Arxxer wrote:
Hello, first of all congrats on the nice build.
I've been playing a cheap version with MF to farm some currency to get the endgame gear, and after a couple days I finally got myself a bunch of ex to spend on this.
Now my question is, indigon yes or indigon not. What are the pros and cons for using indigon? I'm asuming indigon is just more expensive, but does it have any other downside?
Also there's a couple of things that are confusing for me as of the indigon PoB.
Do i need a 6l to fully utilize indigon? Why are the 2 last support in frenzy at lvl 1? Will I run out of mana fast? According to the calculations, I should be running out of mana in 2 seconds, and I'm not sure if that's a big deal or not.
Thank you
Definitely feel like vertex is fine, it will save you a bunch of currency that is better spent on something like a nice eye, warlords mark ring or ammy.
Lvl 4 enlightens are not cheap, and the level 3 works well in a vertex.
This is just my experience from never using the helm, somebody who is might have better input. I'd say just stick with the vertex and spend your money on something else.
Posted byEnrageDlol#2843on Sep 12, 2018, 2:30:25 PM
EnrageDlol wrote:
Arxxer wrote:
Hello, first of all congrats on the nice build.
I've been playing a cheap version with MF to farm some currency to get the endgame gear, and after a couple days I finally got myself a bunch of ex to spend on this.
Now my question is, indigon yes or indigon not. What are the pros and cons for using indigon? I'm asuming indigon is just more expensive, but does it have any other downside?
Also there's a couple of things that are confusing for me as of the indigon PoB.
Do i need a 6l to fully utilize indigon? Why are the 2 last support in frenzy at lvl 1? Will I run out of mana fast? According to the calculations, I should be running out of mana in 2 seconds, and I'm not sure if that's a big deal or not.
Thank you
Definitely feel like vertex is fine, it will save you a bunch of currency that is better spent on something like a nice eye, warlords mark ring or ammy.
Lvl 4 enlightens are not cheap, and the level 3 works well in a vertex.
This is just my experience from never using the helm, somebody who is might have better input. I'd say just stick with the vertex and spend your money on something else.
I understand and I definitly agree, however my question was more towards the assumption of currency not been a problem (in my case, i got a lvl 4 enlighten myself so that's not an issue)
Thanks for the answer tho, appreciate your time to answer
Posted byArxxer#4731on Sep 12, 2018, 2:35:42 PM
I hear ya, I think it was less the currency than the mechanics I think that made me go with the vertex so I understand your struggle.
I'll be curious to see what you go with and how you think it feels.
Posted byEnrageDlol#2843on Sep 12, 2018, 2:53:47 PM
EnrageDlol wrote:
Hey guys.
I was wondering about how you all feel about reaching down for the devotion node on the left side of the tree near celestial judgment for 3 points instead of getting that ES wheel/path of the savant.
I know max life doesn't do anything, but the 20Strength and 3% increase of non curse aura's seems really good and PoB seem's to think so as well (the benefits list is loooong)
Currently sitting at 7k ES and i just hit 85 and grabbed the foresight node.
My PoB for reference.
The build is feeling really nice even though I have no spider/presence/choir. I actually had to sell the choir that i bought (made 70c at least) because I just couldn't make it work.
One of these days I'm going to have to re-do all my jewels for str/dex/resists.
I'm stuck using stat gloves and neck.
Thanks again Cy
Hey! Thank you for coming into the thread!
The benefits from this node are mostly due to the aura effectivness. The Aura-Effect Node in the sovereignity cluster does more for us for less investment if you want to do something like that. :)
If you are lacking the raw stats on your gear its a good solution to get rid of one of your (apparently) rather suboptimal jewels and use those 3 talentpoints you will save that way to path towards some of the big +30 dex/strength nodes.
For your character specifically I would advise you to take the big +30strength node close to Crackling Speed and Pain Attunment. Its directly on our path and solves basically most of your issues. The same can be done for the big Dexterity Node.
No worries and feel free to ask questions! And thanks for posting your PoB and stuff - that makes things just so much easier. :)
Happy playing Exile! :P
Posted byCyrix1337#4098on Sep 12, 2018, 2:57:16 PM
Arxxer wrote:
I understand and I definitly agree, however my question was more towards the assumption of currency not been a problem (in my case, i got a lvl 4 enlighten myself so that's not an issue)
Thanks for the answer tho, appreciate your time to answer
I would encourage you to play with just the Vertex. Your currency will be well spent on other items - especially a watchers eye with a wrath penetraion mod + ES on hit or something like it.
The Indigion requires to re-link skills and re-colourings of sockets etc. The whole Item is basically its own game-mechanic. It has become apparent to me though that to make it transparent for people who are not really into the game mechanics-wise is really, really hard.
I think its best to advise people to play with the Vertex - those that understand the Indigon will also understand the changes that exist between the two versions of the build and can answer all questions regarding it themself. Or incorporate their own changes/tweeks i.e. a fevered mind jewel etc.
I tried multiple times to explain to people what they ought to gear for or need for the indigon in this thread and PMs and it often felt like banging my head against a wall.
If you still want to play the Indigon variant I would encourage you to trust me that I knew what I was doing when I put those PoBs together and copy them exactly.
I am sorry that I am not capable of explaining the changes I made for this Item again and again in a good way.
Posted byCyrix1337#4098on Sep 12, 2018, 3:06:51 PM
Cyrix1337 wrote:
Hey! Thank you for coming into the thread!
The benefits from this node are mostly due to the aura effectivness. The Aura-Effect Node in the sovereignity cluster does more for us for less investment if you want to do something like that. :)
If you are lacking the raw stats on your gear its a good solution to get rid of one of your (apparently) rather suboptimal jewels and use those 3 talentpoints you will save that way to path towards some of the big +30 dex/strength nodes.
For your character specifically I would advise you to take the big +30strength node close to Crackling Speed and Pain Attunment. Its directly on our path and solves basically most of your issues. The same can be done for the big Dexterity Node.
No worries and feel free to ask questions! And thanks for posting your PoB and stuff - that makes things just so much easier. :)
Happy playing Exile! :P
oof the sovereignty wheel looks way juicier you are right. I might play around with that, the ES gain from discipline should be decent. and without a wrath mod on my eye i could use a little boost on my auras.
Good idea with those nodes, I was swapping in and out of those dex/str nodes as i was gearing up. I never really thought of the value they could have over my jewels. Swapping anything now is very difficult since I'm EXACTLY at the 159 dex requirement for lvl 21 frenzy.
re-gearing for something like presence/choir or even voidbringer is going to be hard even though the ammy and gloves I have now are super nice.
Posted byEnrageDlol#2843on Sep 12, 2018, 3:08:52 PM
Also I just made a thing xD:

Posted byCyrix1337#4098on Sep 12, 2018, 3:10:01 PM
Cyrix1337 wrote:
Arxxer wrote:
I understand and I definitly agree, however my question was more towards the assumption of currency not been a problem (in my case, i got a lvl 4 enlighten myself so that's not an issue)
Thanks for the answer tho, appreciate your time to answer
I would encourage you to play with just the Vertex. Your currency will be well spent on other items - especially a watchers eye with a wrath penetraion mod + ES on hit or something like it.
The Indigion requires to re-link skills and re-colourings of sockets etc. The whole Item is basically its own game-mechanic. It has become apparent to me though that to make it transparent for people who are not really into the game mechanics-wise is really, really hard.
I think its best to advise people to play with the Vertex - those that understand the Indigon will also understand the changes that exist between the two versions of the build and can answer all questions regarding it themself. Or incorporate their own changes/tweeks i.e. a fevered mind jewel etc.
I tried multiple times to explain to people what they ought to gear for or need for the indigon in this thread and PMs and it often felt like banging my head against a wall.
If you still want to play the Indigon variant I would encourage you to trust me that I knew what I was doing when I put those PoBs together and copy them exactly.
I am sorry that I am not capable of explaining the changes I made for this Item again and again in a good way.
That's understandable, I know you have been going through a lot on this thread and you have answered a loto f people.
However, I like to think of myself that I understand quite well game mechanics, it's just that I never played an indigon build before, so that's what I'm missing. I still think I can play around it and would love to try it.
I still have some currency to spend so currency wise I can play along it.
I will definitly follow your PoB and test those things out, however I really like the theory in this game and therefore I'd love to understand everything I do.
But, as i said before, I understand you have been going through this a lot of times and you don't really wanna do it again. I'll try to read your comments back in the post, but any extra help would be super appreciated (but nowhere near required)
Thanks again for the answer!
Posted byArxxer#4731on Sep 12, 2018, 3:13:32 PM
EnrageDlol wrote:
oof the sovereignty wheel looks way juicier you are right. I might play around with that, the ES gain from discipline should be decent. and without a wrath mod on my eye i could use a little boost on my auras.
Good idea with those nodes, I was swapping in and out of those dex/str nodes as i was gearing up. I never really thought of the value they could have over my jewels. Swapping anything now is very difficult since I'm EXACTLY at the 159 dex requirement for lvl 21 frenzy.
re-gearing for something like presence/choir or even voidbringer is going to be hard even though the ammy and gloves I have now are super nice.
Frenzy can stay low level! Its not required to level it up at all.
iirc both 114 Strength and Dexterity are all thats needed for the Build to work. You can check my skill-gems in the items I linked in the OP - My Frenzy is on a low level too.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Sep 12, 2018, 3:27:07 PM
Posted byCyrix1337#4098on Sep 12, 2018, 3:15:10 PM
Hmm, you may have just made me 70c then LOL
I just defaulted to my old PP VD build where frenzy was a major source of damage.
i just felt the 21/20 frenzy was standard for some reason.
I was wondering why Dex was such a struggle... I must have glanced over a lot more than I thought.
Again, thanks a lot for being so active in your thread.
It's very appreciated. It's like having an expert on hand. Keep doing you.
Posted byEnrageDlol#2843on Sep 12, 2018, 3:26:52 PM