[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|

Couple of questions:
- Not really seeing where the clear comes from on this build?
- Anything we can do to boost movement speed a bit?
- I see some references to 'vines', what's that about?
King_Haart wrote:
Couple of questions:
- Not really seeing where the clear comes from on this build?
- Anything we can do to boost movement speed a bit?
- I see some references to 'vines', what's that about?

1) It might be useful running Ancestral Call, until you can allocate the Tribal Fury node. This allows you to target extra enemies which in turn causes more molten strike projectiles to spawn which increases the area/overlap allowing for superb clear. That and the natural span of the projectiles is really good for clearing. You don't have the node, or the gem allocated.

2)a) Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks
b) Shield Charge + Faster Attacks
c) Flame Dash + Faster Casting
d) Dash + Second Wind
e) Smoke Mine (make sure to bind detonate minds to left click)
f) On the tree you're not going to really find any. Additionally you can get more movement speed via your flasks, by adding a Silver flask to your setup which gives you Onslaught(atk+mov speed) and using a Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline Otherwise, use one of the gem links to increase your travel distance.

3) The vines come from this/a unique cluster jewel. This is what's being referenced and why you'll eventually need the QOL that Unstoppable provides.
King_Haart wrote:
Couple of questions:
- Not really seeing where the clear comes from on this build?
- Anything we can do to boost movement speed a bit?
- I see some references to 'vines', what's that about?

There is a lot going on with your build so far you need to fix.

Try to get ancestral call linked with your molten strike to get through the story faster.
Link your preferred movement skill with faster attacks and foritfy(once you unlock it).
Heading for the cluster jewel early is smart, make sure at a minimum to get fuel the fight and feed the fury.
After that I would head towards tribal fury on the tree and get rid of ancestral call and make your links molten strike, edwa, combusting, and multistrike.
Run two quicksilver flasks and get movespeed on boots.
Once you start to get some attack speed going the build sort of starts to come together.
Hey quick Question :) I cant find Divine Flesh, in PoE maybe it is replaced with Mind over Matter? What i have to do? :D Btw im new in PoE, it is my second Season and my first Marauder and i love your build so far :)
Peany wrote:
Hey quick Question :) I cant find Divine Flesh, in PoE maybe it is replaced with Mind over Matter? What i have to do? :D Btw im new in PoE, it is my second Season and my first Marauder and i love your build so far :)

You see the Glorious Vanity gem in the slot underneath on the passive tree? That corrupts passive nodes, keystone passives included.
Ahhh i got it :) Thanks :)
Has anyone tried running breach stones with the build prior to getting Xoph's Blood? I'm debating on the gamble of running a few 35c stones instead of buying the 4.5ex amulet. Unless rng absolutely hates me it shouldn't be a problem to drop one before spending 4.5ex in stones.

Just don't want to try it if the build can't keep up with the timer.
Last edited by stoudtlr on Apr 21, 2021, 8:46:21 AM
stoudtlr wrote:
Has anyone tried running breach stones with the build prior to getting Xoph's Blood? I'm debating on the gamble of running a few 35c stones instead of buying the 4.5ex amulet. Unless rng absolutely hates me it shouldn't be a problem to drop one before spending 4.5ex in stones.

Just don't want to try it if the build can't keep up with the timer.

I haven't played much this league: 3 labs, lvl 80. Just have my Grelwood and kaom's and could definitely clear xoph right about now I reckon.
Any suggestions on how to craft the shield with max res and max chaos res? It has been brutal chaos spamming on the base
Hello hybrid

Im finally at the point i can buy the clusters

Wich one you use my friend ?

In POB it shows 2 large , 2 medium,2 small

Just to be sure i buy the corect ones :-)

Have all gear except clusters and im comfortably farming T14 just need more damage


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