Resources for New Players and Super Stash Sale

I agree with you xpress69 .

Last edited by azumibg#1561 on Nov 9, 2018, 6:12:17 AM
xpress69 wrote:
Its about time to have at least one free premium tab dont you think GGG? So that new players can try the game and trade without having to go balls deep right from the start.

No, if they were to do that then we would probably see a hughe drop in money earned by ggg. and if you think thats not to bad. A GAME THAT MAKES NO MONEY GETS SHUT THA FUCK DOWN. no money no game.
Diablo refugees welcome <3
i am old diablo player, since diablo 1, and i bought ps3 then ps4 only cuz of d3 so i can play loving game on big screen, but when i encountered POE first time i was hypnotized, wanted to buy xbone only cuz of POE, but now wohoooooo thx GGG :P

but ty for welcoming :P
Last edited by makarijepoe#7005 on Nov 9, 2018, 6:43:19 AM
Yeah unfortunately. Found another Posting where its mentioned that the accounts are completely separated.

TheDravic wrote:
Whoosher wrote:
If I buy some stashes now will I be able to use them on the PS4 later? I know that there is no crossplay and that characters are not being transferred. What about the microtransactions?


I can bet they cannot be transferred because it's Sony's business and Sony wants its money, too.
60x7 wrote:
necrochicken wrote:
No it's not. Game devs make the fairest free to play model on the market, have free cosmetics every league and someone has to moan for more free stuff. Why don't they give you a new computer to play it on while they are at it. Perhaps Chris can send some of the community team around to clean your house...all free of charge of course wouldn't want you having to pay for anything ever.

Sounds good; please arrange this for me...FOR FREE!

Think you have already earned it look at how many supporter packs you got there lol.
for casual players ?
gibbousmoon wrote:
alhazred70 wrote:
Innomen wrote:
Pay stash tabs are pay to win. They improve your ability to trade. Argument concluded.

Argument reconvened: There are people who've played the entire game all content all endgame bosses with the default stash tabs. trade can be done with acquisition.

Argument concluded: yours is wrong.

What a bizarre argument.

You literally just described many of the most popular pay2win mobile games. Their entire business model is based on "Play the whole game without paying if you want, but it will be inconvenient and painful." Would you say that PoE is anything but "inconvenient and painful" with only 4 stash tabs?

Now, I happen to think that PoE is more of a pay2play game than a pay2win game (due to the non-scalability of non-cosmetic MTXs), but that's beside the point. The argument you just put forth is a really popular counter to pay2win accusations, but it falls flat with just the smallest bit of analysis.

How is it pay2play? I've played for years without spending anything. Now all the money i've spent isn't because it's something i need or really even want i literally buy stuff just because i think GGG deserve my money i've played PoE more than most new releases that cost full retail. If GGG released PoE as a $60 game with 4 stash tabs 1 being premium and a ton of microtransactions people wouldn't say a thing. Make it free to play and we get hordes complaining it's paytoplay. Chances are the first 100 hours or so you aren't going to be doing all that much trading and if you haven't decided the game is worth a couple of bucks by 100 hours why should PoE care about you not like you are putting food on their table.
xpress69 wrote:
Its about time to have at least one free premium tab dont you think GGG? So that new players can try the game and trade without having to go balls deep right from the start.

you have been a member for 5 years yet still demand a free stash tab holy fuck... buy a fucking premium tab
DistantBliss wrote:
theauviper wrote:

You can finish the entire game, every bit of content, trade etc without paying a single cent.

At the end of the day, its literally the FAIREST F2P business model in existence, and some people STILL are not happy. Its crazy.

Hold your horses mister condamning morality knight. You can disagree for sure, and it's true that you can finish the whole game without buying stuff (i did that before buying stuff). But ''fairest''?? Not even among Tencent ''owned'' games i'd say. Do you know how league of legends works? You can buy content and cosmetics there or play enough to unlock it. You also get cosmetics at random times as a reward. Those cosmetics are random so if you want specific stuff you still need to buy it. But that's a lot more accessible and rewarding for both newer and older players and free to play. And it doesn't limit your play at all. Have fun playing PoE without currency tab, map tab, essence tab (as if they ever drop consistently) and what not. You wanna do crafting? Better buy tabs. Wanna do trading? Need premium tabs. Get my point?

With the new influx of diablo players PoE has become quite big. Their microtransaction model and pricing was made when they were small and really needed the cash. With the Tencent buyout they announced a financial boost and stability that would help them hire more people, making them less dependant on the fluctuating microtransactions revenue each month i believe. While this might have been good for the company, we as players have not seen the results of this in either content or pricing of ''extra'' stuff. So it might be understandable why people people would like more free stuff (even if it's only 1 premium tab). Again: i already bought my tabs so i'm good, but i also think the game would be much more welcoming to new players if several of the specific tabs (at least the ones not tyed to past leagues like essence tab) would just be freely available. Next step would be to make cosmetics way cheaper so the treshold to buy those would be lower and people would buy those instead of tabs. Stupid suggestion? May be; but it works fine for league of legends.

We haven't seen the results in either content or pricing?
Urm we got delve which was huge and now we are getting another in December that is even bigger apparently. How fast do you think development times are?
As to costs everyone complained game was going to be paytoplay or more expensive ...that hasn't happened. Did you expect things to get cheaper? The only thing i can complain about in regards to pricing models is having to buy more points than i need being able to buy items directly would be so much nicer Always having that 10 or 20 points left over is annoying.

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