[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|

1821 wrote:
Hello my friend

Excellent guide , i always play snb and your guide is the only one i have seen that fits my playstyle or uses a shield

Im total noob in poe just started couple days ago but i have played many rpgs and mmos

Sory if my question sounds stupid , i put your POB to see rhe build

Only question i have is , i see the passive tree finished , how to distribute the points from lv1 while leveling ?

I mean in wich order , first go right,up,down ?

Thanks for any help in advance

Kind regards


doesnt matter too much.
you want Elemental Overload keystone when you get to maps.

fill the small life nodes last (5%).
Last edited by HybridBoy on Apr 1, 2021, 3:37:13 PM
Maven Fight

first time doing this fight, went ok overall.

two mistakes i made were:
1. moving away too early from the balls, which caused them to follow me and create more degen areas.
2. touched the laser that nullifies your life recovery (regen, leech, LGOH..) at one of the phases while standing on a degen ground.

btw, no idea how i did the memory games, i really suck at those.

fistoz wrote:

How's Maven ?
Last edited by HybridBoy on Apr 1, 2021, 3:44:39 PM
Hehe, I've motivated you, heh ? :)
You did well btw, almost perfect !

Memory phase ain't that complicated.. It's just that there are many stuff to take care of on screen.. Wonder how glass cannon build handle it !
But those nasty lasers...

To George :
Here's approximately what I do. Nothing set in stone anyway, not that important but if that can help.
Harvest in a nutshell : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701517918-poeh.jpg
Ultimatum : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701517789-ultimatum-league.png
Expedition : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701518028-poe-expedition-in-a-nutshell.png
Last edited by fistoz on Apr 1, 2021, 6:16:18 PM
HybridBoy wrote:
fistoz wrote:

Oh ? Sad, that's the current "ultimate challenge" after all ^^
I'd love to see how your min/maxed char would handle it.

But yeah, those no-regen laser are as lame as Atziri's reflect :X
I only did Maven once so far, as I didn't want to risk my exp while climbing for lvl100, but that's the only real trouble I had. (killed her with my last portal ^^') With all the improvement I did since then, should be ok.

Btw I'm really enjoying precision instead of vitality. Gives way more atk speed through direct stat and per 150 accuracy and kinda replaces attack speed support for my leap slam.
Still working on my fortify on hit double corrupt, but until I find a Watcher's eye with supporting both Anger, Precision AND Vita.. Maybe I should try Culling Strike on Leap Slam :p Not sure what else could be used anyway.. Blind for additional chances with my jewel and the belt enchant' that reduces crit chc of blind enemies..

im my personal build i switch herald of ash for precision.
about same dps but precision also grant a decent amount of crit chance which helps with EO.

i made some other changes too.
as you can see i use sniper's mark instead of poacher's mark.
also dont use a golem anymore, was annoying.

Sounds like you've tinkered with the gem links? Any new suggestions on what you've swapped for precision and golem? Profile is private so I can't see.

Also curious on other suggestions for glove mods. All the good stat +1 targets are 50EX+ to Mirror. Anything else that supports the build/QoL I can search for?
HybridBoy wrote:
1821 wrote:
Hello my friend

Excellent guide , i always play snb and your guide is the only one i have seen that fits my playstyle or uses a shield

Im total noob in poe just started couple days ago but i have played many rpgs and mmos

Sory if my question sounds stupid , i put your POB to see rhe build

Only question i have is , i see the passive tree finished , how to distribute the points from lv1 while leveling ?

I mean in wich order , first go right,up,down ?

Thanks for any help in advance

Kind regards


doesnt matter too much.
you want Elemental Overload keystone when you get to maps.

fill the small life nodes last (5%).

Thank you for answer my friend
fistoz wrote:
Hehe, I've motivated you, heh ? :)
You did well btw, almost perfect !

Memory phase ain't that complicated.. It's just that there are many stuff to take care of on screen.. Wonder how glass cannon build handle it !
But those nasty lasers...

To George :
Here's approximately what I do. Nothing set in stone anyway, not that important but if that can help.

Man you read my mind ! This is exactly what i was talking and what i needed !!

You made my day brother !

Thank you from inside my heart

Much respect
Rex_Urhole wrote:

Sounds like you've tinkered with the gem links? Any new suggestions on what you've swapped for precision and golem? Profile is private so I can't see.

Also curious on other suggestions for glove mods. All the good stat +1 targets are 50EX+ to Mirror. Anything else that supports the build/QoL I can search for?

yes, as i mentioned i changed stuff around.

when harvest came to STD i made a POB with only perfect items, just to see the potential of the build with GG gear, i never intended to get those items as they were, well.. too perfect that seemed impossible to make (more on that in a later comment).

but it did inspired me to find ways for improving the build, so i was working on another POB that uses snipers mark instead of poachers mark.
the problem here is that you lose so much for not using poachers mark!
no frenzy charges generation on bosses, no big life and mana gained on hit..
i had to solve these issues first.

now, this isnt something i would recommend for other people since its very expensive, and also the reason i didnt mention in the guide, but this is how i worked it out in the POB:
for frenzy i used anomalous blood rage which grant 2% chance to get a charge on hit vs uniques.
for LGOH i used a watchers eye with the vitality mod, up to 30 LGOH.
for MGOH i used jewels with the MGOH mod.

this allowed me, in theory at least, to swap poachers mark with snipers mark.

so i spent the first few weeks of 3.13 grinding mostly Hamlet maps to sell harvest crafts, money was really good and i managed to buy a new watchers eye and alt quality blood rage.

i have tested the new setup and 2% chance to get frenzy on bosses wasnt bad, but i felt i needed just a little more.
another thing that started to annoy me was the golem, it dies often in sirus fights and draws fire when you do things like alva.
so i decided to "kill 2 birds with one stone" and swapped lightning golem with lvl4 enhance.
also got a phantasmal ancestral protector and added it to a 4 link setup with snipers mark.

so enhance - snipers mark - blood rage - ancestral protector.
with enhance lvl4, blood rage grants 4% to get frenzy on bosses, which is more than enough for me.

i also swapped precision instead of herald of ash.
the reasons for this are that with a sword corruption you lose the accuracy implicit and drops just below 100% chance to hit, which isnt a big deal but really annoying OCD wise.
also precision indirectly grant attack speed (jugg), which i prefer in this build over bigger hits like herald of ash.
on top of that precision also grant a decent amount of crit chance which helps with EO.

for the rest of the items i will make another comment later.
Last edited by HybridBoy on Apr 2, 2021, 2:49:52 AM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
Interesting :)

How are maps without the Herald explosions on kills ? Do you swap it in for farming, or just zoom-zoom too fast anyway ?
I'm so used to see a whole corridor exploding by killing a few mobs ^^
Harvest in a nutshell : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701517918-poeh.jpg
Ultimatum : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701517789-ultimatum-league.png
Expedition : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701518028-poe-expedition-in-a-nutshell.png
fistoz wrote:
Interesting :)

How are maps without the Herald explosions on kills ? Do you swap it in for farming, or just zoom-zoom too fast anyway ?
I'm so used to see a whole corridor exploding by killing a few mobs ^^

didnt see a difference in clearing tbh.
but i also changed all of the setup at once so it might be just the extra damage.

i will make a simple map clear video without herald of ash.
Last edited by HybridBoy on Apr 2, 2021, 11:33:22 AM

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