[3.5] Occult ArcPoet - All Content | Millions+ DPS | ÜElder | Delve 1k+ | Videos

kenmai9 wrote:
kj165 wrote:
Ive been wondering, why not switch out arctic armour for a purity of fire or any other and switch out purity of elements for another ? I can easily cap 1 without purity of elements and the 2 others aura can cap the rest.

Whats the pro(s) of arctic armour?

Did some googling and found this in reply to your question:

Going from 75% max res to 80% max makes you take 20% less damage of that element

Arctic Armor would make you take 13% Less phys and 12% less fire from HITS

If your worried about Fire Degen for some reason then Purity of Fire would be better for that situation, otherwise i believe Arctic Armor would just give you more all around, replacing Purity of Fire with AA seems best since AA can make up for the Fire Resist lost from PoF and still give Phys Reduction.

I see, I was thinking of getting 2 of the ele auras but I wasn't sure.I tried uber elder for the first time this league ( with this build ) and wasn't successful. I guess I need much more practice. I most likely will try to change some stuffs on the build but not sure what, for now at least.

Ive never really played much witch before this league, I used to be a melee or inqui type of person aha
Thanks for the info <3
Last edited by kj165#1400 on Oct 9, 2018, 1:05:04 AM
This build is quite fun and I enjoy it a lot. Managed to do uber lab at 68. Thanks for writing it up. Can't wait to get to 80 for the shaper ring and to get the corrupted gloves.
a question i'm trying to recreate your build.
But how do I manage to have Purity of Elements and Discipline running active when they 52% live Reserved (enlighten lvl 3 and Blood Magic 20/20%)
What do im wrong
H0sch1 wrote:
a question i'm trying to recreate your build.
But how do I manage to have Purity of Elements and Discipline running active when they 52% live Reserved (enlighten lvl 3 and Blood Magic 20/20%)
What do im wrong

You need Enlighten 4 and Blood Magic 21 OR socket it in an Helmet (i.e. The Vertex) with +1 to those gems.
Blood Magic Quality doesn't matter.
Last edited by Tadian#4225 on Oct 9, 2018, 8:02:31 AM
Nice with Vertex works all fine. Thx for Helping me :)
Hi, I am really enjoying your build the clearspeed is insane but i have a problem in tanking some bosses like you do. This is my setup : https://pastebin.com/xzd0WNwJ

is the spider aspect thing really that much of a diffrence
Albanz wrote:
Hi, I am really enjoying your build the clearspeed is insane but i have a problem in tanking some bosses like you do. This is my setup : https://pastebin.com/xzd0WNwJ

is the spider aspect thing really that much of a diffrence

No. Please read the OP.

Here is Shaper and RedElder without SpiderGear etc:



Before you look at any kind of EndGame-Gear option finish your labs. Read the OP which tells you to go for Vile Bastion instead of Forbidden Power if you do not have 7kES without it. You are sitting at barely 5kES. That is not enough by far.

The OP also explicitly mentions multiple times to take Vile Bastion for the Stun Immunity if you do not have a Presence of Chayula.

Read the OP.

Thank jesus fucking god though you got an Indigon on your head. Following the wrong PoB for it as well. Wow. ;) Triggered.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Oct 9, 2018, 6:46:42 PM
level 98 2 level to go
biggydoom4 wrote:
level 98 2 level to go

Well done, keep it up!
Just found out Controlled Destruction gives me way more DPS than Power Charge on Crit does... or did I mess up my PoB somehow?

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