[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

cbaist4488 wrote:
had a question about gem links

in the recommended link set up you have different links comparative to the links in your end game gear. im at the point where im ready to acquire end game gear, should i stick with the recommended links or use the links in your end game gear?
The endgame gear has properties that frees up gem sockets; Fortify and Enfeeble f.ex. Do the changes that YOU feel is necessary and makes the build stronger as you require upgrades to the build.
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Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Dec 31, 2018, 8:45:32 PM
Dkodr wrote:
cdomcc wrote:
im currently farming the gear for the build with another char, but i just watch how expensive are the tombfist with 2 abyss socket, whats a good sustitu just a good defensive gloves ? if you can put a good presearch for a sustitute i will be grateful

1 socket Tombfists with a good Murderous Jewel will do fine.

what gem should i get on the extra slot? does vitality + herald of ash + enfeeble or flamability is too much mana reserved?
cdomcc wrote:
Dkodr wrote:
cdomcc wrote:
im currently farming the gear for the build with another char, but i just watch how expensive are the tombfist with 2 abyss socket, whats a good sustitu just a good defensive gloves ? if you can put a good presearch for a sustitute i will be grateful

1 socket Tombfists with a good Murderous Jewel will do fine.

what gem should i get on the extra slot? does vitality + herald of ash + enfeeble or flamability is too much mana reserved?

I run a little more utility than most of these guys if you want to check my gear. I am one of the juggs that never runs without cwdt+enfeeble+bloodrage. Though my gear is very spendy this early in season as im one of the rich people in game. Reason being i think the value from deaths doors> endurance kaoms boots. sure 170hp is nice, but ill take a 4 link setup over it any day.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Jan 1, 2019, 12:07:43 AM
Dkodr wrote:
Mrdljen wrote:
I am but i completely messed up and had to respec, i am just asking if you have any advice on how to be as close as possible without missing key elements and a complete respec :)

i am trying to figure it out, but i lack a lot of knowledge still.

You have to spend about 25 to 30 respecc points to fix your tree.

First take away the 6 Combat Stamina and Arsonist nodes and the 1 jewel node next to Combat Stamina.

Use the points to path from Art of the Gladiator to Dervish and down to the first dex node. Then take away the 5 points from Vigour. Use them to connect
to Born to Fight, then Strong Arm up to Barbarism.

Then take away the 8 life and strength nodes around Constitution.
Use them to go from Resolute Technique up to Devotion and connect with Holy Dominion. Then take away the 6 nodes beneath Sanctity, use them to connect from
Devotion to Purity of Flesh. Then fill so it looks like this:

I cant thank you enough:)

in the mean time i have done this:

so i will go from here in the pointers you have made
have a happy new year, cheers!
Last edited by Mrdljen#1432 on Jan 1, 2019, 4:46:08 PM
Thank you so much!
i've just got lvl 96 with this build.
Can you tell me what i can improve to increase survivability or damage
Dkodr wrote:

Best move I can think of is to buy one of the cheap (1-2ex) Tombfists with Enfeeble on Hit. Then you run Herald of Purity, Herald of Ash and another aura for more damage or defense. Drop Blasphemy-Flammability, it's not good vs bosses because of reduced curse effectiveness.


Also check out the tips about killing Elder in the link a few posts above

Then there is the Fortify on Hit Nebuloch that frees up a gem slot.


And last there is the Vitality Watchers eye, will bump your defense by a lot:


And get 20% quality on your Blood Rage...
And make your rings have 30 life with Blessed Orb's

Thanks a lot for your help! A second set of eyes really helps spotting small things like the 30 life on rings.
I've managed to take down Shaper super easily deathless on my first try. Finally my first Shaper kill! :)
Cleared uber elder for the first time! Awesome guidance from this thread! Time to move on to the next build i guess. All the best fellow exile!
4bsorbe wrote:
Thank you so much!
i've just got lvl 96 with this build.
Can you tell me what i can improve to increase survivability or damage

Here is my suggested changes, if you do them all you will get about 25% more damage but about 200 less life.

Get some Nebuloch's with good damage and quality - yours don't have quality.
Buy a good (min-240 pdps and min38% phys2fire)uncorrupted pair and make them 30% quality with Einhar's Beastcrafting for cheap.


Get a good Searching Eye jewel for your Tombfists.


Take the Precision nodes and level your Bloodrage to lvl 18 and give it 20% quality for a solid attack speed boost.

Get 20% quality on all your skill gems - you can vendor a lvl 20 gem with 1 Gemcutters Prism for a lvl 1 20% quality gem.

Get 20% quality on your flasks.

Get quality on your helmet and craft hybrid life on it ((36–40)% increased Armour +(24–28) to maximum Life)

New Skill Tree:
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Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Jan 1, 2019, 1:13:50 PM
System3D wrote:

Thanks a lot for your help! A second set of eyes really helps spotting small things like the 30 life on rings.
I've managed to take down Shaper super easily deathless on my first try. Finally my first Shaper kill! :)

Gratz! Time to try Uber Elder then ;)
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