of Animated Guardian. I just hate the idea of losing all that gear. You're very brave. I hope you like the build in high tier maps. Let me know if you have any questions going forward. Having your gems all at level 20 will be a big factor moving forward. Thanks again for the kind post :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Thank you for those encouraging words! I guess the game has been pretty kind to me drop-wise. After my last post I got an Orb of Annulment (didn't even know such a thing existed) which I sold for 16c, then Zana shop spawned a Poorjoy's which I bought for 10c and sold for 18, and then I bought my shield Magma Eclipsis for 20c since I saw someone mentioning this a few pages back. I lose a tiny bit of life and my ele res are still capped, but I think the aegis effect is really good for a build like this where you're not supposed to get hit often. More importantly still, the +2 socketed gem lvl means I can swap the 3gems in my sword into my shield now (only cost a few hundred Chromatics to craft the correct colors) and in theory get a lv5 Enhance Support which soulds very OP :D So with this shield I should get a massively buffed Temporal Chains. My biggest weakness is that I have no chaos resistence whatsoever so outside of Pantheon bonuses and flasks, there's very little mitigation against poison and bleeding. Also I'm in standard so I don't know if I'm missing out on some good craft recipes? (I've seen chaos res and maximum zombie & skele number on other ppl's gear but I don't have the recipes) My last uber lab run gave me two enchants which seem to be really good for this build, if you could check my glove and boots. I got Commandment of Spite which triggers a massive chill aoe effect when hit, and the boots enchant gives 45 to 68 cold dagame. Seeing how much we depend on temporal chains minion cold damage, these seems pretty ideal? Hopefully I'll get a useful helm enchant next! On Animated Guardian: it says in-game that my lv19 AG has 19.5K hp which is almost exactly the same as my zombies and it hasn't died in ages. My life flasks also give hp recovery to minions so perhaps this helps too. I think any content where my zombies, AG and stone golem would simply just melt is obviously too hard so it's nice that it hasn't happened yet :P Thanks again for the nice words and enjoy the game! Last edited by z3mcneil#3966 on Jan 10, 2019, 4:01:58 AM
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