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Shield Charge/Fortify - best option for me
p.s. also fortify will be buffed next league
Last edited by lm0nstrl#5050 on Dec 10, 2019, 9:14:44 AM
kayella wrote:
I have a question for anyone who is interested in my build guide:

Are you happy with phase run + quicksilver and click to move or would you prefer to use shield charge (linked to fortify)?

I prefer click to move because it gives more control. I don't like to use shield charge because it tends to get stuck on terrain features such as rocks.

Tested both early 3.8 and found that Shield Charge felt faster but Phase was infinitely better in Delve for exploring side caves.
kayella wrote:
I have a question for anyone who is interested in my build guide:

Are you happy with phase run + quicksilver and click to move or would you prefer to use shield charge (linked to fortify)?

I prefer click to move because it gives more control. I don't like to use shield charge because it tends to get stuck on terrain features such as rocks.

Played both multiple times, I much prefer Phase run. Fits my play style more - I like to play all maps and Delve.

Shield charge is faster in some maps but feels terrible in others. You lose fortify (unless you get an expensive AG) but I can accept that.

Also liked cyclone last league, w a trigger life and mana on hit claw. Quite different build though.
kayella wrote:
I have a question for anyone who is interested in my build guide:

Are you happy with phase run + quicksilver and click to move or would you prefer to use shield charge (linked to fortify)?

I prefer click to move because it gives more control. I don't like to use shield charge because it tends to get stuck on terrain features such as rocks.

I prefer Shield Charge. I hold down LMB to move normally and as soon as I see an opening, I use Shield Charge. For open maps, I just spam Shield Charge back to back. But if there are lots of rocks and columns and other stuff, you need to learn to time it right, so you don't get stuck on those. At first it's a bit tedious, but once you get used to it, it becomes second nature.

I use permanent phasing from Watcher's Eye for Delve. Going into darkness without phasing is dangerous and frustrating, so either have permanent phasing or be sure that your flask/skill is ready to use (or use attack skill which goes through enemies). But that WE isn't viable option at the very start of the league due to cost.

That being said, this build's one strength is its modularity. You can change a lot of things and it still works. So you could just give options to players and let them choose. Put one option as default for indecisive and new players. List secondary options under that.
Wermine wrote:
That being said, this build's one strength is its modularity. You can change a lot of things and it still works. So you could just give options to players and let them choose. Put one option as default for indecisive and new players. List secondary options under that.

Yes, even from the small number of replies, it seems like there's an even split between Phase Run and Shield Charge.

I've re-arranged the gem links to make it easy to swap between them:

For Phase Run: Phase Run x/20 & CWDT 15 + IC 16. Phase Run unlinked. I like to automate a guard skill with cwdt, but people can use increased duration for longer phase running.

For Shield Charge: SC + FA + Fort. Players will have to use Bone Armour as their Guard skill.


I've also cut 2 gems from the build, so it no longer requires unset rings. This will make gearing easier and allow for higher hp or more resists, etc.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Last edited by kayella#0845 on Dec 10, 2019, 11:01:17 AM
Guide is looking great love the amount of effort you put into it. Will always be my favorite league starter
love that you're already theory crafting workarounds to problems!
league started this at blight and i might do it again in metamorph cause the nerf doesn't seem to effect our build (before endgame atleast) too much.

ty again for the build it was by far my most loved one so far :)

(played all 4 diff versions it had too :P)
Pud1MxD wrote:
Samodin wrote:
Imo the worst thing is that we're stuck with the Ullr boots now, RIP movement speed :(

We never really needed feeding frenzy on the zombies, it can be swapped with Minion life support (Which is also a plus if we use animate guardian or a golem in the same link)
But we're not tho, your endgame boots should be a rare with big life, +1 to level of all raise spectre gems and movement speed (Like the one kayella linked on the equipament tab of the guide).

We needed on the zombies because they would proc the FF buff and give the spectres damage, we need to see how much they nerfed it first.

You're right! I was under the impression that this was a Shaper mod so I didn't count on that for next league, but seems like it's not!

Regarding the FF linked to zombies, I was looking at the top spectre necros on PoE.ninja and most of them use FF with spectres, and then Elemental Army + Phys to lightning on zombies. Not sure about the necessity on the PtL, pretty sure Wrath+Generosity alone is enough to make the exposure from EA be lightning.

Anyway, I was gonna do a mix of this guide and what I found on PoEninja, but seeing how quickly this is updated post-nerf and the care OP puts into this guide, I might just follow this one to the letter.

Oh and I'm a big fan of Shield charge + fortify :)
Might try phase run once I have enough currency for the beefy Animate Guardian.

Glad to see that so far no indication of entirely killing necro is on the horizon. Will probably go with this again.

Hopefully the patch notes are as encouraging as the manifesto, and hopefully the build still works well despite the 1 less specter and the difficulty rebalance. Looking forward to what you can think of for the future of this build by then :)

As for your question, personally despise shield charge due to getting stuck on terrain, but having options is always good. This is what made this build so enjoyable, the different possibilities that can be adjusted to the user's preference without losing too much efficiency.
worldpk wrote:
Glad to see that so far no indication of entirely killing necro is on the horizon. Will probably go with this again.

Hopefully the patch notes are as encouraging as the manifesto, and hopefully the build still works well despite the 1 less specter and the difficulty rebalance. Looking forward to what you can think of for the future of this build by then :)

As for your question, personally despise shield charge due to getting stuck on terrain, but having options is always good. This is what made this build so enjoyable, the different possibilities that can be adjusted to the user's preference without losing too much efficiency.

I did my build a bit different but used a lot of info from past necros I did and this build guide. I love having aspect of the spider. I think in my version I had 5.4k life and 4k es with spirit offering up. I ran zombies and skeles too just for clear/meatshield. I think overall I had something like 3 or 4 million dps or something. Much less than yours. I just liked having aspect of the spider for defense and for slowing mobs during blight. Taking less damage from hits with that new neck is really nice too. Together it made my dude quite tanky. Anyways, this build is nice because you can play it a lot of different ways for what suits your taste.


Uber Elder :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDgFJOX7-rY
Last edited by Orbitalx#4006 on Dec 10, 2019, 4:09:38 PM

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