99% Of Mobs Too Easy: This Game Needs Beefing Up

Only saying cuz monsters seem to melt so fast (99% of them) I wonder why the monsters are even in the game sometimes.

Just make a mode where I don't kill things faster than I could kill so many flies without wings on a table. Literally.

A mode where the monsters actually make you worried a little. Even just a tiny tiny tiny bit.

Why does it have to be "easy easy easy easy", then a monster that sort of slows you down for 1 second, then more easy easy, then a boss that sorta makes you worried for 15 seconds, then back to 5 minutes of easy easy easy.

I swear a hot knife through butter would provide more resistance than 99% of the mobs I fight.

We need a mode where you click a button that says "This Will Make All Ultra Easy T10 Mobs And Above Not Easy".

In fact it shouldn't even be a mode, it should just be done.

I almost feel like I'm cheating playing as RF.

Poor mobs need at least a fighting chance.
Last bumped on Jul 13, 2018, 7:25:11 AM
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If it makes you feel good to talk about it, fine.
Life goes by like a fart in the wind.
tldr; You're playing easy content.

You play a juggernaut rf on softcore and make a thread about the game being too easy.
That's just laughable.
IT surpises me that i share (to a certain extent) an oppinion with this person.

White and blue mobs are super easy. Some yellow ones as well.

I know in the current state of the game this is intended. Doesnt mean i think its good.
Raiz said quite recently after they buff all the old skills we will see a buff to mobs.

I hope so - lets see.
Fapmobile wrote:
tldr; You're playing easy content.

You play a juggernaut rf on softcore and make a thread about the game being too easy.
That's just laughable.

That's not actually true.
Even on high tier maps most monsters are laughably easy. And then there's the occasional outlier that kills you in the blink of an eye.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Templar_G wrote:
Only saying cuz monsters seem to melt so fast (99% of them) I wonder why the monsters are even in the game sometimes.

Just make a mode where I don't kill things faster than I could kill so many flies without wings on a table. Literally.

A mode where the monsters actually make you worried a little. Even just a tiny tiny tiny bit.

Why does it have to be "easy easy easy easy", then a monster that sort of slows you down for 1 second, then more easy easy, then a boss that sorta makes you worried for 15 seconds, then back to 5 minutes of easy easy easy.

I swear a hot knife through butter would provide more resistance than 99% of the mobs I fight.

We need a mode where you click a button that says "This Will Make All Ultra Easy T10 Mobs And Above Not Easy".

In fact it shouldn't even be a mode, it should just be done.

I almost feel like I'm cheating playing as RF.

Poor mobs need at least a fighting chance.

100% agreed. Enemies must have a chance to fight back, and ATM they're more like "XP globes".
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Game is a joke until red maps and even then with decent builds it is. Never understood why no difficulty setting like every other game made escapes them.

Of well just twink yourself. Play SSFHC. Try to beat hardest bosses on a 5L or even 4L. I've beaten everything on a 4L.

You gotta play like you're arm wrestling your girlfriend and spot her for fun.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 10, 2018, 2:47:26 PM
I agree that mobs, blue packs, and yellows are too weak all while the bosses might be a little too strong. Once you reach end game with decent (sharper ready) gear, clearing maps is a joke. End game bosses will still be an issue but only because of their insane one-shot potential in tuned up map rolls that no amount of defense can attenuate.

Essentially, they should turn down boss peak damage and make blue/yellow mobs stronger. This will make mapping seem more even... rather than the current state which is a lolfest until the boss.
So you want to spend 2 minutes killing a rare monster which able to bring you down to 20% hp with a single hit while accompanied by several white mobs so you need to kill the white mobs first and kite around the rare monsters and you also need to manage your flasks charges while looking at where you are going, carefully to not walk into a pack of magic monsters but then the rare monster only give you 2 rare gears, and 1 orb of augmentation ? Ok.
bewilder2 wrote:
So you want to spend 2 minutes killing a rare monster which able to bring you down to 20% hp with a single hit while accompanied by several white mobs so you need to kill the white mobs first and kite around the rare monsters and you also need to manage your flasks charges while looking at where you are going, carefully to not walk into a pack of magic monsters but then the rare monster only give you 2 rare gears, and 1 orb of augmentation ? Ok.

Drop rates and XP gains were nerfed so much exactly because killing monsters is too easy. I'd rather engage an interesting fight with a rare monster for 2 minutes, rather than running through all map oneshotting stuff with 1 click without even watching what i've killed, and leaving 95% of loot on the ground just because spending 1 second to pick it up isnt worth it.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Jul 10, 2018, 4:18:52 PM

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