[3.5] Occult ArcPoet - All Content | Millions+ DPS | ÜElder | Delve 1k+ | Videos
Hello - first great build so far. Still leveling but really enjoying it so far. I have been studying the setup a bit and I thought of something. As most of the links in our frenzy setup are purely utility, why don't we just use curse on hit setup here? This opens up many other gearing options or even easier 3 curse setups if warrented.
Frenzy > GMP > Faster attacks > Curse on hit > warlords > Elemental weakness or conductivity. With this setup, our gloves are completely open for w/e you want, or cheaper non corrupt versions. Same with our ring offering much higher flexibility via maybe an opal. Granted I know this setup you have to hit with frenzy to curse which shouldn't be too hard. It's the same setup I've used leveling and it's very solid. Just possible food for thought. Sorry if it's been mentioned. Been trying to pick through the pages here but it's a lot! | |
" The prospect of 5 APS is very appealing due to the extra leech. Of course, getting rid of Onslaught would be ideal. If you craft gloves with "Socketed Gems have More attack speed" and "Socketed Gems are Supported by Faster Attacks" and replace Faster attacks gem with Enhance you come pretty close. Key here is "More attack speed" which is far better than any other way of increasing APS. Now it got far more expensive, however... |
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You'll gain like 200 es/hit PER second compared to 4.25 attack speed and if you have 30es per hit on your watcher's eye. (0.6(frenzy hitrate +6.6 (150 ms cooldown hits on ball lightning +1 (arc))*4.25 or *5.
That's roughly 35 hits vs 41. Your leechrate will remain the same. I'm talking about single target here. PP builds using zerphi benefited from having as much attack speed as they could because the difference between 4.25 and 5 meant thousands of life recovery per second. I feel 4.25 is the sweet spot in this build as it doesn't make you sacrifice any damage or defensive stats in order to get there. Last edited by OCELOT69350#1550 on Jan 24, 2019, 1:32:13 PM
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" Good points regarding swapping out light pen gems. Regarding lightning warp duration, that's actually where Haste would help. Not only does it increase attack speed, but also movement speed. Since lightning warp duration is based on movement speed, we would should be able to warp around quicker with Haste. The problem is the downsides. Not only do you need to sacrifice mana, but also either need: enough dex to run high level haste, use an amulet with haste skill, or run lower level haste. Oh well. Right now I'm running around with 35% ms boots + 10% ms enchant and it feels pretty damn good. |
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PoB:https://pastebin.com/9tEpgNk5 Hello everyone, firstly I have to thank you for making this build possible and for very nice guide. Above is my gear and PoB link, if anyone could help me to improve, seems like I've missed something crucial with this build, looking to others PoB dps. Have crafted belt with cooldown enchant + some attackspeed jewels that can complement it. Thank you in advance and sorry for bad english |
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I just started this build, i have two prismatic jewels, one with ES on hit, and the other have: Es regen rate+light pen with wrath. Wich one should i use?
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" I'd recommend reading thru the guide in more detail. ES on hit for sure... |
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Is this build also Head hunter viable?
I got my Headhunter in bank for nothing and wanna try something else with my occ. out. Herald of Agony is strong but it isnt fun at all~ |
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" Your damage seems alright considering you're using the Vertex. You have 450 crit multi with Unnatural insctinct, so there's room for improvement here to push past 500. Your attack speed seems way to high (4.42). Get it down to 4.25-4.32 once you wear your cooldown recovery belt. Your 6 link is unnecessary (pcoc, innvervate...) since you don't use indigon. Last edited by OCELOT69350#1550 on Jan 25, 2019, 4:58:07 AM
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so i tested the 5 APS version as well.
Easiest to reach 5 APS was to get insanity gloves ( socketed gems have 16% _more_ Attack Speed) with frenzy, gmp, culling and faster attacks it is quite manageable to hit 5.04 APS! I had to invest into new boots with 15 CDR to reach the 27%CDR breakpoint i tried to roll them myself. but the mod is insanly rare. i bought them instead. I think it is nice to have. the dmg. is insane. but i lost a curse. which doesnt matter for clear anyways. managed to killed uelder again. PoB: https://pastebin.com/EWY2weCi UElderkill: https://youtu.be/pZVwQFanQi0 (not deathless, i am a f**king noob) :D any suggestions how to improve this setup? cheers guys another q: how do u calculate if elemental focs/con destruction/ lightpen is better on Uelder? do u tick shock in PoB, leave it open? i dont know if it is just inflating dmg#? |
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