Daily Routine to Find Delve Bosses
Depth 600. (⌐■_■)
Damn I wish my delve looked like that gotta be the richest 10x10 square i've seen lol, looks like we found the person averaging out everyone elses shitty boss spawns ^^
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Oct 11, 2018, 5:20:18 PM
" So? Must i have a single boss done? I have several of them on my mine, i just haven't branchd out to them, so what's your point? Yeah "hurr durr nolife" does come into play, cos that's exactly what it is. You call this jebaiting? More like a getting slapped by 4 ppl without even understanding wtf we're discussing. Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12. Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Oct 12, 2018, 2:41:50 AM
Yeah cos everyone can be bothered to get to depth 600, which is a part of the endgame grind challenges btw. You might aswell say that there's bosses in depth 3000, cos some group reached it, everyone should right?
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12. Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Oct 12, 2018, 2:44:27 AM
" Then don't expect to finish any of the bosses? It's not like GGG is forcing you to do them. Most people don't even do Shaper. Your now in that 95% that won't ever complete all the challenges unless you pay someone to carry them. The main complaint on the thread was I never see any bosses because of boss RNG and obviously it isn't RNG if people spent the time to actually go deeper. (⌐■_■)
" What people are saying here is that this content should be more accessible. You're basically just saying that bosses are in depths that literally most people don't reach and it's fine. Man if noone reaches it, it is obviously not fine. Just cos something IS, doesn't mean it HAS to be. That's just some elitist bs. Besides i've seen bosses around depth 200 already when i went past that, i just haven't branched out to them yet. You don't even need 600 lmao. I got 36 last league btw in about a month, wasn't very hard man. I can do most of what i want, so i'm talking more about avg players not myself + getting to 40 is just a grind, not skill based so i could never be bothered with it. There's no reward or incentive for it anyway. Just cause i can reach content, doesn't mean most people can and i don't like that. I also don't understand why most ppl that can reach content act like elititst towards everyone else. I mean if 75% of the playerbase can reach it and 25% can't, then it's obviously just that those 25% need to "git gud", BUT if 5% can reach it and 95% can't, then it needs to be changed, as they have, by buffing it) period. Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12. Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Oct 12, 2018, 4:49:19 AM
" One of the points of delves was player retention, and if you give everyone accessibility to the content. They quit playing, because there is literally nothing for them to do. Making content more accessible, just because more people should be able to do them, was never a thing. And still isn't a thing. All of it is a grind. And if you put in the time to grind. You get your bosses. I mean think about it. Most people don't even do Uber Elder or Uber Atziri. And you don't see everyone up and arms about how inaccessible those encounters are. You do them if you have the time and the right build. Or you don't. Same with delves. And yeah, they fixed Aul's spawn rates. But that was only after people were complaining at depth 600, that they were seeing literally every other boss except Aul. Now, it's normalized with the rest of the bosses. (⌐■_■) Last edited by RPGlitch#6206 on Oct 12, 2018, 6:58:18 AM
Noone said anything about giving full accesibility to everyone for everything, don't overexaggerate things man. Making something MORE accessible =/= get lvl 100 in 5 hours and have items that help u faceroll delve depth 1000 for 1 chaos.
Yeah it is a thing and always was a thing. World of Warcraft ahem.... it's just that some devs can go too far with it... WoW again lol. UE/UA EVEN? Dunno how you can say "even" in that context, when UE is literally the end boss of everything (except delve). Man most people don't do red maps proabably and don't achieve half the challenges of the league in 3 months. Actually there's been plenty of ppl up in arms about uber Elder. Not so much about UA (cos it's older content). Delve is different, cos it's directly related to almost half the challenges of the league. UA and UE only have 1 part in 1 challenge or 2. You think all the other shit they've had to fix in leagues with the unexistant spawn rates in bestiary and abyss etc doesn't show that they make stuff too hard for the majority of people? Obviously it does if they have had to always patch these rates etc. Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12. Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Oct 12, 2018, 7:43:18 AM
" That's not what I said. And don't make things up. Depth 600 isn't unattainable. If your willing to grind for a few hours, you can hit it in 1-2 weeks, even faster if you have a group. Which is acceptable, considering there is literally nothing to do after you finish. It's supposed to be endgame content. As in, you have nothing to do in the game when you hit it. It makes sense for it to take a long time to complete. I think people fail to realize they need to lower their expectations if they don't have the time or the skill to do it. Just because you used to hit 36 or whatever number of challenges a league before, doesn't mean you'll always have the time to do it every league. All the other reasons seem superficial at this point. Delve Bosses aren't gated behind much RNG if you spent the time actually delving deep. You can do the delve bosses even if they are 600+ if you have the right build. Just like how only a few builds can even do Uber Elder. And most players aren't even seeing Shaper, so delve bosses are only inaccessible for people who don't have time. Casuals don't care. Which is fine, because PoE has always been like that. If you don't have time. You don't grind 300+ maps and run lab 100 times. " Yeah, it's fixed now and people are still complaining. Sure, do more tests to find a right balance. But endgame encounters should always remain rare, because that's kinda the point. (⌐■_■)
" " It's a month into the league and only 702 (DSC Solo Delve) characters have reached delve depth 600+. This website completely contradicted your statement... Also by your argument only 702 characters should have regular access to delve bosses. I don't know exactly how many unique players log into PoE everyday, I know the concurrent players (from steam only) is about 35,000 at the peak. Now if we double that number or even triple it for lack of better information, we arrive at 70,000-100,000 players on PoE. You're telling me that only 700 of the 100,000 players have earned the right to fight delve bosses? That's 0.7%. It's not acceptable for Delve Boss Encounters I, II & III aka "delve's pinnacle content" to be gated behind such ridiculous requirements. |