[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes


Thank you for the answer! I am a noob :). I just play this game since a year and I am still learning a lot. I spent A LOT on scarabs to Delve... and made tons of mistakes there too! hehehe.

You are right, Loreweave is a lot cheaper now. Last time I checked it was over 5 ex.

Thank you again for the answers!

I just want to jump in for another big Thank you!
I was really trying to minmax this build and it worked out perfectly! :D
I got to lvl 100, have beaten Uber Elder deathless und just reached Delve 1.100 today.
riddle67 wrote:
I just want to jump in for another big Thank you!
I was really trying to minmax this build and it worked out perfectly! :D
I got to lvl 100, have beaten Uber Elder deathless und just reached Delve 1.100 today.
Wow, some effort you put in, GZ on 100!
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Is this a fun/easy build for a newer player? Only played one league so far and wanted to test a melee build!
Emxper wrote:
Is this a fun/easy build for a newer player? Only played one league so far and wanted to test a melee build!

I wouldnt recommend it as a league starter, but once u got the core items the build is pretty easy as it's tankyness makes it hard kill. The fun part is subjective though, for players used to glass cannon millions of dps characters it may seem dull and boring.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Feb 21, 2019, 6:58:09 AM
i play a similiar jugg, just with molten strike as main skill
i though use consecrated path for clearing speed

have a lil bit trouble to level up. anyone sees a big hole in my build?

Im bad at math.
LoTharios wrote:
i play a similiar jugg, just with molten strike as main skill
i though use consecrated path for clearing speed

have a lil bit trouble to level up. anyone sees a big hole in my build?

To be fair, getting above level 91 without pure breachstones feels like a chore. 1 death can offset so many hours spent grinding exp. I think you need to ditch resolute technique and just take the undeniable ascendancy so you can use elemental overload for more damage overall. Respec those elemental resistance and life regen nodes as well and just buy the required jewels for element resistance. Don't need to push to 80, i think 50+ is enough with extra resistance coming from endurance charges. I don't know if cons path is necessary for clearing speed when you can just leap around and molten strike mobs
thank you for your reply

i was told to get rid of rt and respeced it. but my crit chance was only 6%
i thought thats too low to go for elemental overload.

but since my current layout does not work i think i have to go for undeniable.

breachstones arent in my budget right now. 220 chaos is all whats left after buying my loreweave ringmail. so think i have to grind the hard way :{
Im bad at math.
Yeah mine is not that high either, only 7.82% effective crit chance but the damage boost is noticeable when it procs. Not that hard to proc it since molten strike with multistrike and blood rage buff gives us so much attack speed. Get all jewels with increased % maximum life affix and a stygian wise so you can push to minimum 40+ elemental resistance.
Hey guys. I' am playing Tectonic slam jugger. This thread attracted my attention and wanted to look at it. and I want to try and see that all my stuff is suitable for this build

My profile : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Rhego_1/characters

Somebody told me to explain why this Watcher's eye is important.Can I play without this?

Last edited by Rhego_1#2806 on Feb 25, 2019, 7:49:34 AM

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