The long-awaited Attack in Place feature is coming in 3.3.0!
this is a buff! |
Finally o/, no more num lock trick, thanks.
So GGG sells 80% of their company to Tencent and all we got was being able to attack in place which was already possible with numlock?
Congrats did you sink all the money you got into a simple feature almost all ARPG's had? *claps* Well I for one stopped playing as of the other day, so honestly couldn't care about a new? feature. PoE might go another year but eventually it will crash and burn thanks to Tencent, like poor Paragon that had oh so much potential to be a great moba. Last edited by firenovix#6291 on May 22, 2018, 6:38:51 PM
Tencent's investment is finally starting to pay off.
Praise Tencent!
" I'm pretty sure 3.3 isn't JUST this, get your head back where it belongs, it's a few feet low and behind. | |
And another step into modern day gaming has GGG taken. Baby steps, but hey, at least it's a step in the right direction. :)
finally i might actually make a lightning strike build!
(or lightning tendrils, cuz for some reason it also tries to move to cast, even though the incredibly-similar blight doesn't) |
" People shouldn't have to go through this kind of stupid hassle just to have attack in place. |
numlock trick? i always just held shift.