Automated Trading!!!
" Search for Zerphi's Last Breath and click the link "Is somebody asking you to trade..." etc. It explains it pretty good. POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums. Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all." QFT: 4TRY4C&4NO |
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" especially the botters. " this just isn't true. i haven't even been scamffered yet, and i get about 20 trade offers/week. generally, most are bad/i don't want items - but they're not scam offers. the scam offer is a joke/meme. if it happens to you - feel lucky that you can profit 35c. [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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" Neversinks poll asked how people payed the game in relation to solo, grouping etc. The results suggested that 82% of the player base plays almost exclusively solo. |
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" I'll hold my hand up here and say that I have never been caught out like this either. But then I don't like trading very much. The point remains that it is prevalent enough that POETrade has a warning banner about it on their site. If it's a fictional problem, why would they draw attention to it? |
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" I too share your pessimism, however I have made the comments in the light of the poll results in the simple hope that it will change GGG's minds. Last edited by elderwood#0525 on Aug 29, 2018, 10:53:23 AM
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" When you say "exclusively solo", does this also mean absolutely no trading whatsoever? For instance, I play almost exclusively solo (because I can't get my friends to keep playing), but I still trade if and when I need to. Context matters here. Just because 82% of the people polled prefer to play the game solo, it doesn't mean they don't want to trade. PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds. Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build! MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. Last edited by Pizzarugi#6258 on Aug 29, 2018, 11:08:57 AM
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" I realise that you are correct in saying that GGG pays more attention to Reddit than their own forums. I was quite stunned to see Chris Wilson directly interacting with people over there. Thank you for confirming my observations. |
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" i didn't call it fictional. but it is just hyperbole and not an argument. additionally, it's not REALLY a scam and one simply has to use one's brain - same with considering any other trade offer. [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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I started this comment, and I was generally grumpy about the fact that trading ends up being the PRIMARY way you get your mapping gear. If you want to read that, It's in the spoiler.
I read over the manifesto, and I've read a lot of the threads. I understand GGG's position that great items should be hard to get. The big problem I have, is that Crafting isn't crafting, it's gambling, it's expensive, and it's never as efficient as just trading for an item. I'm looking over the character that I'm currently playing. Helmet - I traded for. already enchanted and Bench Crafted. Neck - I traded for, and then bench crafted. Steel Ring - I traded for, already bench crafted. Resistance Ring - Mine. I found it. I Bench Crafted. It's arguably my weakest piece of gear, and next on the block to be replaced. Chest - I traded for. Belt - Mine. I even tried to Yolo Ex it, and ended up with Life Regen. This is why crafting sucks. Gem in Belt - Traded for. Gloves - Traded For, and Bench Crafted myself. Boots - Mine. Dropped from same boss that I got the belt from. Main Hand - I traded for. Off Hand - I Found on a different char. Passive Tree Gems - The one under the scion tree is the only time I have ever had a "good" crafting experience. The left Abyss, I traded for. I picked up one of the uniques as a Q reward, and traded for the second. When I play PoE, I run Maps and dailies. I'm probably going to try and step into Uber Labs soon, but I'm terrified of losing the XP, so I'll probably wait until I hit 88. I have a stash of 28 - 30 tabs, do my vendor recipes and hold onto things that may be tradable, and I ID things that "may" work for my build. In all that time, On my primary character that has 15 possible items (not counting skill gems) that I could find, My play time has led to me directly finding / crafting 6 out of 15 items equipped, 3 of those are uniques. What am I getting at? Getting "good" items in PoE is stupidly difficult. I'm getting to a point where I don't even want to ID Shaper / Elder Items, because they are even worse of a gamble than regular items when you roll them.
Vendor Recipe Fodder. No one wants any of it. Maybe I'm just not running high enough maps yet, but I'd rather just not see them, than to id this, and let it sit there until I get a full set to vendor. I know, I know, but the Exalt Shards! Yeah, I don't care about Orb Wealth. I care about progressing. I care about playing the game. But, as I started typing this next paragraph, an idea hit me. Hopping out of maps so that I can sell of some fodder to someone is increasingly more irritating than it's worth, and I'm not going to sit around in my hideout, not playing. I don't have that kind of time. THE IDEA! (sorry if someone else has suggested this previously) What if we had a master, that we could level up, that you could then have "Hold" Items, that functioned as a Vendor in your hideout when you are online? It starts out, he can hold "X" number of items, and each level you increase him, he can hold more? Another page, or whatever. You specify buyouts the same way you do on your public stash tabs, but this gives you: 1.) A time sink. I know that GGG loves their time sinks. 2.) A way to move items without having to stop mapping, or missing a trade because you're doing lab, or in a one port zana map, or some other such thing that means that you miss out on a trade because you're playing the game. 3.) More (sort of) content You wouldn't even need to discontinue the way stash tabs work. The Player would still need to level the master, still do everything to make it a functioning vendor (and restocking him), and if it only functioned when a character was online, The only thing that it is saving is the person from hopping in and out of maps. Honestly, I never even message AFK listed people, because I don't want to sit and wait. AFK might as well mean not online. Hell, you could even tailor his missions so that instead of going somewhere, and doing something, he tells you he is looking for "this piece" that a customer is after. It's a Tri-Color Weapon! It's a 5 socket chest! It's whatever. But then, you also have an "item sink" in the process of getting a master to level 8. As long as we aren't chucking 5 and 6 links at it, I think that's fair. You could even make it so that the missions aren't daily, but rather: You can turn in, and pick up, 1 mission per day, but never have more than 1 mission open for the master a time. You know, in case it took a while to complete what they were after. Now, the counterpoint is: But the SSF crowd would never use the Master. Well, I don't even have Leo in my Hideout, because I hate PvP. So? |
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" I am playing non-ssf for: - Build enablers (duh) - 6L, it is way easier to buy one than to make it yourself - Maps, completing atlas using only own map drops is very slow and RNG-based, especially for maps without recipes, and if you are chasing Elder on red maps it is common to not have a specific map. - Carry service for things my build can't do and it is not worth making another character for it (hello HoGM) - Master rotas. Sometimes challenge rotas. Give me reasonable way to get those solo and I'll happily play pure SSF. I'm not crafting (I'm not rich enough for it, earning no more than 60ex per league), I'm not using aurabots (I like to keep my erratic pace), so I just don't need anything else. Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
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