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Idk if I can take the risk of playing poets pen this league, for all we know it could be super rare now and then im stuck playing self cast arc when I could be playing heiro so I don't really know what to do.
bskgrg2 wrote:
Idk if I can take the risk of playing poets pen this league, for all we know it could be super rare now and then im stuck playing self cast arc when I could be playing heiro so I don't really know what to do.

I would say, go for whatever You think is best for you. If you feel uncomfortable playing this build than don't do it. There are plenty of builds to start with, with a big variety of playstyles.
bskgrg2 wrote:
Idk if I can take the risk of playing poets pen this league, for all we know it could be super rare now and then im stuck playing self cast arc when I could be playing heiro so I don't really know what to do.

Even if drop rate got lower, there are div cards now and chancing still a thing.

You are more likely to get stuck playing Heiro. But Occultist got even more versatile this patch. Still a little weaker than Trickster as a starter, but getting there. Regret Orbs are super accessible, so you can play around alot.
[Delve] Depth 1997 Solo/Volatile Dead
[Betrayal] Depth 1353 Solo/Dark Pact
[Legion] Depth 1003 Solo/Ice Spear
[Blight] Depth 1137 Solo/Dark Pact
[Metamorph] Depth 1005 Solo/Vortex
With the changes to CoC what is the thought process on deciding to put that onto the frenzy setup?
Icculus wrote:
With the changes to CoC what is the thought process on deciding to put that onto the frenzy setup?

This is was pretty much addressed one page ago and I think a page or two before that as well. Here is the response from Cyrix to that post.

Cyrix1337 wrote:
Borat187 wrote:

With the changes to CoC, I came up with following idea: Could this build use that CoC? Here is what I came up with:

I simply changed the Gloves to Shaper's Touch (for the Accuracy) and played a bit around with the tree. It results in 88% Hitchance with 76.65% (81.17% with Crit Corruption) Critchance on Frenzy with an average hit of Arc 228.856. That should add like 568K DPS if my equations aren't wrong.

Do you think it's viable?

Hope this question is not too far away from your idea to discuss. If it's not, just say it. :)



Yeah, as stated before this is viable if you do not run the Indigon. (or now that it got nerfed it might be that this equals out)
I am not quite sure why you have power siphon in there or those weird corruptions on your poet pens ^^. We do not go Occultist for the PowerCharge generation. We have PCoC on our poets pens.

Elementalist might seem tempting but I do not recommend it. Being unable to apply Curses to hexproof enemies makes another mapset hard to do and screws with some rares. (we depend on the manaleech from warlords marks)

Besides - Damage is *NOT* our problem. As such the ES boni from Occultist are just a lot better.

Profane Bloom also helps our clearspeed quite a bit - it feels noticable slower doing maps without it.

I think you might run into trouble without GMP on your frenzy. The arc will rarely be triggered like this since your poet-arc will clear up most things and your frenzy will not hit anything.

I understand your reasoning for Heartseeker (due to it benefiting frenzy as well) over Arcane Potency but I think its inefficient pathing.

Here is what I would do if you want to go that CoC route: https://pastebin.com/3PVTwG0d

But feel free to test it out. :)
Last edited by _Duality_#5615 on Dec 6, 2018, 12:31:53 PM
Hey! One question, why wouldn't you use Vile bastion instead of Forbidden power? You lose like 10% of dmg, gain 10% of survavibility AND cannot be stunned. Also free amulet slot so you can either get dmg or surv? 8K es with great gear (not league starter really) is too small on occultist, no?
divinity wrote:
Hey! One question, why wouldn't you use Vile bastion instead of Forbidden power? You lose like 10% of dmg, gain 10% of survavibility AND cannot be stunned. Also free amulet slot so you can either get dmg or surv? 8K es with great gear (not league starter really) is too small on occultist, no?

Both are valid options. You can search for all those post on that topic that are in this thread here.
Last edited by YT_HB#0097 on Dec 6, 2018, 2:01:18 PM
still it's less than 8k with perfect gear in pob. Man, you shouldn't use perfect rolls in pob, that's misleading. Almost did this as starter (CI first) but in reality it will be like 6k es, so no point of going over life build, especially with mom so accessible.
Damn, enki's updated arc build is dual wielding.
So many nodes are different now :(

Any nodes that we should get for leveling only ?
Last edited by tirrorex#5496 on Dec 6, 2018, 7:14:29 PM
divinity wrote:
still it's less than 8k with perfect gear in pob. Man, you shouldn't use perfect rolls in pob, that's misleading. Almost did this as starter (CI first) but in reality it will be like 6k es, so no point of going over life build, especially with mom so accessible.

You are being willfully ignorant.

A.) those PoBs use my actual gear, not 'perfect roll pob magic items'.
B.) those items are uniques - quite literally the only roll to look out for is the ES roll. If you can't manage to get a decent one I can't help you.
C.) Going ES also gives us Pain Attunment and more efficient pathing. Feel free to make the character LifeBased. I am curious what you will come up with. ;)
D.) Many people go over 8k ES by not useing the (optional) SpiderGear. If you run rare high ES boots (or well rolled SinTreks) and a cheap Vertex or a good rare Helmet you will end up with ~8.5k ES.

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