Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
"OH no! That sucks! HC is nuts. TRY AGAIN - That's easy for non-HC players to say ;) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 21, 2018, 2:52:08 AM
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Hey jkeer,
"Thank you very much! I'm really glad you found something that works for you! POE is awesome. "This build actually isn't really better with Uniques. There are some that are neat, but they don't dramatically improve the build. Here's a list of some that I have personally liked (not all have low requirements for leveling): -Sidhebreath Amulet -Singularity (more slowing) -Bones of Ullr or Alberon's Warpath -The Baron -Severed in Sleep/United in Dream -Mon'tregul's Grasp -The Scourge -Queen's Decree/Queen's Escape -Femurs of the Saints -Dying Breath -Geofri's Legacy Those are specific to leveling though. Honestly, the only gear get excited for while leveling are the Wanderlust shoes (with the right links of course). I know it's only one item that actually answers your question, but the build honestly doesn't need anything but life and resists. So these boots are the best next thing. Let me know if there's anything else! And I'm glad you gave the game a chance. I also do an RF guide as well with the same idea of gear: It's my first league with that one so it's not as polished...but it's something if you're desperate for ideas to stay fresh. The new crafting system is sooooo beneficial to both of my guides. Again, let me know if you need anything. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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":) It's hard to know what to keep and what to ditch. Feel free to check out my gear for an idea of what you can expect (I'll be upgrading it shortly). And just FYI, I've answered the rest of your questions to your original post. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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So I seriously tried this build from the start, and can't say I'm enjoying it too much in Betrayal. The core mechanics of the game and the other "league" mechanics I have no problem with at all. Those I breeze through. My problem is I am hitting a brick wall with Betrayal. Every Betrayal encounter 1 shots me every time. Usually multiple times if it is blocking me and I can't go forward. This is with every enemy un-ranked and no items. The major problem I have is that they just teleport constantly onto me. They ignore taunt mechanics if I get too far away. They have a limited time when popping out of their portals they aren't affected it looks like by curses either and they just 1 shot me at that moment. Not a thing I can do to counter it as this build relies on distance, minions, taunts, and curses for defense. The problem is the Betrayal league mechanics ignore practically all that. I have tried changing up the build to varying degrees to see what I could do to rectify the situation. Doesn't matter. This just isn't a good build for this league.
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Hey Viscar,
"I'm sorry the build isn't working out for you, but great job trying to make it your own! I checked out your character called SlowMotionWitch in Betrayal League in PoB. I have some suggestions that I think will help: 1) Almost none of your items give you health. You want health on all your gear. So if you're going to use an unique or two, make sure your rares have extra high health. You currently have 2900 health with all your items, while my tree will give 3300 with no items. (I personally aim for an minimum of +75 Health on all my rares...over 100 when I'm rich.) 2) Your resists are Fire:26%, Cold: 38%, and Lightning 57%. ANY elemental damage is going to hit really hard. Even if you had 6000 health you'd get one-shot. Those definitely need to be at the 75% cap for any chance of playing any build in endgame. (POE hits us with a -60% to all resists once we finish the story.) 3) The build doesn't use the Taunt mechanic at all in the game. 4) This build actually takes your character right in the middle of combat, it's not ranged. All of our defense comes from our movement skill which applies both Fortify and Enfeeble. That can't be applied from a distance with Shield have to go through enemies often to make sure your damage mitigation is up. 5) You have a very different gem setup than the one I selected. There isn't one set of gem links that copies the guide. It's awesome to try stuff and see what works! Try beefing up your life to at least 4000 and max out your resists (which will unfortunately replacing some of your uniques). Once you've done that, remember to charge through your enemies often to keep your damage mitigation up. It might help your gem setup to work as you hoped! I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" That was a mistake I made too. I hadn't kept an eye on my resists and got killed often by act bosses or the syndicate. After getting more health and elemental resists to max it got easier by a whole margin. I still get one-shoted, but that is mostly if I stood still and missed one of the many buildup attacks in the game. |
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" Mostly solo self found here as well. Trying to see how "well" I can do with almost no currency spent as this build is labeled a good league starter and not really item dependent. I am actually above 3K health with my setup, and with the aura buffs from the necro node and a couple changes up I am capped on resistances. This is while running T1-T6 (as I can find them) maps so far. I literally tried the original setup you had, but found the charged dash clunky, and the whole build very slow with normal content without being much better against Betrayal mechanics. I recently just now switched out a couple things for going with shield charge with fortify to help with the survivability. Seems to be working a little better as it is. I am getting 30-40% phys damage reduction, capped elem resistances, only -29% chaos resistance, good life regen, and a combined health + ES over 4K right now. I still get 1 shotted by Betrayal encounters sometimes. As I said, I have ZERO problems and don't die to any of the other content/mechanics in the game. It's the Betrayal crap that is annoying. Literally because they ignore minions and teleport constantly on top of you. Even when not teleporting, they still tend to ignore the minions. Even taunt using minions like stone golem or the few times I've tried using taunt totem. I like the build except for use against Betrayal. I am trying right now to mostly ignore and avoid Betrayal encounters when I can. Unfortunately, the intervention encounters you can't avoid at all, and some of the caravans or fortifications are placed right in the path you have to go to complete a map. Meaning no way around them. The Research encounters are the only ones I can always avoid since I don't have to step into the research facility to do it. |
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" The Betrayal enemies are very difficult to deal with for just about all builds from what I have seen/experienced so far. I'd recommend getting your Chaos res up or using a Chaos Res flask or 2 and seeing if that makes a difference. I got a unique ring that has almost 30% chaos res so I'm now close to being zeroed out on it in Act 7 and no longer being one shotted by the bosses, from that ring alone. I always save my Vaal Skeletons for them as well which nukes them as well. Fortificatiosn are pain though, you have to charge the totems to get your zombies/skeletons to kill them and then you can actually kill the bosses. With out the totems down, the bosses will own you. That being said, if you are still being one shot, maybe try taking CwDT + Immortal Call which should keep you from being one shot by physical attacks which is the only thing that would if your resists are capped. Also find that it helps to never stop moving on those fights. Proc fortify with shield charge or whatever movement ability you use for it and then just run around your minions so they get your aura buffs. Currently using Ice Bite Support with my minions instead of something like Fortify because they are super tanky at the moment and the extra freeze % chance seems to be a lot better for long fights as long as the enemy can be frozen. Edit: I also noticed you aren't using Summon Holy Relic which gives us a massive amount of health regen and Up's our allies physical damage. Highly recommend using this as long as you are hitting enemies via shield charge/Charged Dash/etc. Last edited by Guru1619#5671 on Dec 21, 2018, 1:22:54 PM
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Hya there, again!
So, my duelist has now reached the end game and I would love to get my Kirsi Vitale there too as soon as possible. Anyway, I still have a question for the act 2 content to come, namely how to deal with bandits. I'm probably blind but I've checked your guide up and down and haven't found anything on how to deal with the bandits. But then again I'm sometimes missing details when running through longer blocks of text, so sorry in advance if I just missed out on this bit of information. Cheers, LJ |
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" Expand this part of the guide 'Quests and Gem Locations - Quick Reference' to find Bandits - With the Bandits in Act 2, I kill them all for the extra 2 skill points. You, of course, do what you like. |
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