Gear progression in PoE is like D3 with AH

The endgame portions are similar, stale after a while.
Also fuck AH.

PoE trade is exactly the same as an AH, it's just clunkier and updates slower. I would understand hating the idea of an AH if the present game worked like Diablo 3, AKA no trading and the droprates are higher. As it stands, the game is balanced around a dogshit trading system being intentionally dogshit so it doesn't completely trivialize the game. Chris trying to rationalize why trading HAS to feel bad in PoE is just good comedy. We already have an AH, it's just in early access. And no, spamming whispers and hovering over boxes until they turn green is not "community interaction".

As for a solution, SSF is a goldmine waiting to be balanced; buff the droprates in SSF and you'll see a ton of new PoE players who want to play it but can't be fucked sitting in their hideout for hours to experience the "real game". I say this because when my friends open a stream to see what PoE is about, this is what they see 90% of the time (the other 10% being HH Burial Chambers farming, of course).
Last edited by ChefoSLR on Jun 18, 2018, 8:56:47 AM
e1337donkey wrote:
You know what I don't get about all this discussion about trade is... it's already an AH. The only thing we don't have is the automation of it. But this is similar to what D3 had... you search up items to your exact specifications and then go to buy it. The Act of buying it is slightly different but everything is literally the same.

Almost everything that GGG said in there manifesto already came to light... so I'm not sure what they were talking about. Trade has already made item progression a joke. It has made the need to engage with league mechanics moot since you can just farm it up and trade for it.

The problem is they talked a lot about trade but did nothing about it for years. Various sites started popping up to assist in trading but all of them went unchecked. started becoming more and more known to players. GGG couldn't just shut down these sites since they had become so integrated with the game, and they really didn't have there own idea for trade implemented. So here we are basically with AH

It's kind of funny that people are going back and forth on this but don't really realize that if you are for the current trade system, your actually already supporting the concept of the AH.

All this text and all meaningless. You know why? Because nobody agrees even GGG that current system is good. GGG and half of the players want trading to be last resort and pain in the ass while the other half want everything on silver platter. For more info visit other 4 topics.
kuciol wrote:
All this text and all meaningless. You know why? Because nobody agrees even GGG that current system is good. GGG and half of the players want trading to be last resort and pain in the ass while the other half want everything on silver platter. For more info visit other 4 topics.

How does using a properly made auction house give me everything on a silver platter, exactly? I still have to farm the currency and buy the item. The only process an AH simplifies is the actual exchange, AKA alt-tabbing so I can go to a website and spam whispers. Are you one of those players that thinks frustration equals difficulty? Because nothing about the current trade system makes it hardcore. There's so much archaic design in this game that makes zero sense in 2018, but players defend it regardless. I'll bet money that if you put an AH in the game a lot more players would try it out. Path of Hideout is a difficult sell to people looking for a new ARPG.

This is a very simple issue if you don't share opioids with GGG when they say whisper spamming and hovering over green boxes is "community interaction". If you balance your game around trading, then you do everything you can as a developer to make trading convenient and enjoyable for players. Otherwise you're just keeping this mandatory system intentionally bad.
ChefoSLR wrote:
kuciol wrote:
All this text and all meaningless. You know why? Because nobody agrees even GGG that current system is good. GGG and half of the players want trading to be last resort and pain in the ass while the other half want everything on silver platter. For more info visit other 4 topics.

How does using a properly made auction house give me everything on a silver platter, exactly? I still have to farm the currency and buy the item. The only process an AH simplifies is the actual exchange, AKA alt-tabbing so I can go to a website and spam whispers. Are you one of those players that thinks frustration equals difficulty? Because nothing about the current trade system makes it hardcore. There's so much archaic design in this game that makes zero sense in 2018, but players defend it regardless. I'll bet money that if you put an AH in the game a lot more players would try it out. Path of Hideout is a difficult sell to people looking for a new ARPG.

This is a very simple issue if you don't share opioids with GGG when they say whisper spamming and hovering over green boxes is "community interaction". If you balance your game around trading, then you do everything you can as a developer to make trading convenient and enjoyable for players. Otherwise you're just keeping this mandatory system intentionally bad.
ease of access, changes the entirety of trading. What you are looking at after ah is released. Is items under 10c, plummeting to 1 alchemy, and high priced 1 ex+ items going up in value several times. Also, have fun dealing with bots that will insta buyout cheap items with valuable mod combinations.
Now what could be a thing, is equivalent in game, where you could search in same window and then do everything in game, and would have to invite player to party and do trading. Aka exact same thing as now, but without alt tabbing. It wouldnt speed up trading, but it would make it look more proffesional, rather than this weird way of searching for items on external tools.
Last edited by Aetherium on Jun 18, 2018, 9:30:45 AM
kuciol wrote:
e1337donkey wrote:
You know what I don't get about all this discussion about trade is... it's already an AH. The only thing we don't have is the automation of it. But this is similar to what D3 had... you search up items to your exact specifications and then go to buy it. The Act of buying it is slightly different but everything is literally the same.

Almost everything that GGG said in there manifesto already came to light... so I'm not sure what they were talking about. Trade has already made item progression a joke. It has made the need to engage with league mechanics moot since you can just farm it up and trade for it.

The problem is they talked a lot about trade but did nothing about it for years. Various sites started popping up to assist in trading but all of them went unchecked. started becoming more and more known to players. GGG couldn't just shut down these sites since they had become so integrated with the game, and they really didn't have there own idea for trade implemented. So here we are basically with AH

It's kind of funny that people are going back and forth on this but don't really realize that if you are for the current trade system, your actually already supporting the concept of the AH.

All this text and all meaningless. You know why? Because nobody agrees even GGG that current system is good. GGG and half of the players want trading to be last resort and pain in the ass while the other half want everything on silver platter. For more info visit other 4 topics.

This isn't true and you know it.. there has been way over four threads on trading. It comes up every league and will come up every league until something is actually done about it. So many people have mixed feelings on what we have right now. It's very evident on responses you see in these threads. Like I said, I feel like GGG took to long on this... they can't really take away the AH we have now because it will just upset so many people, and they can't make a full fledged AH because they will upset so many people. So we are stuck with this halfsie AH, not AH trade system.

ChefoSLR wrote:
kuciol wrote:
All this text and all meaningless. You know why? Because nobody agrees even GGG that current system is good. GGG and half of the players want trading to be last resort and pain in the ass while the other half want everything on silver platter. For more info visit other 4 topics.

How does using a properly made auction house give me everything on a silver platter, exactly? I still have to farm the currency and buy the item.

No. You don't. Because everything on the AH will be essentially free. There's way more "good gear" out there than people playing the game. The only reason that gear isn't spread uniformly is that players have storage issues and refuse to go through the hassle of trading.
As far as I'm concerned, all of you auction house [Removed by Support] can bugger off to World of Warcraft and stay there.

Tonight I sold a pair of Wake of Destruction boots and a lightning damage abyss jewel to someone who was originally just buying a Storm Cloud bow. (Yes, they bought the bow first.)
"Let those with infinite free time pave the road with their corpses." - reboticon
Last edited by West_GGG on Jun 20, 2018, 4:48:18 AM
I could give two-poops about trade now or in it's future form (which looks to be pretty much the same as today) but the OP is conceptually correct in his comparison. It would be Hear No Evil See No Evil to argue otherwise.
e1337donkey wrote:

This isn't true and you know it.. there has been way over four threads on trading. It comes up every league and will come up every league until something is actually done about it. So many people have mixed feelings on what we have right now. It's very evident on responses you see in these threads. Like I said, I feel like GGG took to long on this... they can't really take away the AH we have now because it will just upset so many people, and they can't make a full fledged AH because they will upset so many people. So we are stuck with this halfsie AH, not AH trade system.

I love it when you said it isnt true and than proceeded to confirm what i said.

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