Global Illumination and Point Light Shadows Preview

stux82 wrote:
Would you please show us a footage of this incredible new graphical augment you are adding to the game (this "GI") but used in a map with high mobs density a full party in which each individual is of course using those shiny SHINY SHINY SHINY MTXs you are so fond of GGG. Would you?

And would you please also do it so that you have permanent 60 FPS? And after that is accomplished would you reveal to the rest of us what are the specs of the machine able to manage all of this?

Thank you in advance.
When 6 players are casting Siege MTX Firestorm at an Abyss, maybe the IBM Summit or Skynet could manage a constant 60 FPS without dynamic resolution. But Skynet would probably reprogram the engine first, so it won't have to use all available ressources and lose the war because of it.
Kathazar wrote:
While this does look like a great improvement to the graphics quality, I really hope they don't use this as an excuse to make everything even darker. It makes my eyes tired to play on the dark areas, and I like the well lit areas better. I even will only use a well lite hangout since the dark ones are just too dark.

Hey bro. You know you can increase your gamma settings from your vga control panel right?

Nothing will be dark for you again!
Last edited by n3wtonapple#5612 on Aug 22, 2018, 4:11:34 AM
Joker wrote:
stux82 wrote:
Would you please show us a footage of this incredible new graphical augment you are adding to the game (this "GI") but used in a map with high mobs density a full party in which each individual is of course using those shiny SHINY SHINY SHINY MTXs you are so fond of GGG. Would you?

And would you please also do it so that you have permanent 60 FPS? And after that is accomplished would you reveal to the rest of us what are the specs of the machine able to manage all of this?

Thank you in advance.
When 6 players are casting Siege MTX Firestorm at an Abyss, maybe the IBM Summit or Skynet could manage a constant 60 FPS without dynamic resolution. But Skynet would probably reprogram the engine first, so it won't have to use all available ressources and lose the war because of it.

Rofl and crying at the same time!
performance performance performance...i am tired of reading this, hopefully GGG are updating their game anyway so it doesn't look like a game from 2005.
If you are not going to paid more than 300$ for your pc maybe you should play on console instead lock other people in the past.
Looks sweet, now we need Fog of War, not seeing through walls, but that's just me.

Awesome darkness effect, hope they spook me out when I'm clearing a map.
Looks ace :)
I never knew chaos provide light.
Too bad I'm too late for the epilepsy joke, but I have to reinforce the non-joke part of that statement.
Make all of that optional. Perferably as separate options.
In my case I dig the light and shadows, but ambiant occlusion is one of the worst thing that happened to "modern" video game graphics, especially SSAO (absolutely disgusting). I don't want to have to deal with that.

Nervantoss wrote:
performance performance performance...i am tired of reading this, hopefully GGG are updating their game anyway so it doesn't look like a game from 2005.
If you are not going to paid more than 300$ for your pc maybe you should play on console instead lock other people in the past.

You know we can have both performance and good looks, rights? The least they can do is let us decide what we get displayed on screen. It's called "options" and it helps having the best of both worlds on top on not having to suffer shitty effects shoved down your throat (like motion blur, depth of field, fucking vignette, etc...).
Last edited by SPTX#3457 on Aug 24, 2018, 6:48:41 AM
I'd quite like there to be no options for the first few weeks of the Delve league, in order to force all players to trawl the Delve dungeons in pure darkness and experience how scary they are. After a few weeks release an update to provide more options for the people who can't afford computers above a value of $300
Player since closed beta 2012. Full system specs:
'Tongueslurp the Unspeakable' - skeleton archer in Fellshrine Merciless

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