Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games
" That's great, if it takes the death of POE for them to learn that a giant unethical megacorporation can't just pluck ripe looking studios and expect them to do anything other than wither and die, then it's worth it. A desperate shame for such a great game as POE, but it would be worth it. |
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" Ideals don't put pizza and beer on the table and everything has a price, as you'll see. Ironically enough, I'm an idealist in my own way, and often expect far higher standards of others than you'd see on average. But there's caring about something that will actually make a difference, and then caring about essentially nothing but a business decision that will keep the game alive longer without the need of praying this quarter's supporter pack sales will cover the cost of making the league. 1337 21gn17ur3
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So we spent all of that money on supporter packs just so you could sell out to TENCENT?
How is this not fraud? |
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Cannot understand why people are complaining about this.
Guys, your money helped GGG to maintain POE for years, and now the game became known, that people want to invest in. If GGG and Tencent fully respect their promises as these answers to FAQ. I am glad that GGG worry less about the salaries etc, and may hire more talented people (like those who already work there) to continue to develop, make POE better. Congratulations GGG! Last edited by q382827308#6001 on May 27, 2018, 3:14:03 PM
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Last edited by Praise_Kuduku#7841 on May 27, 2018, 5:15:39 PM
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Probably the last time i spend money on that game ... Do you know your community ??
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Thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars invested, and still..... I'm out. I'm not letting this P2W mobile game slime bag conglomerate profit from me. Not one penny.
You say things won't change (do you pinky promise?), but what is stopping Tencent from interfering as much as they like in the future if your business model (which your having sold out is guaranteed to be impacted) doesn't return their investment to their satisfaction? People payed the completely outrageous prices of the supporter packs because they wanted to support YOU, not pad the pockets of the worlds largest investment firm. Anyone who thinks things aren't going to change for the worse (for us players anyway) has their head in the sand. I believe in your right to run your business however you like, I'm just gutted that this is the way you chose to run it and I just won't support it. Tencent is the worlds largest investment firm which only cares about revenue and profits and will use any and every tool at their disposal to maximize those profits. They are accountable to their investors, not you. They don't care about promises or gameplay or value or preference or fairness or ethics or loyalty. They care about money. They're going to get their money. One way or another, if they have their say and we choose to play along. That's why I strongly urge everyone to vote with their wallets. In this day and age, it's the only vote you've got and the only one that counts. Goodbye |
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I dont have such strong feelings since i didnt invest so much in PoE and so my altruism of helping the game didnt got hurt bad. It`s a bussiness, but i really hope Grinding Gear Games wont change in Greeding Gear Games - or you will really loose your suporters (this is not like the whining on nerfs:).
I hope The Chief is keeping his promises as stated and will continue this wonderful saga called Path of Exile. Also, acording to Vespasian, the money doesnt smell - so no such thing as dirty money - but, they can do dirty things. I will remain with you at good and bad, it`s the only game that i play. Thank you for all and sorry for bad english. Noroc bun! |
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Sellouts !!! I will not suport I giant firm like Tencent.... It was cool to suport you guys because I saw you as a Cool indy company... My suports is over. :(
Last edited by jbmborg77#1043 on May 28, 2018, 1:05:36 PM
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Guess spamming new microtransaction every week still wasn't enough money.
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