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ok guys i look forward to play, i still have some questions.

im getting my skillgems and im not sure which one i should get

my gear so far

i dont know what to do with my chest, or what i do with my gloves (since they are 3B 1G)

i guess i want just start mapping with this guy and learn the mechanics for the start
rotheee wrote:
ok guys i look forward to play, i still have some questions.

im getting my skillgems and im not sure which one i should get

my gear so far

i dont know what to do with my chest, or what i do with my gloves (since they are 3B 1G)

i guess i want just start mapping with this guy and learn the mechanics for the start

you put in arctic armor in the green socket of your gloves. you can put another enlighten in the last blue socket or use vorici for a second green socket to use blind with your herald.

you can use whatever you want in your chest. I would recommend a cwdt+immortal call - the other 4 sockets you can use what you want. I like the arcane surge/phase run setup. -> so I would use a fusing or three to break up the connections you currently have from 2r1g1b + 2b to 2r + 1g3b.

Then I would put cwdt(lv1) immortal call(lv3) in the two linked red sockets.
In the 1g3b I would put phase run (lv as high as you can with your dexterity) + efficacy + arcane surge + whatever the heckers. Make sure to match up the level of your arcane surge with the tooltipmanacost of your phase run.

Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Sep 26, 2018, 6:23:43 AM
damn u are fast.

respect for ur great work .. i love this thread with ist fast and nice Responses <3

ill search a vorici 8 guy .. didnt know he can craft corrupted stuff ^^

thx !
Just switched indigon for curiosity, maybe ill changed back to vertex instead.

this is my indigon POB
. anything wrong? jsut asking
Hey, its me again. Just gonna ask for some advice for gear improvements. These are the ones I have atm.

Normal Gear:

MF Gear:

For jewels I have somewhat decent jewels that I do plan on slowly upgrading to 3 multi + w/e I need. Will link my shav's eventually. Idk if I'm ready to use an indigon just yet and do all the maths for my character. Enchants will also come later, I'm just stocking up on offerings and I'll do lab all at once

I guess my main question would be for the gloves. If I should go for the Fenumus' Weave(with no curse) or Voidbringer(with curse).

Unless I should focus on upgrading some other thing? Thanks in advance.

Also, I'd like to thank the OP again for this great build. I was unknowingly farming shaper with MF gear deathless.
Knaked_Knight wrote:
So today I just had my Uber Elder fight recorded...

I added your your Video to the OP; I hope you don't mind.

If you want it removed please tell me and I will do so asap.
Peepsqueek wrote:

I guess my main question would be for the gloves. If I should go for the Fenumus' Weave(with no curse) or Voidbringer(with curse).

Unless I should focus on upgrading some other thing? Thanks in advance.

Also, I'd like to thank the OP again for this great build. I was unknowingly farming shaper with MF gear deathless.

I do not think Fenumus Gloves are worth it. Thats just my personal opinion though. I would try to get the aspect on a belt or ring.
Without Indigon, what is the correct setup in chest? I'm a bit confused.

Do we proc Phase Run (which trigger Arcane Surge) with CWDT or we just cast Phase Run manually?
dguay wrote:
Without Indigon, what is the correct setup in chest? I'm a bit confused.

Do we proc Phase Run (which trigger Arcane Surge) with CWDT or we just cast Phase Run manually?

Arcane Surge only triggers when you spend Mana with the Spell in Question.
CwDt does not incure a manacost when the linked spell is triggered. -> Manually cast Phase-Run (or any other spell) to benefit from Arcane Surge.
ok did it like

but now i cant use golem damn .. golem is 20% damage on pob :(

and i realy cant 3G the gloves since i need at least 120 vaals for it.
recolour the shav would be even more expensive .. damn

so arctic armour or golem? hmm

edit whatever ill crome shav
Last edited by rotheee#2686 on Sep 26, 2018, 11:01:08 AM

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