3.7 In-Depth Ice Golems Guide - Snowybois - On Hiatus for 3.8

MotherLovinOvenMitts wrote:
Cool, I got 21/0 golem and empower instead of melee splash, will work on leveling to get more jewel slots, I'm not sure what to do about a chest, is skin of the loyal still the way to go?

SoTL will take you into endgame yeah.
Is it worth it to sacrifice a red slot for another blue or green? 4r1b1g is hella expensive.
I've been leveling a flame golems build waiting for you guys to come up with an ice golems build I can switch to
It appears there seem to be some delays with that...

Since it's the same flame golem build I used recently in synthesis I find it kinda boring now doing the same thing again

Mittens needs a new toy NOW!

Open to any suggestions as to what to do meanwhile
Any good fun builds for this league?
Thinking cyclone duelist slayer...

Last edited by snowmittens#5923 on Jun 14, 2019, 1:44:52 AM
MotherLovinOvenMitts wrote:
Is it worth it to sacrifice a red slot for another blue or green? 4r1b1g is hella expensive.

Can do 3R/2x/1 with no problem, use impale for 2 green, minion speed or conc effect for blue.

2g is better than 2blue
Ice golems weren't feeling right last night even without auraus up. Might have just been me. Either way, I switched back to Flame Golems for the time being. At this point I think I'll just stick with flame golems until I get a chest that can put ice golems on par.
Any thoughts on Pride and flesh and stone for maim, and switching maim for brutality? vs running hatred.
I used that setup (Flesh and Blood + maim with brutality, did not use Pride) for an uber elder kill this week. Damage was decent considering I didn't use a +1 chest or any empower. Probably would have been a lot cleaner with Pride, but I use MOM.
Hey! Love the build.

Wondering how much cooldown reduction you should be aiming for on your golem abilities.
Is there any softcap we're looking for or can you just disregard that roll entirely?

Maybe a newbie question too but wondering about when you're summoning your golems. I usually spawn 9 of each golem to increase the buff they give, which is kinda annoying.
But noticed that the only thing I can see scaling up is when you summon all the Stone Golems.
Do you have to summon each golem 9 times or do you only have to do that for the stone dude?
Last edited by Deadandlivin#2745 on Jun 14, 2019, 1:01:55 PM
Most people aim for 7-8 Harmonies for the CD reduction, obviously the higher rolls you can get are better, but getting near perfect stones can get expensive.
Summon all of your normal golem setup, then do it again in the same order.
Last edited by notzizka#6360 on Jun 14, 2019, 1:19:57 PM
Hi OP, thanks for the guide, just a quick note about the setup to proc EE:
In your PoB you use Storm Burst or in your post you recommend Cyclone.
The Problem I see is, when you use Haterd in Essence Worm, since both skills are physical (Cyclone frem weapon, Storm Burst is phys converted partially to light). So with Haterd, get some extra phys as cold!?!
Or is there anything I don't get about that?
The only skill I see which deals pure elemental damage: Flameblast, Incinerate, Lightning Tendrils

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