The long-awaited Attack in Place feature is coming in 3.3.0!
" Reddit got a 'yes all skill slots' answer: No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" I do this too. I design my builds based on the fact that I am bad at using QWERT, as my fingers rest on the flask buttons. The only situation where having a combined attack/move skill is bad, in my experience, is monster with Proximity Shield - as a ranged character. Namelock skills on QWERT is a real no-go for me. But I usually have a movement skill on RMB and my main attack on LMB. If I use two attacks, I use my MMB for movement. I use my spacebar for attack-in-place - and use it OFTEN with my left thumb. Guess I have to change up some things when this change goes live, because it is a useful feature. And I know having a mouse button dedicated to move only is smart. It's just... A waste of buttons in my mind :P Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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" Not holding shift. |
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" Yea, i think so. I never had problems with binding movement skills to the keyboard. In the ranger example above i bind Blink Arrow to 'E'. But damaging enemies with the keyboard instead of mouse clicks feels just 'unnatural' xD Theres no problem if i just use one skill for damage, e.g. Sunder binding to RMB and Leap Slam to 'E' or something similar. Problem is when i use a dedicated single target attack. Seems i need to adjust in this case. Because always holding down shift is also very clunky |
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Why is this not front page news??? Seriously ... this is one of the best things I have heard in a long time!
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" Because the news page is for attracting new p(l)ayers? Imagine being new and never having played PoE and then reading this. The wording of the post already gives away that it does not target new p(l)ayers: "The long-awaited ..." No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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wow what a shit way to omplement this :D why don't give us a simple option with on/off .. this doesn't change anything since numlock is 5x times faster than assigning that shit to every skill.. but i guess like for almost everything we asked for the last years the answer is * we don't have the tech to do so* maybe in 10 years with tencent money GGG finally gets access to tech other companys use since a decade LUL
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" ? 1. I have to redo Numlock after every alt-tab and every(?) change in PoE option menu. If the new thing works as I think it does it doesnt have to be redone all the time. 2. The new thing isnt global and can be done per-skill-slot which has advantages as pointed out in this thread. 3. Some people dont even have a 'numlock'. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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To those attributing this change to Tencent. You're wrong.
Its actually because of the community and streamers asking for it. Tarky and Raiz asked Chris Wilson for it directly last saturday on beaclast #23 and He said something along the lines of "Oh! is that a concern? It's actually really simple to do, i will look it up with the team and if it really is a concern its something we can fix really quickly" So there, not even a week later here we are. They really do listen after all! |
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" lol, well I should have known this answer was going to pop up. To me this isn't a huge deal though as I am used to holding shift / a button I bound on my mouse anyways from other games like D3. |
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