Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games

After all this time and blood sweat effort Chris has put into his company and grow this game, he, and his early investors deserve a return on theire effort and investment. This is the only game I have been playing since I got involved in 2013. Even if the game goes to crap, GGG releases an auction house, or creates an offline version, or this becomes abandonware, so be it. The team have to move on eventually.

All this QQs are from people with multiples and multiples of exalts, shavs, etc and are afraid they are rightfully staring at their true worth ($0) and are overly emotionally invested.

Good job Chris, Sellout! Claim your rightful reward and prize after all these years of hard work.
thehornedrat2 wrote:

All this QQs are from people with multiples and multiples of exalts, shavs, etc and are afraid they are rightfully staring at their true worth ($0) and are overly emotionally invested.

just. nope.

thehornedrat2 wrote:

Good job Chris, Sellout! Claim your rightful reward and prize after all these years of hard work.

Wait a second... it's not like they were working all this time without getting payed. o0
Aenona wrote:
It has been so easy to support Chris Wilson since he was a person with electrical bills and everything else that we normal people struggle with on a daily basis.

It was very easy to throw money at him when you knew that he would provide some great content for you.

Now thats not so easy to do anymore, since he is past the point of having trouble paying his electrical bills or even put food on the table.

Who can blame Chris Wilson for finally cashing in on all his hard work.

That mentality is seriously skewed. I hope you realize that Chris was living very comfortably even years ago. And GGG was thriving, exponentially growing its developers and staff. And we had no problem supporting GGG and Chris because they were still an indie developer/publisher. Now all of that has changed. I'm not going to be throwing money at an $800 billion USD gorilla that is Tencent.

What some people don't realize is that 80% of profits will funnel back into Tencent. And Tencent may decide to funnel that money elsewhere. Chris can't control that. We can't control that (aside from not giving GGG any more money). Some of that profit may go back into GGG, but that's just a guessing game.
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Last edited by cipher_nemo#6436 on May 23, 2018, 7:25:09 AM
Why devs havent put some quotes from the papers? about limits of involvement?
it might reassure local drama queens a bit

i mean it should be on paper, they are not like "arite arite" with em chineese sneaky swags? :)
Last edited by old_joe#4503 on May 23, 2018, 7:27:46 AM
Well crap. I really wanted to get back into the game with Incursion, but now I can't justify buying any more stash tabs.

RIP PoE, I guess..
The dumb is strong in this one
old_joe wrote:
Why devs havent put some quotes from the papers? about limits of involvement?
it might reassure local drama queens a bit

i mean it should be on paper, they are not like "arite arite" with em chineese sneaky swags? :)

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't tell us that there would be no changes to the international servers and that it wouldn't become p2w if it wasn't on paper. I posted in a lot more detail earlier to try stop everyone from being dramatic but it seems like no one reads lmao.
old_joe wrote:
Why devs havent put some quotes from the papers? about limits of involvement?
it might reassure local drama queens a bit

i mean it should be on paper, they are not like "arite arite" with em chineese sneaky swags? :)

I'm not even sure how much clearer you can make it than the GGG statement itself did without a sarcastic business 101 rage comic, as out of fashion as that meme is. If the skeptics want the exact terms of the contract - no, they will not be available, because business reasons, but Chris Wilson never screwed us over for any reason until now, so I'm thinking that just maybe he won't start doing that at this point. Knowing what kind of person Chris Wilson is, he would sooner sell his own property to continue funding the game if it happened to be in financial straits. What he needs now is money to make the game as it should be, on tier of the AAA giants in the industry, even though this game is already beating the pants off of any AAA offering.
1337 21gn17ur3
ExiledToWraeclast wrote:
MarioSonicLuigi wrote:
onevaz97 wrote:
You guys are hypocrite
I know you guys buy supporter packs because you dont want to look like trash can walking in maps

When people yell or belittle the folks leaving, considering leaving or holding off on supporting, they are doing nothing but potentially driving those folks away for good.

The targets will not be "shamed" into paying more money or continuing to play. Nasty comments, telling them they don't know anything about business, calling them chicken-littles and lairs only makes them more determined to never return and never support again.

If you really care about keeping people who are worried or upset, attacking them is not going to improve the situation. It might make you feel better kicking them around in the short term, but it ultimately only hurts GGG.

If stating simple facts hurts people who think with their feelings before facts, then I'm afraid we're both at an impasse here. Just because people like that are so afraid of change they would rather stick to their opinion even with evidence against it, doesn't put the blame squarely on the shoulders of people trying to point out that maybe things won't be as bad as you think they will be in the future. Getting upset over something that you don't understand never worked very well in real life, much less the internet, you know, and it's an attitude all of us would be better helped fostering, because it would improve things to no end.

Yeah you nailed it because I know I personally need like 50 fucking portals to look good. I also need to equip 10 different armor sets on top of the one or two chars I mainly play at any given time.

The reality is that, in my case, I have my top 3 portals that I ever use, and I didn't need any armor MTX after Grandmaster because it's some of my favorite stuff and that's pretty much all I run with to this day. I don't even think I wear anything from Subjugator or most of the other packs.

The point is that I don't really need any more shit - ever. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that front this point on has any need to spend any more $ on GGG.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on May 23, 2018, 7:40:28 AM
Thank you for being transparent!

Can't say that I feel happy about this news but congratulation to this big deal!

Let's hope the best for the future and that such a hugh investor enables GGG to bring PoE to a entire new level.
I would love to see that GGG proves all those cynics wrong who are afraid that PoE might become a souless cash-grab like so many other games bought by hugh investors. Your statement is clear that this will not be the case. Nonetheless it can be hard times to stand your ground against 80% ownership.
Keep up the good work and thanks for reading.
Let's explore new playstyles - Play it your own way, not just like the others.
Quality management is one of the most underrated success factors in every business...
So i guess MTX sales are down? Its likely true that the company as it is expanding can't possibly rely on selling stash tabs. Going to guess salaries are up there now and not to mention you need to make John/Erik rich too on top of it all.

Overall there isn't much to worry about here, but it is fishy that they signed the entire company over at 51%. This essentially means there is a clause somewhere in that contract of acquisition that ensures Tencent can make and change whatever they want. GGG is literally banking on their word here. It could also mean as little as Tencent wants majority so they can take this game and rehash it 10x as a P2W in China and other places and bank on it.

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