What We're Working On

Would you ever have a Month Long Head Hunter League? Just wondering because well i would realy like to see what kind of builds will come out of such a thing, I wouldn't even mind if only thing we keep are the challenges.

And i hope in the 3.4 that we could maybe see a change to Cylcone to becoming a channel skill, Allowing players to stop when they release the attack rather then waiting until finished would just feel so much better.
Seriously, for PvP, y'all need to be bringing back the Battle Royal. That shit was lit as fuck. I sucked at it, but was absolutely amazing nonetheless. And I want a Rhoa Dinner for my hideouts. Lol.
That 25% more damage on Cold Snap is about 1/10 what it needs to compensate for the area overlap nerf. Seriously, the area overlaps stacked too, so now even doing degen builds is a theoretical impossibility. This info is also contradictory to what Mark said previously, when he mentioned you intentionally did NOT balance around this, which you now say you did. But hey - the few players that made these builds got to enjoy them for a few weeks. Too bad no one else will until you revisit the skill in 2023.

But no one actually expects you to be in touch, now that you're riding your Incursion high.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
So... archtitect of beasts (spotted on ZiggyD videos showcasing league) and who else for incursions?
Last edited by Disrupted on Jun 29, 2018, 12:48:18 AM
Why can't I trade
Please insert incursion in core Game, it's the best league so so far
While I'm super stoked about the next few months, the use of the term "mega-expansion" makes me nervous... You guys dropped 6 *%$^ING ACTS on us and didn't describe it as a 'mega-expansion'... Either we're going to be super meh about something you refer to as a 'mega-expansion', or it's going to BLOW OUR HEADS WIDE OPEN...

My theory: PoE VR!
Partying would be great except that I would have to play with other people. That usually sucks. Maybe one of these years guilds will be viable and I can lose my life like I did in WOW.

But, really I agree with the poster above me....make Incursion part of standard...heck, make all the leagues part of standard. Now that would be epic.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Jun 29, 2018, 1:35:44 AM
seems very nice :D and now that you are talking about skill revamps i think i have made too many post now without mentioning this, fix ice trap pls :)
RPGNoobANKA wrote:
August One-month Event

Ok, cutting a not well-received league short. Get that. BUT cutting a very well received league short with a one-month event? Like throwing the proverbial spanner in the works?

Please don't.

You must be really comfortable with your dev time schedule and workload, and riding high on your own Incursion kool-aid. IMHO it would be more reasonable, common sense, acceptable (probably also community view) to give the dev team a breather with a 1-month event post-Incursion versus cutting Incursion short for EVERYONE with an event at the end of the league which probably will be non-Incurion related.


Not sure where you get this from, that Incursion was well received? It´s one of the worst leagues so far, pretty much just Breach 4.0. with no innovation and interesting additions to the game.

Lot´s of people hate the timers, lost interest within the first week...

The event is the only thing that can motivate players to come back, the forum is deserted and GGG knows that.

@ topic

I hope the next league is a good one again. You have the habit of bringing a great league after a failed one, so I am looking forward that you can do the same thing that you did with legacy after breach and Bestiary after Abyss.

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