[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|

It doesnt help your cause when you set your profile to private. And for having the caliber of gear you have, there are some real odd choices.... Like a ring with only 5 affixes.
Last edited by Robet24 on Aug 8, 2020, 10:22:55 PM
Robet24 wrote:
It doesnt help your cause when you set your profile to private. And for having the caliber of gear you have, there are some real odd choices.... Like a ring with only 5 affixes.

he hasn't even placed a horti bench this league, literally didn't have the achievement. I really hate arguing with people on forums, but this might be one of the worst obvious RMT accounts ive seen.

My point was that this build, while tanky, does not feel good until you heavily invest into the build. I find the bladeblast chieftain to be just as tanky and requires much less investment to balance clear/DPS/tankiness. edit: Which i hate, because i love molten strike and wish it could be in a better spot right now. Hopefully it gets some buffs next league
Last edited by Kojak_The_Invincible on Aug 8, 2020, 10:27:27 PM
First of all I haven’t done shit this league my friends has when I started playing harvest I hated it so I only play to do currency flipping, killing sirus, re sell currency that alll i have done this league make currency. I own a discord channel and I also teach in discord and you know what I don’t have to give explanation of what I do in game if you want to believe me you can if not I don’t care I know how to make currency and why would I rmt that is the dumbest thing to do in a game where it reset every 3 month
tobymacx wrote:
First of all I haven’t done shit this league my friends has when I started playing harvest I hated it so I only play to do currency flipping, killing sirus, re sell currency that alll i have done this league make currency. I own a discord channel and I also teach in discord and you know what I don’t have to give explanation of what I do in game if you want to believe me you can if not I don’t care I know how to make currency and why would I rmt that is the dumbest thing to do in a game where it reset every 3 month

So u r just trader not player.
If I like the league I go hard last league I made over 2k of exalted I got couple of voice drops, if I don’t like the league I make builds and currency the lazy way in this case is flipping on market buying low sell for high. What I learned from this game is that crafting can be a pain so you have to be lucky. Last league I made 15 build and test them to lvl 92 and delete my character why would I have 100 character in my account. I also have friends who are beast crafting most of the time I pay them to craft because I am not a big fan of crafting just because sometime you waste too much currency being lucky. So my conclusion is this league is shit and I hate it I have everything to make a harvest end game layup it just this league in opinion is crap and I hope ggg don’t make this core. And my apologies I am not here to offend no one with my comments I just hate false accusation. Have a nice day
tobymacx wrote:
If I like the league I go hard last league I made over 2k of exalted I got couple of voice drops, if I don’t like the league I make builds and currency the lazy way in this case is flipping on market buying low sell for high. What I learned from this game is that crafting can be a pain so you have to be lucky. Last league I made 15 build and test them to lvl 92 and delete my character why would I have 100 character in my account. I also have friends who are beast crafting most of the time I pay them to craft because I am not a big fan of crafting just because sometime you waste too much currency being lucky. So my conclusion is this league is shit and I hate it I have everything to make a harvest end game layup it just this league in opinion is crap and I hope ggg don’t make this core. And my apologies I am not here to offend no one with my comments I just hate false accusation. Have a nice day

Before he made his profile private....He had 17/40 achievements in delirium. ONLYYYY 212 waves of simulacrim. 124/154 atlas bonus and 50/154 awakener bonus. killed 35 conq's , which is barely over the minimum to get to awakener 8.

He's a trader? He has 12 items on the market and only 2 of any value. [Removes by Support]. Jokes.
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Aug 9, 2020, 6:45:15 AM
Im not defending this guy, he looks suspicious but imo GGG created problems like this themself. lvl 100 - why its so hard to lvl up after lvl 95? Boosting services would not exist if it would be easier. 6 linking - if it would be easier, you would not pay to some bot farmer exalts for fusings. GG items - how a casual or even player that play every day for few hours suppose to afford them ? Before harvest it was only hoping for some lucky drop that you can sell. And dont forget, those items just make you able to play endgame without dying so you can think about lvl 100. So imo Harvest is a step in good direction and i hope it will go core. There will be always ppl creating items that many ref as "should not exist" and ppl willing to pay real money to get them but it should lower the scale of RMT and botters. Just my opinion.
What do I have to do to prove that what I am saying is true do you want to join my discord channel or do you want to look at my Facebook path of exile page so you can see how big of a community we have
Pretty bad but i run out currency.
Next grind more currency and try again :)
Last edited by Korpivaellus on Aug 9, 2020, 1:17:47 PM
Korpivaellus wrote:
Pretty bad but i run out currency.
Next grind more currency and try again :)

You could make it a bit better by removing life regen and adding critical strike chance. It would lock suffixes, then you could add life and bench craft %phys damage taken as fire. But if you planing to craft new one then its up to you;)

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