What We're Working On

Gruentod wrote:
xyllywyt wrote:
mmm. put in player useful things, like being able to start in your h/o.


Also This; improving performance by 5-10% is very nice, but as Slipperyjim8 described so eloquantly: ''I hate when you start up the game and you load into a town and you get bombarded by MTX fuckboys that lag your pc''.

This is the reason i avoid using portal scrolls at all while leveling; i dont ever want to be in town; if its quiet it loads just fine, if its buisy it clogs my pc down for up to several minutes. It makes me instant dc after a loading screen when i start the game; SEVERAL TIMES. When i get to maps i still load into town while there is nothing left there for me; i dont want to; i want to go to my HO to run maps, like everyone else. Death to elder guardians? Better revive into town, load for an hour, dc, get back to town, load HO, load map, load guardian arena; have no or little grace period cause fight already started, die again and repeat. Like; if you force us to see other people's mtx outside of trading at least make it more smooth.

Also; nice more ''new'' skills, mah body is ready!!!
Wow so you are breaking my Cold Snap build before i even got it to red maps. I don't expect 25% more damage to make cold snap a viable skill, hell it only starts dealing damage after you got like 4 casts on the ground. Also i felt like the ramping damage/stacking DoT is a nice feeling mechanic for a DoT skill that makes it feel like you are not just standing around and waiting for stuff to die.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oMu75dDdj8 Uber Elder Kill with the "insane" damage of "bugged" cold snap

Meanwhile Elemental Hit kills a phase in three hits and is completely fine... typical GGG stuff can't piss off MTX buyers by nerfing a popular skill right? Guess i'm gonna roll EH BabyRage
Last edited by B4umi on Jun 29, 2018, 3:33:27 AM
Party improvements are nice.

Let's hope guild improvements are next in their plans.
Threw my mouse for happiness
nice nice :D

PvP changes also Welcome
Knowledge is power. Guard it well ,Blood Ravens.
Any optimisation? Tired of freezes.
So can we assume that what you're NOT working on is the alternative payment option to Xsolla? It's been more than 6 months now since Chris mentioned it. It really doesn't take that long to add another option to a business.

You should care GGG, it's costing you money.
wooow exile con i waana goo but sadly i cant 2000grand for ticket...
I wonder if the development team is also coming up with new ways to expand Incursion league if, and only if, it goes core. There is a lot that can be expanded upon. With what I've seen since November (when I really got into the game) I know players always have something to look forward to. Hope you get some sleep and down time with all the hard work you are putting into the game.

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