3.7 In-Depth Ice Golems Guide - Snowybois - On Hiatus for 3.8
" I don't think CoP or Grip of the Council are necessary in this setup. We'll have to see what the accuracy change math looks like though, hopefully we get that soon. I expect Pride and Precision to be worth using and i'm expecting this setup to be a very very significant buff for us as far as damage goes, all about finding survivability. In addition, crafting the bow is far far easier than crafting the maim support chest. All we need to do now is buy porcupine cards and alt-spam a 6Link shortbow until we hit +1 gems then multi-mod it. (If you're feeling really spicey corrupt it for that Blind on hit support as well) |
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Regarding chaos resist for hybrids:
My flame golems build used the vertex, presence of Chayula and some boots for a total of 70% chaos resist Once you hit 40+ you should be ok but need to be a bit careful in incrustations and betrayals Only time I saw my health drop like a rock was standing next to the aspect spider boss Looking at some of the new gems...wow...so many options...too many options Last edited by snowmittens#5923 on Jun 6, 2019, 1:45:06 AM
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i pray to god that openarl adds the new games to PoB before the patch hits. i am SO confused about what to take now. melee splash looks insane aswell now, could potentially bring the clearspeed from this build from A tier to S tier. im so hyped
Last edited by KinGGaiA#6634 on Jun 6, 2019, 3:41:41 AM
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" Just quoting theuberelite from reddit : " Damn ! Last edited by Maggsi#0304 on Jun 6, 2019, 7:55:43 AM
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" Agreed, I'm trying to napkin math it all right now. Close Combat - doesn't work for us because no axes swords right? Shockwave - the same question, no maces/staves? (If this were in a 2h maul setup would it work?) Precision Aura - This seems really really good for only a ~200 mana reserve Impale Support - Someone math this for me, i may have been wrong and this is very very good. Pride - Good lord this is amazing for us. Brutality back on the menu or even in addition to Hatred. Hatred > Pride in a vacuum still though unless Bloodlust/Brutality. Pulverize Support - This... how does this work? it could be bonkers good or garbage. If we combine it with melee splash what happens? Multistrike - this still causes cyclone to repeat off cooldown, this is a must use gem. Ruthless - Significant buff War Banner - Nerfed hard for no stages, probably replaced by precision? Puncture - In A Maloney's setup there is room to use this alongside bloodlust support on the golem. You would lose out on self-frenzy charges in exchange for puncture+gmp+maim support causing all enemies to bleed/maimed. This allows you to go pride+brutality+bloodlust golems... could be really really good. Frenzy - Now that this has the melee tag can it be supported by fortify to give bow characters fortify? Because that's probably better than aoe GMP, you really only need maim on bosses. OpenArl has stated that we won't have skill gems imported in before release. I'm going to post the elementalist build I would be running this league but we will probably end up cleaning it up as I can import things in and sim numbers. Couple of notes, Victario's Influence is just much better than the maim support setups now with all of the new aura's that we want to reserve. We are absolutely spoiled for choices. This means either a 7L helmet or bow/2h build. Necro Aegis is dead to us. Crafting a bow is very very easy and gets us a free extra stat item or 3 more slots in quiver so I'm only going to be recommending the bow build until someone shows me something better. Not saying this is the best, it's just the easiest to get early game and I already have an endgame plan for it. Please please please speak up if you guys see something better than bows+victario's Regarding Golem Gems Hatred is still a significant source of damage, Pride is great but we're more likely to be using it in addition to hatred rather than replacing it. An exception here would be in some sort of bloodlust brutality building puncturing from Maloney's Melee Splash and Pulverize are going to be the two support links that we keep the closest eye on. Empower/Multistrike have to stay but the rest of the gems are up for replacing, so we get to pick our favorite 3. Last edited by Utopian238#5973 on Jun 6, 2019, 9:41:34 AM
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" This is correct, that being said pride is still a 39% more physical damage taken modifier for bosses. We can still reserve it in our victario's influence, just doesn't double dip from the level 30 generosity. Last edited by Utopian238#5973 on Jun 6, 2019, 8:31:29 AM
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" About new support gems Rage (ye, why not) - Minions cannot gain rage in skill desc. Close combat - Cannot support skills which create minions in skill desc Shockwave - Cannot support triggered attacks, skills used by totems, or skills which create minions And about melee splash there is a reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/bxfdzc/psa_melee_splash_will_probably_not_work_with/ So, i think golems won't work with this gem too. |
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Also unless I am missing something the range on Pride is only 10 compared. to Hatred at 19. I think a nerf of half the distance will make Pride unusable.
Since Generosity doesn't work on Pride while it does work on Hatred our golems will never be close enough for it to matter. I don't think the enemies will be normally in range. Feel free to correct me on that though. Last edited by WGD118#6591 on Jun 6, 2019, 9:41:10 AM
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" Pride with leadership will still have a decent enough range that we could keep the boss in the aura, but I can't find the space to reserve for it. I'd rather be using Dread Banner + Impale support than Pride now that we have access to Precision aura. Precision + Dread Banner + Hatred + Discipline + Aspect of the Spider are my current go-to Offensive Reserve and I'm blasphemy/Temp Chains for defense. If you run life based and drop discipline you can probably fit one more. |
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I completely Missed Flesh and Stone stance, that's really really good too.
Tree is going to be changed so we can reach Charisma, give me a bit. |
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