PvP in 3.3.0 and Beyond

LordBlick wrote:

You may mention Nature's Boon Pathfinder's node. It is just defensive class. Gains flask charges, Jugg gains endurance charges and so on. Perfect world does not exist.


First of all not all flask are defensive ex> dying sun-vinktar-roar. 10 secondes 2 extra projectiles+aoe gained every 3 seconds... that s not really what I call defensive.

And even if it was used for defense, Hello infinite yerphi 50k life regen... is that balanced?
Then when you have infinite panic flask in pvp you get insane advantages in 1 vs 1 format.

FLask management should be vaforized instead of brainless flask spam with infinite flask regen. Tactical use of flask instead of moronic 1234 with popsicle.

Do you want competitive pvp or something for the motorically challenged idiots?

Flask management and interesting tactical moves do not need auto flask recharge!

LordBlick wrote:

ProjectPT wrote:
Pathfinder (scion ascendant)
Ryslatha (minor pantheon)
These things are 28 level irrelevant.

Coming and shoving LLD down people throats. Level 28 pvp is not played by a majority of players so your comment is also irrelevant. IT s more 60/40 for HLD see recent polls.

We try to be impartial, PVP should be balanced all together. Separating 28 to the rest simply because your little group like it better will not help things advance.

My critic aside, I plea GGG to balance things for HLD together with LLD and not be stubborn and go the LLD only route.

GGG greendude effect was a disaster, please balance HLD and LLD and not favorize either.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Jun 10, 2018, 4:00:50 AM
come on man, you make explanations to a dude who thinks solaris lorica is solution for chaos damage : )

"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Rupenus wrote:
come on man, you make explanations to a dude who thinks solaris lorica is solution for chaos damage : )

And you think you are so cool self-appreciated buffoon.
No I'm not thinking so, Solaris Lorica was just example that there is no need to modify PvE skill tree just for such reason. It will goes to way with no back, no dropped items necessary to fight, fight for bare chests to be more competitive and so on.
Characters need separate skill tree working just for PvP, separate skills etc.
And at least it still is waste of time and Tencent money in PvE based game…
man, this forum got even weirder. and hilarious.

pvp gg gear for sale, for the lower than low price of only 100 exalts!

(and i think it's silly to want to ban CI, but i'm just an outsider having a laugh now)
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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Stop this boredom already, non legacy SL has "25% reduced chaos DoT taken" mod, while stacked with a proper Pantheon and Ascendancy it's a significant and cheap defense against chaos DoT.

PoE pvp community at its finest, meaningless ignorant spam in a thread directly destined for a constructive feedback.
Last edited by SomethingWonderful#6156 on Jun 10, 2018, 3:53:12 PM
again, it's easy to prove your argument is worthless but i won't spend my time on that. Obviously you guys better go back to grindnig 40/40 in leagues. Cause you have opinions formed without knowledge.

you should realize that you are talking to pvp community. people who hunt each other, try to get better than each other, compete with each other, how do you expect them to be agreeable and welcoming? This is against the nature of pvp.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
....I don't have 53 strength so I can't use it. What now genius, what am I supposed to do now WHAT THE FUCK MAN!
IGN: MullaXul
SomethingWonderful wrote:
Stop this boredom already, non legacy SL has "25% reduced chaos DoT taken" mod, while stacked with a proper Pantheon and Ascendancy it's a significant and cheap defense against chaos DoT.

PoE pvp community at its finest, meaningless ignorant spam in a thread directly destined for a constructive feedback.

Even if this reduce chaos damage from dots, we are talking about Flesh Binder, blight and other shit like trap ED here. SL won t protect you from getting 1 shoted by that and even coupled with pantheon.

The thing is this guy is referencing level 28 pvp. His post stink level 28 pvp. He don t speak for HLD and broken chaos dots there.

In HLD where most pvp players still play, what this chest would need is a "less dot taken". GGG can do the math, roll a high level life toon with 10k life and apply Flesh Binder degen to it.

GGG should not listen to such arguments anyway, focusing on LLD is a mistake and there is noway SL can prevent any 1 shot death from chaos dots in HLD.

GGG should really create 90 toons and start testing things from there.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Jun 10, 2018, 11:58:52 PM
there is NOTHING more desperate than asking to players how pvp should be shaped. You should have your tools and people who are determined and willing to work on it.

The balance should be done with excessive unit testing with different players and final verdicts should be given by someone who studied these quantitative qualitative methods or whatever they call like to interpret statistical data they gather from those tests.

those guys who are doing these calculations should have tried playing pvp with us wih almost every character possible and should try to reach top too.

This is what blizzard is/was doing with warcraft 3 and starcraft 1-2.

note: i work in a big software company, this is how we do it.

"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Jun 11, 2018, 2:21:03 AM
Devs create a thread to get pvp feedback and improve the game ? Better turn it into a pvp forum ego battle contest to make it unreadable.

PvP community as it's finest ^^

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