Finally started farming Uber Elder with this build, very simple fight due to super high damage. To all the newbies (like myself) reading this thread debating whether to switch to Indigon, the answer is categorical yes, the damage difference is massive. Plus, with Indigon, going MF with this build is super easy, just go Vile Bastion and swap Chayla for MF amulet. Before I got Enlighten lvl4 and Indigon chaining t16 maps in full MF gear felt very bad, like I was lacking damage. Overall, I feel like you need GG jewels and Legacy Shavs for this build to truly shine, but even without those things on a relatively low budget (compared to Zerphi's pathfinder) you can do all content very easily and enjoyably. Good build. Use it before Poet's pens are nerfed :D
Would you mind showing your character or POB so I can compare?
Sure, here's my POB code Wanted a better belt, better watcher's eye, better warlord mark ring and actual ES boots but kind of over putting money into this character. Works fine (really rippy in 340ish Delves though)
How'd you manage to get your Indigon damage so high? 1118% spell damage is insanely high!
Last edited by Jack2789#0147 on Sep 23, 2018, 9:27:17 PM
Ok so im spending some currency on this build, i already got some stuff, 4x Poet's with 12% atsp, 6L shavs, chayula, voidbringer with ele weak, fenumus, mark of shaper, indigon and , ,
and the watcher's eye with ligh pen+ES on hit
Am i missing something else?
im trying to buy some jewels bcs my resis are really low and im still leveling some gems.
Ok so im spending some currency on this build, i already got some stuff, 4x Poet's with 12% atsp, 6L shavs, chayula, voidbringer with ele weak, fenumus, mark of shaper, indigon and , ,
and the watcher's eye with ligh pen+ES on hit
Am i missing something else?
im trying to buy some jewels bcs my resis are really low and im still leveling some gems.
What could i improve on my chacter? :)
If you want to use Fenumus and Voidbringers you also need the Aspect Aura on one of your rares.
Alternativly dont use Fenumus but high ES boots. SinTreks are a good/cheap alternative.
Ok so im spending some currency on this build, i already got some stuff, 4x Poet's with 12% atsp, 6L shavs, chayula, voidbringer with ele weak, fenumus, mark of shaper, indigon and , ,
and the watcher's eye with ligh pen+ES on hit
Am i missing something else?
im trying to buy some jewels bcs my resis are really low and im still leveling some gems.
What could i improve on my chacter? :)
If you want to use Fenumus and Voidbringers you also need the Aspect Aura on one of your rares.
Alternativly dont use Fenumus but high ES boots. SinTreks are a good/cheap alternative.
Ho ok i didn't knew it, can i use a rare boots instead of streks? i need to cap resis anyway, also what about HoIce? i feel like maping with it would shatter everything around and would stop some issues like detonate dead on chests or porcupines blowing up
Ok so im spending some currency on this build, i already got some stuff, 4x Poet's with 12% atsp, 6L shavs, chayula, voidbringer with ele weak, fenumus, mark of shaper, indigon and , ,
and the watcher's eye with ligh pen+ES on hit
Am i missing something else?
im trying to buy some jewels bcs my resis are really low and im still leveling some gems.
What could i improve on my chacter? :)
If you want to use Fenumus and Voidbringers you also need the Aspect Aura on one of your rares.
Alternativly dont use Fenumus but high ES boots. SinTreks are a good/cheap alternative.
Ho ok i didn't knew it, can i use a rare boots instead of streks? i need to cap resis anyway, also what about HoIce? i feel like maping with it would shatter everything around and would stop some issues like detonate dead on chests or porcupines blowing up
Sure, you can do that. If you want to take that a step further you can also use a Call of the Bortherhood instead of a mark of the shaper.
If you want to take *that* further switch out lightning pen for something else like controlled destruction.
And yeah, you can use high ES rare boots to fill up your resists.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Sep 24, 2018, 7:24:19 AM
Alright already got rare boots, will level up then will give some feedback, still need A LOT of jewel sockets and my dps is a bit trash atm
You need quality on your Frenzy, Faster Attacks and GMP.
Also Level your Phase Run up - you want to trigger that manually for Arcane Surge. Arcane Surge won't trigger on a CWDT chain.
Also put Quality on your Arc-Support Gems. Basically put quality everywhere but your Auras and their supports. Herald needs Quality though - you can also link a blind to your Herald since you got the mana left.
Also: since you have lv4 enlightens and a lv21 bloodmagic support gem you can run a rare helmet instead of the Vertex.
How'd you manage to get your Indigon damage so high? 1118% spell damage is insanely high!
Well it's completely arbitrary what spell dps you put on indigon. I just put something between avg and median.;0.26;0;52;60;57;53;0;2583;619;105;105;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20