Introducing Instant Skills

In the future, we plan to use this tech a lot more to open up design space for additional skills where you want to use them at a moment's notice to react to events in combat.

Thank you Lord! This will improve combat greatly. If you also introduce half-animations, the responsiveness will be sooo much better.
Did not expected this coming out at Delve, great surprice and a welcome one too! Thanks GGG!
Was Vaal Cold Snap also made instant? Since it's self applied. Elemental Hit builds use it extensively vs bosses whenever the cast animation permits.
nice *-*
sweet, now I can channel while doing skills
Nice! I was already planning on starting Delve with a miner.
Sorry about the wall of text but this is what I imagine happens while playing POE. No, I do not do drugs.

Now this should no longer happen:

Mob conversation 1: Did you see what he just did? He set a freeze mine
Mob conversation 2: That little punk. First, he wants to keep us at a distant with that damned ranged attack, and now he wants to use a mine? Less than a man bastard.
Mob conversation 1: I know. That's what I like about the guys who use melee. At least they come to you like men and fight you face to face, hand to hand. Sometimes I wish they put up a better fight, they're so easy to kill.
Mob conversation 3: Don't worry about the mine, you know there's always an opening when someone uses one of those.
Mob conversation 1: Look at that coward, now he set a decoy totem. What a wussy move. Oh. look there go the new guys running towards the totem. You tell them, "Don't follow every totem"; but they always run to the totems. They have no idea how lucky they are it's not a Warchief.
Mob conversation 3: Just wait for the opening, we only need a second or less. You'll know because the slowest action you've ever seen.
(Player swings bow to back, reaches in pocket to get detonator....)
Mob conversation 3: NOW, NOW, NOW, there's our chance!
(player dies horribly, denied the chance to scream in pain, or pray to his god. As a final disgrace the detonator is shoved up the player's rear end as a message to others, "This is what got him killed"
Mob conversation 1: You know, if one day they figure how to strap that detonator to their chest and get a more instantaneous detonation, we are screwed.
Mob conversation 2: Like that will ever happen. I get his gear. It was supposed to help him evade attacks. Yeah, Right. Evade this (kicks corpse in the face) Punk
Arguing on the Internet: What's the point when you can't punch them in the face when they really piss you off?
drenched 👌
blue blade flurry mtx plssss
also crystal earth shatter
Warcries should be instant by default. Change the guardian passive to do something more interesting.

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