Streamer Interview - Empyriangaming

Lachdanan wrote:
DistantBliss wrote:
So he was the constant depth xxxx spammer; grab the torches lads. Not only was he a constant and unavoidable reminder of what we casuals could never achieve, players like him also cause GGG to balance their game based on their progress. People like him are the reason mobs can and need to oneshot you and you only see Aul maybe once in the league.

Also; people watch his level of play including trivializing content and then quitting the league half way because they got bored. Surely's got no influence at all on player retention since people don't copy behaviour.

Other streamers doing random builds, going hc, racing, crafting or whatever is all nice and caters to a part of the playerbase. I just can't see how this dude contributes in any way. Prove me wrong.

You are wrong.

Original comment/joke. Now go back to your metaslave build, cause you're wasting time here.
Kelvynn wrote:
So this is the person responsible for the incessant 'Crap_ChrisCantStopMySpam' messages popping up non-stop on my screen every 30 sec for hours and hours on end. And GGG not only refused to do anything about that spam, but highlighted and promoted it, as if it was something good.

I never thought PoE would make me feel this way, but the game became more enjoyable when this guy finally quit the league. If I cared about this streamer or wanted to track his progress, I'd be watching his stream. Good thing he didn't decide to go to depth 5000, or 10000.

Breaking the game and making all enemies completely unable to hurt you may be a great achievement, but that spam was really annoying. Maybe if you were actually playing your game, Bex, you wouldn't be so fascinated.

Unfortuately its even worse because we now get spammed all over again because Empys group never signed back on so the second in place is now spamming.

This message needs to be optional AND remember what people were up to before the last patch.
INVEST MORE INTO YOUR MAPS AND YOU WILL GET RETURN(MAYBE) - sry, but i want to get some profit out of running maps not just 0 balance or most likely(high tiers)expenses

interview with noob who can't solo
DistantBliss wrote:
So he was the constant depth xxxx spammer; grab the torches lads. Not only was he a constant and unavoidable reminder of what we casuals could never achieve, players like him also cause GGG to balance their game based on their progress. People like him are the reason mobs can and need to oneshot you and you only see Aul maybe once in the league.

Also; people watch his level of play including trivializing content and then quitting the league half way because they got bored. Surely's got no influence at all on player retention since people don't copy behaviour.

Other streamers doing random builds, going hc, racing, crafting or whatever is all nice and caters to a part of the playerbase. I just can't see how this dude contributes in any way. Prove me wrong.

You contradict yourself. If he trivializes this content while streaming it, any casual could watch what he does and quickly move to a higher level of play. That in itself has immense value to many people.

He got there after 1 month of 4-8 hours a day, so you could acheieve the same, semicasual-style playing 1-3 hours a day throughout the entire league, merely by following his lead.

If watching someone play the game at a higher level than you discourages you, never get into any competitive sport.
make group size up to 100 so he can abuse the system even further
Kelvynn wrote:
So this is the person responsible for the incessant 'Crap_ChrisCantStopMySpam' messages popping up non-stop on my screen every 30 sec for hours and hours on end. And GGG not only refused to do anything about that spam, but highlighted and promoted it, as if it was something good.

I never thought PoE would make me feel this way, but the game became more enjoyable when this guy finally quit the league. If I cared about this streamer or wanted to track his progress, I'd be watching his stream. Good thing he didn't decide to go to depth 5000, or 10000.

Breaking the game and making all enemies completely unable to hurt you may be a great achievement, but that spam was really annoying. Maybe if you were actually playing your game, Bex, you wouldn't be so fascinated.
All you had to do was Options -> Notifications -> untick "League Event"...
Are people trully so mad and butthurt or are they trolling? I honestly can't tell...
Last edited by VulpineKitsune on Oct 16, 2018, 2:38:58 PM
Atlantae wrote:
I am a noob.....

So you've never noticed that literally every single time some reached a zone for the first time in a league or reached the highest level on the ladder or died while near the top of the ladder that a message displayed? The messages for the delve progress weren't something special just for them; they would display regardless of who was pushing deeper into the delve.

Stupid noob
If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
I have that league event notification unticked. It doesn't work. Just FYI.
Last edited by PumaMogwai on Oct 16, 2018, 6:16:51 PM

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