Why did even people supported you then? For not making a game better but suck out ppl's money and then sell 80% of the shares of your company? Also i don't understand why in the world ur publishing this not rigth after tencent OWNED you but after weeks later? To leech out more money from people who will buy supporter packs and etc? Just shame on you.
Posted byForHer#5035on May 23, 2018, 11:43:15 AM
I wont say its the end ,most likely the beggining of the end i guess . GGG feels their game has passed its prime , and since its their game , they can do anything they want with it .
It's been a strong game , quite addictive (especially the hardcore element) , and im glad I was part of it .
Posted bythirdtimelucky#3811on May 23, 2018, 11:53:07 AM
HeaT1 wrote:
cipher_nemo wrote:
The 80% ownership and the fact that someone from Tencent officially registered themselves as "director" of GGG (Chris is also a "director") means that nothing said in this announcement by Chris holds any real legal weight when push comes to shove. Only time will tell whether Tencent lets Chris and his team manage GGG without their interference. But if you look at other developers Tencent acquired, you'll see that eventually Tencent will push its will through in the end.
maybe chris and team will eventually divest and create another ip better than poe.
If Chris does that and it's his own indie company, then I'd support that new one. I don't feel "sold out" by Chris, as it's his decision and money to make, but I do feel that GGG is now sold out, and no use supporting it anymore.
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░ cipher_nemo ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
Posted bycipher_nemo#6436on May 23, 2018, 12:03:06 PM
wow, just wow.
I have no problem with the topic at all... But... the opener post is so bloody naive - just wow.
shareholder(s)==ruler. always.
just as one simple example: compare facebook advertisement before and after going to the stock market. hint: before, they had like 5 people working in advertisement.
now Zuckerberg has to visit courts and parlaments around the world. The reason is not that zuckerberg became an evil guy after facebook was listed in the stock exchange, he just wasnt the ruler of facebook anymore.
the only reason why tencent bought GGG is to earn money and absolutely nothing else.
Posted byKhastro#7367on May 23, 2018, 12:04:20 PM
Hopefully Chris abandons ship and makes a new ARPG similar to PoE back in 2012-2013. Maybe he was fed up with the direction of the game. (Just listen to his comments on about wanting a separate league that is like old PoE.)
Realistically though, he abandoned ship to make a Magic the Gathering clone or something.
Posted by111derivi#0518on May 23, 2018, 12:09:12 PM
aah and by the way i am a shareholder of tencent...
so stop reading this chris AND GO FKCING WORK FOR MY PENSION!!!!11
Posted byKhastro#7367on May 23, 2018, 12:13:16 PM
Travesty9090 wrote:
The predictable scenario here is that Tencent and GGG have underestimated the fact that people's willingness to buy supporter packs/MTXs is to support an independent company. Now, that willingness declines, Tencent gets pissed their ROI isn't what they wanted, and they make changes. Then it's RIP.
well said
Posted byForHer#5035on May 23, 2018, 12:23:25 PM
Koheleth wrote:
Moribundus wrote:
Shyanmar wrote:
It's not great news per sé, but I for one am going to withhold premature judgement.
If, and only IF this turns out to be a decision with far-reaching negative consequences as quite a few people are inevitably wont to assume immediately despite assurances to the contrary, there will be more than enough time to complain about it.
Until then, no need to paint a depressing picture that's a bad caricature of reality. Only drags ya down.
If, and only IF this leads to PoE becoming a p2w mess, I will drop any and all support of the game. If, however, it remains the game I've come to love and enjoy, I'll continue to support work well done - that's simply positive reinforcement. GGG presumably know to what design decisions and business practices they owe their success, and until I see evidence of the contrary I'll assume that they will strive to keep it that way.
EDIT: They have earned enough of my trust over the years that I'll at the very least give them the benefit of the doubt here. If it works out, all's well and good.
I have noticed it in last years, that some ppl here (and quite alot I have to say) just need to create Drama.
I have an urge to smile upon those pityfull ones :D
GGG creates even a FAQ with points where they state the company will not undergo any changes basicaly incl. game direction etc. and yet those Trageds keep whining /facepalm
Or, maybe they are prophets! and can see the future :D
For me, it is just the way GGG is considered, no more a standalone company purely functioning on player support MTX. Despite that I think they are already way beyond any money issues since several years :)
As long this game wont feel like mangaanimepokemondotafinalfantasylineage thingy I gonna keep supporting them, as I did so until now, be it supporter packs or MTX :)
GL GGG in the future ♥
(yet I am still wondering about how you can hold up against such flood of negativism from players in last years, all the moaning QQ hate and bitching, but meh, might be just my nature)
I agree with this to an extent. Please remember that the way the game has arrived at this level is largey due to us - the community. By complaining, and thus changing the development, the community has quality control tested everything. If there was no complaining many things would never have been fixed and the path of exile we know would not exist ---and ten cent would not be buying it. Thank goodness the community has a voice! Often this complaining is way overinflated, yet we continue to push path of exile into the best game in the genre. Hopefully our whining and complaining will still be acknowledged and poe continues to evolve and stay relevant.
I have to say, this was one of the best replies I ever got when I "bitched down" the QQ whiners.
/respect /mature_behavior_check_proven
Playing for joy ♥
If interested, check out my Hideout(s): /view-thread/2226019
Posted byMoribundus#6790on May 23, 2018, 12:50:54 PM
Aldora_the_Summoner wrote:
But this is where most people are wrong.
Have a look at all the big companies and corporations out there. Have a look at their annual statements and reports. There are very few business out there that make massive profits. Let me explain.
There are big companies that generate a large amount of dollars as profit, but their profit margin is single digit percentage points. They might generate $6Bn in profit, but at only a 5% ROI so a full 95% is being consumed by the business to run the business.
GGG is no different. Perhaps their model is more successful and they're generating an astronomical 20% profit each year. So anyone that continues to support PoE by buying packs and points will see 80% of that money go to support the game which includes paying the wages of all the staff, keeping the servers on and developing future content. Of the 20% profit 4% goes back to the owners and Tencent receives 16%. So if you bought a $100 pack Tencent gets $16 while PoE itself gets $80 to continue to operate.
As to why do you sell 80% of your company? Because you are looking for a large cashflow to continue to improve the game and develop the next game at a AAA standard. If you wanted a payday you sell the whole thing and retire. If you're passionate about your development you obtain what you need to see it grow and retain a proportion because you have faith in your vision.
The honest truth is that business deals like this are incredibly complex and we will never be privy to all the details and nor should we. So we can speculate and draw conclusions based on incomplete data but the key part really is that I've trusted Chris and the team for years, so why would I not have faith in them now?
There's plenty of time to withdraw support and spend money elsewhere when things actually get bad. No need to be an early adopter of doom and gloom when there is no impact to us yet.
Playing for joy ♥
If interested, check out my Hideout(s): /view-thread/2226019
Posted byMoribundus#6790on May 23, 2018, 1:00:02 PM
Khastro wrote:
wow, just wow.
I have no problem with the topic at all... But... the opener post is so bloody naive - just wow.
shareholder(s)==ruler. always.
just as one simple example: compare facebook advertisement before and after going to the stock market. hint: before, they had like 5 people working in advertisement.
now Zuckerberg has to visit courts and parlaments around the world. The reason is not that zuckerberg became an evil guy after facebook was listed in the stock exchange, he just wasnt the ruler of facebook anymore.
the only reason why tencent bought GGG is to earn money and absolutely nothing else.
GGG also needs money for the game to become bigger and have stronger fundamentals. I believe they saw this investment as a way to make that money without having to worry if they would have enough money/consistent cash flow to make what they want into a reality without posting appeals on the announcement board asking for a handout from the community. I'm not saying asking for money in such a case would necessarily be a bad thing, but I somehow doubt that you could keep doing that whenever you needed to push more features to modernize the game. Eventually the community will say "no means no" and then the game either stagnates in terms of development, or worse, closes its doors.
So per se I do not blame Chris Wilson for making the decision he did, if he thought he could get the funding he needed to further the development of PoE into something bigger and better than it currently is.
But if the community decides to fuck over the funding source because they don't like this method, be prepared for PoE to become completely unrecognizable from what it is today. Investments that don't make money end up being used however to make sure that money keeps coming in. I don't think anybody disagrees that Tencent saw PoE as a profitable investment and bought it for the same reason, but I also have some belief that just maybe PoE isnt as helpless as people think it might be in the terms of the deal.
One further thing: I'm also sick of being repeatedly told by certain persons that positivity happens to be the same as being naive. I'm currently in a fairly dark place personally speaking, and the attitude many people here demonstrated made me feel a whole lot worse than I already am. But enough about me since nobody really gives a shit about anybody else's problems on the internet especially when they would rather wallow in their own negativity to begin with.
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