[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes
NB! Some of the info in this build guide is outdated, use the info on your own risk.
For updated info go to poe.ninja's builds overview ![]() Welcome to a guide on how to get up and running with dual wielding Nebuloch's while using Consecrated Path! Feel free to ask questions or add comments that can improve the guide and the build. Make sure to read the whole guide and re-check it for information if anything is unclear before asking for help. To search for specific info in the whole thread copy this search string into Google Search and add your search words at the end of the string. site:pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2236076
About The Build
This is a 100% Fire based elemental damage melee build that utilize the synergy between the Juggernauts endurance charge oriented ascendancies and the Nebuloch mace's properties. The synergy gives the build both offensive and defensive benefits from endurance charges combined with resistance penetration from gear, skill gems and the passive tree. It also reaps the benefit from the Elemental Overload node by not being based on the Resolute Technique node, but it is not a crit oriented build. All these synergies makes a build that can take a lot of damage from all incoming sources, and are capable of doing all endgame content with some investment. Consecrated Path was introduced as a new melee skill in 3.4. It creates Consecrated Ground when it hits that provides additional (6%) life regeneration. Added with the other sources of regen and damage mitigations the build benefits from it outweighs the drawback of the 200 fire damage taken pr. endurance charge pr. second from the Nebuloch's (wich also was lowered from 400 in 3.4)
Leveling Section
Choose whatever skills and gear you prefer when leveling up, here is a suggestion for the pathing of the skillpoints as you level. In Act 2 we Kill All the Bandits for 2 Passive points. Click here for more info about fast Marauder leveling in this Reddit thread! From level 1 to 20 first take take the life nodes up to Born To Fight node, then head down to the Duelist area and take Art of The Gladiator. Link to Level 1-20 Tree Then go trough the Strong Arm to Barbarism, take the Stamina node and Jewel Socket, then head up to Devotion, Holy Dominion and Discipline and Training. In the first Labyrinth Trial choose Undeniable as Juggernaut. Level 45 Tree Level 68 Tree Level 68; This is where you equip the Nebuloch's, Kaom's rings and take Avatar of Fire and Elemental Overload. Make sure you have at least 4000 life and 5 Endurance charges for not to take damage from the Nebuloch's. Level 90 Tree At level 90, if you have a Xoph's Blood Amulet, go directly for the level 100 tree. Level 100 Tree with Xoph's Blood Amulet Good leveling items:
Skill Gems
To begin with I recommend using the following core gem setups: Body Armor: Take out Endurance Charge on Melee Stun if you only have a 5-link Weapon 1: Unavailable ORWhen Combustion ignites an enemy they get -19% fire resist, it adds extra damage with the main skill. Weapon 2: Here you can choose to use Enfeeble or Flammability for either a defensive or offensive curse. Helmet: Gloves: OR
Starter Gear with Trade Links
This is what I think is the minimum gear requirements. Stats, gear breakdown and cost analyziz (click on links, choose your league to see costs). If you get this then these are some of the stats you will have at level 90: 6000 Life 250 000 DpS on a 5-link gem setup without flasks active 9 Endurance charges 30 000 Armor with charges up 90% physical mitigation with charges up 17% Block Chance 500 life regen pr. second when taking degen and on Consecrated Ground 1400 life leech pr. second 80% max resistances 115+% fire resistance with charges up 115+% cold " 115+% lightning " 27% Chaos resistance The build requires 3 core items: the weapons, body armor and rings: Weapon is two of the Nebuloch's. Get two of these with at least 38% fire damage and 230 Pdps http://poe.trade/search/mamininohiyadu Body armor is Loreweave: Get a minimum 5-link with 80% max resists, or link it with fuses. http://poe.trade/search/aremokosazimat Rings are Kaom's Way OR yellow life/dmg/resist rings (low budget) http://poe.trade/search/kotuwonurigabo http://poe.trade/search/iketehootakeku http://poe.trade/search/huniwatoasikui http://poe.trade/search/niritonatoseto http://poe.trade/search/kotohikamikesi Helmet is Hrimnor's Resolve. Great cheap helm with all the stats that we need. http://poe.trade/search/ihinoyarezunar Gloves are 1 socket Tombfist's, or yellow with life, attack speed and resists. Socket a Murderous Eye in Tombfist for Intimidate on Hit. http://poe.trade/search/tehomitagaumag http://poe.trade/search/retautamimtama Boots Is Kaom's Roots or rare with life, movespeed and resists, try to get with a open suffix that you can craft a resist. http://poe.trade/search/osenakitogorar http://poe.trade/search/hakahuwotahiyo Amulet is yellow with life, physical attack damage, minimum 70% resists and dexterity. Try to get one with a open suffix so you can benchcraft a resist. http://poe.trade/search/horiwokiunonar Belt is a yellow Stygian Vise with life and Ele. Damage and resists. http://poe.trade/search/mimonasikonako Jewels is an important part of the build, we want 6 yellow ones of these with life, attack speed, and double resists. 1 Murderous Eye for the glove socket and any other Abyss Jewel in the belt. Make sure to buy ones that balance your resists. http://poe.trade/search/ugoninaumigenn http://poe.trade/search/amayetitesohuk http://poe.trade/search/amariomomakomo http://poe.trade/search/uaikaromidogot http://poe.trade/search/owokitagakiyar Flasks are as follow: http://poe.trade/search/haradubihubeko http://poe.trade/search/ewonomkonogari http://poe.trade/search/imebabutamanoh http://poe.trade/search/iomamabomkanan http://poe.trade/search/komasohetauoni
Endgame Gear Section
The following items will be what you upgrade to when you have the currency available. Be aware that getting enough elemental resistances on gear and balancing them will be an issue, plan ahead in PoB before making major investments. Rings: 2 Kaom's Way. Can also be made with the King's Path prophecy http://poe.trade/search/urinanikikosei http://poe.trade/search/uohioyotukinat Boots: Kaom's Roots with +1 Endurance charge corruption. Get as high life as possible. http://poe.trade/search/oikuarinamoyuh Helmet:Fossil crafted Armor helmet with life, resists and Nearby Enemies Have -9% To Fire Resistance mod. Ideally also with a Consecrated Path Damage lab enchant or Blood Rage Attack Speed Enchant. These can be crafted with fire and life fossils http://poe.trade/search/uwoeritorinatu Gloves: 2-socket Tombfists or 1/2-socket with Enfeeble on Hit http://poe.trade/search/imetarahahagon Body Armor: A 6-linked good rolls Loreweave with 80% max resists. Link yours with fuses, or buy a 6-link http://poe.trade/search/ukonakoohohaka Jewels: Double damage modded, %life, %resist rare yellow jewels If you can get 5-6 of these you are set. http://poe.trade/search/homihunikukito http://poe.trade/search/hikaariariwene http://poe.trade/search/imeinamkeihayo http://poe.trade/search/ihuwisamhariya http://poe.trade/search/osimakohamameb http://poe.trade/search/tatausenoyotau http://poe.trade/search/tonanikoamaram Belt: Stygian Vise with good stats High life, a lot of resists and high damage. http://poe.trade/search/utakoninonihau Amulet Xhop's Blood Unique amulet. Takes your damage to the next level. Ash gives you 20% increased damage and 20% reduced movement speed for your enemies. Built in Avatar of Fire frees up 4-5 skill points on the tree. http://poe.trade/search/rarokanniwoato Weapon: Nebuloch with a good corruption Can be Fortify on Hit, Attack Speed, Phys. damage (Above 250 pDps) http://poe.trade/search/onihutekosikiy Wathcer's Eye Jewel Life Recovery Rate when affected by Vitality Takes life and leech regen to the next level. Requires the Vitality aura. You can even get double or triple Vitality mods on these jewels, but the cost is very high. http://poe.trade/search/aesigowihaahum http://poe.trade/search/amitokonnohima Optional Endgame Gear Belt: Elder yellow belt with life, elemental damage, resists and life recovery rate Belts like these boost your life regeneration even further, best used in conjunction with the Watcher's Eye. Life Recovery can not be crafted on Stygian belts. http://poe.trade/search/husitarimarugo http://poe.trade/search/ihoometageyaha http://poe.trade/search/enowahadobazar
Min_Maxed Gear
Don't expect this level of gear without heavy investment. Use it as a pointer of what is possible to achieve by min/maxing the build. PoB-code lvl 100 with this gear : https://pastebin.com/1tAVwzw4
Ascendancies and Pantheon
We choose Juggernaut and this is my suggested order. Node nr.4 is optional, it may be better to take the regen node before aquiring Kaom's Way rings, do what you feel is right. ![]() These Pantheon choices is a geneal recommendation as they can be situational. ![]()
Tips and Tricks
Open all the trade tabs when looking for gear, and activate the Live Search function. You will then be notified when new items comes up for sale. Use Path of Building to decide exatly what stats you need on items to balance your resists. Then add these stats in the live trade searches. If you get all your resists at the exact same level, you will get all the benefits from The Wise Oak flask. If you can't, make sure fire resist is the highest so the penetration bonus from our 100% fire damage is active during flask effect. By wearing and using a movement skill, you will automatically gain endurance charges. Great for boss fights and other situations where there isn't any chance of getting charges (because without them the build is super squishy) If you roll a Cannot Leech map you can just change a red gem in the main skill setup with a Blood Magic gem, then the map becomes possible to run. If you find a Unidentified Corrupted Map use a totem to test if it has the Elemental Reflect mode that will kill you. If the totem instantly dies, so will you if you use your attack skill. Unavailable Buy a 400+ pdps yellow mace with at least 1,7 attack speed to have in your weapon swap slot together with another Nebuloch. It makes clearing easy maps and moving around with Leap Slam much faster. http://poe.trade/search/monatewatohowa
Path of Building Codes
Level 68 Equipping Nebuloch's PoB-code: https://pastebin.com/Fxp3g5aK PoB-code for level 90 with the gear posted in the Starter Gear section: https://pastebin.com/kW9qNP2s PoB-Code for Level 100 with Xoph's Blood: https://pastebin.com/a44HHPKa PoB discussion thread and download links can be foud at: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1716360
Aul The Crystal King at lvl 651 https://youtu.be/e7_evndrFWQ Ahuatotli The Blind Boss Fight https://youtu.be/agay541f5mc Kurgal The Blackblooded https://youtu.be/af6pnT60TcU The Shaper https://youtu.be/2ZcoEsoC32k Uber Elder https://youtu.be/aOWGXQUbgvE Double Beyond T16 Toxic Sewer https://youtu.be/KseP-Ekvikc Hall of Grandmasters https://youtu.be/QKqjyWAAeSM
Gear used in Uber Elder Video
PoB-code: https://pastebin.com/Z5jN1vhs
External Links and Resources
Here are links to other players guides and characters doing more or less the same build. Poe.ninja's build overview. Use as resource for ideas about different gem combos and gear upgrades: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Juggernaut&item=Nebuloch&skill=Consecrated-Path&weapon=Dual-Maces&minlevel=96 mbXtreme's video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MoN3p_3hQY E.E's video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAuTev6ZYPI Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874 Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Oct 1, 2019, 9:48:03 AM Last bumped on Jun 20, 2019, 11:40:15 PM
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This is work in progress, feel free to ask any questions and add ideas that can improve the guide :)
11.03.19 I updated the level 100 tree in the leveling section to the 3.6 version of the skilltree. 6.01.2019 I have added some new gem options to the gem section in post 1. If you have a lot of (40%) unreserved mana and a spare gem socket you can add War Banner for an extra damage boost. Place the banner at bosses or in tight spots. And it's free MTX! https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/War_Banner Or if you struggle with low life regen at low level you can add a Stone Golem to your setup. Some players have said that it is hard to keep life up after equipping the Nubuloch's at level 68. I went trough the PoB configuration and I found that it added Enduring Cry's regen buff. When I turned it off I saw that you actually take a considerable degen at low levels with the Nebuloch's. I therefore adjusted the starter gear section, taking away Kaom's Sign as an option. I replaced them with rare rings or Kaom's Way. These changes now results in almost nothing or no negative life regen at level 68. I also reduced the number of Endurance charges in the lv 68 tree, so that now you only have 5 charges when equipping the nebuloch's. This is to counter the degen that players had problems with. Armageddon Brand has replaced Molten Shell as a CWDT - Combustion setup. After testing I think it generally works much better for igniting bosses. Tips for Uber Elder:
Uber can be tricky and I have some suggestions that will make it easier. If Your offenses and defenses are good you should be able to do it w.o much problems. In the video I have about 400K shaper dps before flasks and no totem. 1. Use 2 insta-life flasks and Soul of Ryslatha during the fight. The panteon node will refill the life flask, providing more survivablity and less chance of wasting portals. 2. Use a quicksilver that you pop when shaper sends balls at you and u are killing Elder. Leap Slam is unreliable and it can be easier to walk fast between the balls. 3. Use Soul of Solaris during the fight 4. Consider taking out the totem and replace it with CWDT-Armageddon Brand-Combustion. The Uber Elder fight is so messy that one less thing to think about, like placing the totem, can work better better. 5. Make sure you have quality on your flasks 6. Get charges before the fight starts with Gluttony belt 7. Study the fight and know it's different phases; when to attack shaper, when to attack Elder etc. There is a video of the fight in the 1st post and a PoB link to the gear and stats that was used in the fight. 8. You can tank the Shaper's slam when on full life, if he teleports just keep attacking. 9. If f.ex teleporting involuntarily into Shapers Beam/Balls is a problem, you can set Consecrated Path to "Always Attack Without Moving" by left clicking on the skill icon. Here is PoB links to players characters that have killed Uber Elder in this thread: https://pastebin.com/KxwPTbUU https://pastebin.com/XQCe5D7W https://pastebin.com/0Nq9ka7m Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874 Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Mar 11, 2019, 3:06:26 AM
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great job will test is today
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" This is a nice start! Thank you for putting it together. three other sections that might be helpful would be: 1) a tree leveling guide (to show us which nodes to take first and which nodes to leave until later). 2) some suggestions of what to do when leveling the character in terms of gear and skills. 3) general game play explanation (ie just a quick explanation of how you approach each pack and fight them (leap slam into them to proc fortify etc) and a quick explanation of how to approach single target bosses). I am looking forward to trying this. Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge#5265 on Oct 15, 2018, 8:28:37 PM
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I do have two general questions after my suggestions above.
1) When looking at the POB link you provided, I noticed the fully buffed DPS (all flasks active etc) is still fairly low for an end game build. How does this build take down the end game bosses? Do you need extreme mouse skill to be able to stay alive long enough to allow the low dps to finally whittle down an end game boss or am I missing something in the game play that can attack single targets better than I understand? I am going to watch the videos link you provided to see if I can figure it out. 2) The POB link shows the defense mitigation is at the cap of 90% before using Lion's Roar. How does Lion's Roar help this build? Is it just for the knock back and extra damage and ignores the armor boost? Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge#5265 on Oct 15, 2018, 8:50:27 PM
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" ok, after watching the videos you provided I think I can answer my question. It looks like this works because you can stay in place and continually hit the single target bwith damage instead of constant circling and or the hit and jump away technique. So even though the DPS is lower than other end game builds, because you can provide more constant damage to the single target, it works out. Do I have this theory correct in general because of the characters strong defense mitigation? |
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" 1. The build is very tanky so most bosses can just be facetanked without issues It takes a bit longer, but since you almost take no damage it's not a big issue. The starter version is quiet good, but will get even better with the endgame gear consisting of 2 Kaom's Way rings that add a lot of life regeneration and the extra endurance charge on a corrupted pair of Kaom's Roots. These items cost 1-2 ex each so I didn't add them in the starting gear section. I can add a endgame gear section with links to the items and prices. Take note that you will not be able to do Shaper or Uber Elder with the starter gear, but it will be good for up to T15 map bosses. It is a good lab runner as well, taking almost no damage from traps with charges up. Also, the PoB code I have linked is with a 5-linked armor. This is also why we add the Ancestral Warchief totem for extra damage against bosses. 2. Lion's Roar is mainly a damage flask for this build, but it also adds some defense. Notice that the mitigation is only with all endurance charges up, the build is 100% dependent on having them running all the time. Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
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I'm trying to figure out why you gain so much damage per endurance charge with your build in PoB. Can you clue me in?
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" the damage per endurance charge comes from two different sources. 1) the Nebuloch maces 2) Juggernaut ascendancy Unyielding |
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Thank you for adding the leveling section, that was very helpful.
If I don't care about leveling super fast, is it ok to start using Consecrated Path around level 30 instead of staying with Sunder? I enjoy having access to my end game skill as early as possible. |
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