Gear progression in PoE is like D3 with AH

FrodoFraggins wrote:
You sound like a fun guy

Same as you.

Trade already easy, but very uncomfortable.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
trixxar wrote:
Agree that we are already in the AH system, just a really, really, really bad one.

Gear inflation is there, its just really really really annoying to deal with.

But, the system is not really very well built for SSF, particularly at maps, so you have the worst of both worlds.

Trading is necessary at some point and they dont build around SSF because trading exists. But, its horrible, not fun, destroys game immersion, is similar to doing taxes and the DMV.

Honestly, I dont care if an AH is the right solution. Build the game around SSF for all I care. Or limit trades to 1 per 3 days, except for maps, and institute a full working AH. Or something else.

Just sitting on this is bleh.

PoE was, is and will be based around trading. It's one of the core elements of the game. Making it SSF based would be a shot in th knee for GGG. The SSF exsist because there was enough masochists asking for it. But it comes at the price, you dont get anything in return execpt for bragging rights.

FrodoFraggins wrote:

in game searches may make it too easy to trade - which is what they want to avoid. My guess is that's a line they don't want to cross

the thing is this already exsits in some form on the x-box version.

also check the video Charan linked few pages back, showing how the ingame map trading looks like.

YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.
Last edited by Miazga on Jun 26, 2018, 3:24:11 AM
BlaqWolf wrote:
Auction house is *NOT* needed, in any way.

Automating the trade system, however, is *badly* needed. Need to get rid of the requirement to spam 30+ whispers to get 1 response.

You find an item, you whisper the player, system parses said whisper format to a trade window and inputs item (and, being automated, always uses the proper item rather than scam crap). Purchaser inputs requested currency and hits accept - trade complete. Seller never has to leave map, lab, or ever respond. Gets a notification that X item has sold for Y price.


I can say with almost 100% certainty that you never played a game with a good (non pay to win) auction house. It is a things of beauty - as a seller you post and you get a message to pick up your money. Buyer, at his/her leisure usually before or after a playing session browses and clicks the buyout and picks up the item in his mailbox.

People sticking up for the cluster fuck trading that we have in POE are like Trump voters - they just spew back crap without thinking.

As it stands, trading is an annoyance. If GGG wanted to limit trading, making it annoying is a bad idea. If GGG wanted to encourage trading, making it annoying is a bad idea. So either way you look at it, the current system is not good. I don't see how people can deny this fact.

So, if we agree that trading is not in a good place right now, it is up to GGG to change it the way that they want to (hopefully in line with what most players want). Personally, I would want SSF to be non-reversible. That way they could 'fix' the drop rates and other things players complain about having to use for. I think this would be the quick and easy solution that they could implement immediately (well, probably next league...). I think adding an in-game AH for those not in SSF is also a good idea. I personally think adding limitations to this AH (such as frequency of trade) would be a good idea however, since making it far too easy to gain gear through trading is detrimental to an ARPG (imo). You end up realizing you are better spending your time on the AH, rather than playing the actual game.

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