[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes
Firstly, thank you so much for this build. I was finding the molten strike skill stale to play and after a few orbs of regrets and some selling/buying, I'm not doing too bad and having way more fun.
I was hoping you could give me some pointers on my PoB. I must say, I had a lot of trouble at first with resistances but managed to push them all onto my jewels. Not sure if that's ideal or not. https://pastebin.com/w4DSqym4 I noticed the end-game PoB is around 700k effective DPS for Cons Path, whilst mine is currently around 150k. Where should I focus on upgrading or maybe my skill tree is a little out of wack? Appreciate it! Edit: Just realised I was gimping my DPS quite heavily without the Endurance Charge nodes so respec'ed to get all 10 Charges. Boosted DPS to around 360k on PoB. Still lots of room for improvement, thanks again! Last edited by Sepyuu#2688 on Jan 7, 2019, 1:27:08 PM
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" As far as I can see the main reasons: When you get hit you take DoT from the weapons. Shock is dangerous. Proccing the recovery isn't a calculated option. It's just a general recommendation. Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
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" It has leech node(s) above Iron Reflexes. Wantcher's Eye I use is with life recovery. Tombfists w Enfeeble is a great option. All the info you ask for is in the first post. Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
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" You are only level 79, what do you expect? And you don't have life on any of your yellow jewels. You have 230K shaper dps at level 79, it's a ridicolous amount for that level. Take more life nodes, it's so obvious that I wonder why u even ask. Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874 Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Jan 7, 2019, 1:23:17 PM
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" The build is based around gettins most ot the resistances from jewel, so you are doin it right. Good jewels with life, attack speed and resists is perhaps the most important factor for it to work really well. You have good items and your life is ok, just focus on taking Lava Lash and the attack speed nodes now; Versatility, Ambidexterity and Bloody Bludgeon. You can take away the 30-Dex node by taking Versatility and dex instead of strength by the jewel node next to Golem's Blood. And drop Atziri flask, it doesnt work with avatar of fire. Buy a Lions Roar. Kiaras flask is also a waste as you are immune to freeze and stuns when using Kaoms Roots. If you do all this, at level 95 you will have 440K shaper dps and 7K life, enough to do Shaper and Uber Elder without much problems. https://pastebin.com/B9shktc2 edit: you are overcapped on resists, so you can replace the jewel Spirit Dew with on that has only cold and lightning reists. You can also lower your cold resist on the belt to be the same as your lightning resist, then Wise Oak will give double protection on thos resist. If u take it even further you can sell your Xop's amulet for one with 22% fire res to get all resists equal. Check out the PoB link, Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874 Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Jan 7, 2019, 2:05:17 PM
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" That was an insane amount of pointers, thanks man. I've done as you've said, replaced the flasks and adjusted my resistances so that they are now all aligned. https://pastebin.com/RgxXwUWr I'll now focus on Lava Lash, Versatility and Ambidexterity. Then I'll remove that single point in Strength by Golem's Blood to make up for the loss of 30 Dex node. In terms of gear, I'm guessing my next suitable upgrade is 2 socket Tombfists and helm enchant? Also, how important is the last Jewel Socket on the left? It's going to hold the Watcher's Eye Prismatic, when should I think about obtaining it? Many thanks again! |
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" The helm enchant isn't a big deal, since you already have balanced your resists and the stats on it are good I would leave it as is for now. If survivability is your priority I would get a pair of 1 socket Tombfists with Enfeeble on Hit - 2 socket Tombfists are so expensive now so I would consider if it's worth it or not. http://poe.trade/search/aziruronowobon Same with the watcher's Eye, just replace it with Soul Creed or Spirit Crusher jewel, or take the last jewel node. http://poe.trade/search/ouasitomaraugi If you have the currency I would buy them right away, no need to wait. edit: and your speed flasks has freeze reomve on it that you dont need. Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874 Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Jan 7, 2019, 3:41:43 PM
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Hey Dkodr!
Just curious if you wouln't mind taking a quick peek at my setup. I've got a lot of the high end setup going now. I did Uber Elder around 90 and got smashed. I'm thinking though it may have had a lot to do with just understanding the fight more than anything. Anything I should adjust or focus on? Any tips for Uber? My biggest issue was CP moving me into damage, like shaper beam/orbs. Thanks! Great build. Forever Exiled Podcast - www.foreverexiled.com
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" Firs of all, your wepaons has low damage, and no quality. This drags down your overall damage output by about 15-20% since everything scales off them. At least change the Onslaught Nebuloch for one with 240+ pdps and minimum 38% phys to fire. You can also add 30% quality with beastcrafting. Second thing: you are overcapped on resists. This is pointless and you can trade the excess resists with life or damage mods on your items, no need to have above 75% res. in hideout, you have a total of about 80% more thant that. Getting more attacks speed on jewels will be the best. 3rd thing: Armageddon Brand now replaces Molten shell, it just works better with igniting stuff. 4th: You killed Alira in bandit quest. Redo that to Kill All for 2 skill points. You will loose 15% all res from that so do i before any gear changes. 5: Your watchers Eye only provides 120 life regen to your build, that is nothing compared to what a good rare jewel would providem or a Watchers with life recovery when using Vitality- Sell the one you have and buy the proper one, or just replace it with a good yellow jewel. 6. Use Path of Building to test gear and skill point combos to find the best balance beween offensive and defensive setups. https://pastebin.com/eA3Qp6Pv THe recommendations given in the first post would prevent many of these issues, make sure you know what is written there, almost every issue that comes up here is somehow explained in the first post. Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
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When it comes to Uber Elder i made a tips section in the second post in the first thread.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
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