3.7 In-Depth Ice Golems Guide - Snowybois - On Hiatus for 3.8
" It was a bit point starved yes, I had built a lvl 92 tree for testing where you do lose some life but for me personally it made each skill point after 92 worth while. I also dropped a jewel socket as I felt damage was strong enough I didn't need it. Here is my lvl 92 build https://pastebin.com/TYK2cn9U My 93-95 points would go towards revenge of the hunted and 95-100 would be for another jewel socket. Personally I only made it to 92 last league so that is where I had my build stopping, I was hoping to make it to 100 with this build but I needed more survive ability and I feel like if I stop at 95 I won't be missing out on that much. |
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Yeah I really like that tree.
I would drop the two points to dreamer to get you down to 90 and work from there. My fingers are crossed that we'll get some new defensive notables or better pathing once we see the new skill tree. Good luck this league getting to 100, looks to be a great league for it. |
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" Sweet glad I didn't miss anything, never tried modifying someone else build before. I will probably drop ruthless for melee splash especially with the new league mechanic where covering more area with my hits will be good. |
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Can anyone tell me why PoB isn't showing CwDT being linked to Immortal Call?
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" I'm honestly not sure, afaik it should be working for you i can't see anything wrong with it. With Necro-Aegis being changed it may change our skill pathing significantly. Once we get the new tree, anyone who finds optimal/interesting pathing please share it so I can link to it and credit you. I'll be working on the necro variant first since that's what i'll be leveling this league then i'll update the others as I have time. I also attempted a Master of Metal Champion version of this which I determined wasn't that great... but that was before Impale effect was increased by 50%, may be worth revisiting. Last edited by Utopian238#5973 on Jun 3, 2019, 9:13:57 AM
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I feel like we got at least two nerfs more depending on how they changed keystones.
But having never played this build before how much do these two nerfs hurt? Multistrike This support now provides a lower attack speed multiplier, just over half that of the existing support gem. The previous iteration provided far too large an attack speed multiplier for a single gem, causing problems with performance, effects, animations and balance. The skill repeats now have a damage multiplier, dealing double damage on the third repeat. You can now interrupt a multistrike attack between repeats, letting you avoid a dangerous boss ability or end an ongoing attack sequence when all enemies have already been dealt with. Overall, this makes Multistriking attacks much more responsive. The Elementalist's Beacon of Ruin notable has been changed, no longer granting proliferation of elements, and with a lower value of minimum shock. The shock benefit provided too much power in combination with increases to shock effect, while the proliferation had significant effects on performance, regardless of whether it was being taken full advantage of. We'll be replacing or changing this and other sources of proliferation in the future. Any idea how much this hurts the build? I also think immortal call is worthless no idea what I would replace it with though. Last edited by WGD118#6591 on Jun 3, 2019, 11:12:00 PM
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" Won't know until we see the full patch notes but yeah multistrike changes could be bad for us/shock is bad for the elementalist version. One thing I will note, if the melee splash changes apply to minion swings, having 6 golems swinging around may actually make their non-spinning attacks way better. Going to have to wait and see how it turns out. Skin of the Loyal will be much more powerful this league if we have significant amounts of flat ES and less %ES like the manifesto alludes to, may look at turning this into hybrid life/ES using the regen to keep you alive through chaos degens. Last edited by Utopian238#5973 on Jun 4, 2019, 11:37:12 AM
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With Storm Brand also receiving another nerf is there something else we could use to apply curse and EE?
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" The curse shouldn't matter too much to us since we're just using it to apply EE/curse but Cast While Channeling Winter Orb is a very powerful alternative for Brutality based play. Cast While Channeling-Storm Burst-Desecrate-Flesh Offering is another alternative. Frees up gems to curse in a different way like via blasphemy. |
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Patch notes Hype!
We're still alive boys, and potentially much much stronger depending on these new physucal damage supports. Some things I'm looking at. Pros! Pride Aura - Physical Damage support aura? Yes please! May replace/support Hatred Precision Aura - Aura and crit strike chance? Also great! Wicked Ward - Awkward place on the tree but access to it opens up ES/Zealot's oath hybrid or CI builds. Converting Stone Golem Regen to ES is very very powerful. Multistrike - This is a buff Ruthless - This is a significant buff Rage Support - Please oh god please let this work for us. Golem regen would allow them to store max rage stacks very easily. Impale Support - This... this may have just made Champion versions of this build viable. For the rest of us not sure? I'll have to run numbers but added flat damage is pretty strong and a more phys multiplier is even better. Accuracy Cap now 100% - This is a buff Blocking Enemies - Enemies who block only prevent a portion of damage. This is a buff Melee damage is now treated as having dealt +25% damage for the sake of calculating Stuns. - This is a buff In light of changes to melee combat (see above), the formula which turns Accuracy Rating into Chance to Hit has been changed. In general, it will be easier to hit and be hit. - Hopefully a buff? Charged Dash got nearly triple the attack speed, maybe our new movement skill in a cast while channeling offering setup? Cons. Shock nerfed from 20% > 15% for elemntalists not a big deal. Animation Canceling - We need to keep an eye on this, if minions can animation cancel, and if golems begin canceling out of their cyclone animation to cast icicle this build is ruined. Immortal Call - No Longer worth using? Time to investigate new defensive setups. War Banner Now grants you and nearby allies 15% increased accuracy rating at gem level 1 (from 40%), up to 21% at gem level 20 (from 59%). - Might not actually be a nerf, we'll have to see what the overall accuracy changes look like. Dread Banner + Impale Support may be the way to go now. Better Feedback: New effects and sounds allow you to more clearly identify who you have and have not hit with your attacks. - Did we just become a popcorn build? Overall I'm very very happy with how things are looking this league. |
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