Super Slow Mo! (All content! No uniques required! Perfect for new, SSF, & challenged gamers.) (3.4)
I was just coming to the forums to update my post, but you've already answered me! My zombies don't ever seem to die, though I moved too slow against Kitava and got killed.
I just now figured out that the build doesn't actually use the Herald gem, when I finally got the chance to buy my Immortal Call. Thanks for being so responsive! |
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Hello >^.^<
I am play this build in Standard, main because i have already some useful gear item and can not be bother with all mining of Delve with require keep alway the 'light on' or die. Anyway ... i love this play style, it very well suit my somewhat limited skill at play game. Current time i reach Act 9 and real has be quite smooth. I did die against only Templar Avarius and i think more because for lack of experience with attack mechanic of build ... and because he real nasty haha! I have couple question please? You mention CwDT attach with Summon Golem etc. can be high level but is there optimum Level? Current time i have Level 7 which require 1003 damage for trigger and allow Level 9 Golem, Level 13 Molten Shell and Summon Holy Relic. Second, you appear have like for Mon'tregul's Grasp ... is lose half number of Zombie out weigh by other benefit gained from weapon? Thank you so much for this well presented guide ... i am so happy. |
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" I'm glad you like the build. It's a lot of fun for me too. CwDT: You can make the CwDT level to your preference. I prefer level 20 for all three gems attached. Both Stone Golem and Holy Relic are for life regen, so the higher the gem level the higher the life regen. Molten Shell gives you more damage absorption the higher the level. The thing to consider with CwDT is that the damage threshold for setting off the attached spells is accumulative. So you'll be taking that damage often (over time, not at once (hopefully)) as Charged Dash has you in the battle often. I find because of the types of defensive gems I've suggested to connect to CwDT, my preference is to have CwDT at level 20. Mon'tregul's Grasp: With an average roll (90%) of damage on the unique Sceptre, your 5 zombies will do the same amount of damage as 10 zombies without the unique. I prefer the sceptre only because the added 5000 health is insane. With this build, if you're zombies die, you likely will too. So on paper you'll have the same damage, but you'll have less zombies attracting the attention of enemies. Mon'tregul's Grasp is by no means important or even better. I find my zombies with all the new nodes on the tree in 3.4 really don't need the added health. It's just a fun, and build appropriate, thing to "chance" for. I also find that the bonus AOE damage from exploding enemies that die from the 5 Mon't zombies end up being on par with the 10 zombies that just always use their slam (without the bonus explosion). I hope that answers your questions. If it didn't, or if you need me to re-word anything, please let me know. Boa sorte, amigo. O meu português nao e bom, mas posso tentar ajudar dessa forma se isso te ajudar. (Eu nao vou saber giria POE...) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Sep 27, 2018, 1:24:33 AM
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Hiya! >^.^<
Thank you for reply and explain answer my question. I understand now for CwDT so will begin increase Level and keep in-line my Golem; Molten Shell and Holy Relic Gem so they continue be trigger as necessary. So also for Mon'tregul's, without my need calculate comparative damage output you have answer perfect. I have already a few and will try Chrome one for suitable colour when next in-game. I have delay reach Map (require only now defeat Kitava) whilst try reach Level 73 so as be able use my Bone Helmet ... which is super cool with +2 Stat. I think my belong Portuguese Guild is mislead since myself i am not from Portugal. I did translate that which you write, so thank you for your good wish >^.^< As for Guild, i think someone was invite random person and, without careful look, i did accept thinking it was 'Friend' invite but no worry. Again thank you for this guide and advice ... i wish for you happy game. |
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"After answering your first post, I switched from Mon't's back to 10 zombies ;-). I go back and forth with my preference because the positives and negatives are so equal. If anyone find that they are in the same boat, just remember to not have any mod you NEED on your non-unique weapon so you can switch between preferences without hassle. Thanks again for your kind words. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Sep 27, 2018, 1:25:03 AM
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Hey hey!
Me again :D I really am amazed at how good this build is! It is such a fantastic thing to start with for newer players and veterans alike! Thank you so much for making such a thorough and easily understandable build. We need more people like you creating and explaining builds like this :P One question though... Concerning uniques, which items do you recommend other than the void sceptre? (although that's just a preference) Are there some really cool ones (like Belly of the Beast) that can provide a nice boost to this build according to you? Optional of course, but still :) - I personally love Le Heup of All as rings (sad that they don't have life though), because of the nice magic find boost and overall elemental resist boost (which at this point helped a lot to get my resists to maximum AND boost the stats so i can take those skill points back). Fire away with suggestions :D Last edited by Lamonica#0514 on Sep 9, 2018, 2:40:33 AM
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"You are very kind. Thank you very much. I'm actually not a huge fans of most uniques for this build. Mon't's Grasp is the most impacting I think...but I'm playing through with just a white weapon at level 83 ;). Sidhebreath (Amulet) gives a little of everything, Skullhead (Gives life regen (not worth losing the bone helmet)), Geofri's Legacy let's you have two Holy clue if that's worth losing the Bone Helmet...I doubt it, Bones of Ullr Gives an extra zombie at the cost of crappy everything, Severed in Sleep/United in Dream is a personal favourite of mine from the past but it is only beneficial with really fast attacking it's not worth the money unless you have nothing else to buy, The Scourge would be awesome...lots of extra damage. There are some really cool uniques that sound like they have great benefits (and they do), but you'd have to do some big manipulating with this build as I've jammed it pack full thinking about having a shield and one-handed weapon equipped. But if you were considering 2 handing, Queens Escape (an extra zombie and wicked movement speed) or Soulwrest (lots of awesome for our build) would be efficient. You could always go away from my tree for a bit and select Necromantic Aegis and then equip Victario's Charity for the Aura Effect bonus and the Frenzy Charges. I think your strongest bet is lucking out with crafting. You can get your body armour to give you +1 to your zombie limit with a level 6 Catarina (Master). The Essence of Fears are amazing too. If you have great gear and have a couple rares to "shrug off" use an Essence of Fear on a normal item to get some extra juice. But honestly, with the exception of the The Scourge, nothing stands out at all to me. I LOVE Le Heup, I used to get it all the time when it had it's caps at 20 instead of 30...but with minions, the damage bonus doesn't count towards us :(. Use what works for you. I'll likely be sticking with all rares. If the new minion nodes on the tree provide as much survivability as I hope they do, It'd be nice to not use Mon't's against the big bosses. (You could go Belly of the Beast, just keep in mind that your chest is your 5/6 link.) Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Sep 27, 2018, 1:25:35 AM
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Yes that answered my question perfectly!
I tend to modify my playstyle over time, and it's good to have an overview of uniques suited to the build to investigate :) |
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I replaced the previous SSF filter with my own from scratch. It's in the URL section of the guide and also right HERE. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Sep 27, 2018, 1:26:03 AM
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Quick question: how do you feel about Earendel's Embrace unique as a mace?
It seems to be relatively cheap on trade channels, and the stats/minion boosts appear good too. It doesn't have any added cold damage to "break" our EE passive, so it "seems" ok to use for this build? I do actually use skels now and then as i've been leveling, until I can gear up for the rest of the build (i'm still only in act 5). Thanks for your input. :) |
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