Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games

that's what they say now... past shown RIP GGG :-( loved to play u my POE *cry*
Just here to fill in my worry like many others. Tencent owning this much of the company and you having a "finacial repondsablity" to them gives me no reason to buy supporter packs or points ever again. Tencent has a really bad reuptation and for good reasons, if the majority of the money goes to them, then its straight up immoral. I could always justify the expensive MTX's, GGG was an indie company and by buying points you more or less invested in it and got a few cool cosmetics or quality of life changes. It was a company I felt great about giving my money, their game philosophy was good and their business model upfront and fair.

Even if the game improves and you don't fall under tencent like many other companies have before you, you've essentially tarnished your name. I foresee many veteran and loyal fans being turned away from this move and new, uninformed players sticking around. Anyone not ignorant to the situation shouldn't want to fork over their cash anymore.

I trust GGG to still make a great game, they have only good people there, but this is just adding a very sour aftertaste to anything involving PoE.
cgexile wrote:
Nikkaj wrote:
im not familiar with the whole shareholder stuff. does it actually mean if i spend 100 bucks on packs, GGG just sees 20$ off it? so the majority of my support goes to a global annonymous company not related at all to the playerbase? is that really the case?
if so, it seems like a terrible idea to sell this much of the company (aside from a onetime big cashgrab). it completely alienates GGG from the playerbase and its a waste to buy packs IMO

Yeah it's about 80/20 - visually would look something like:

That is not right. If you buy a "Supporter Pack" in the future 100% will go to GGG. They work with it. If GGG earns a profit at the end of the year, the owners must decide whether it is reinvested or paid out to the owners. 80% of the paid profits would go to Tencent and 20% to the remaining owners.

Example: GGG generates 10% of its turnover as profit. The owners decide to reinvest 5% in the following year and to distribute 5%. Then Tencent receives 4% and the remaining owners share 1%. For every $100 supporter pack Tencent receives $4 and $1 is split between Chris and the other two owners of GGG.
I've took a break from PoE for a few now..

But after reading the news about Tencent... I'm disappointed really.. This may look good on paper Chris and I know running a business and keeping operations running smooth is a tough task. I didn't think GGG had money issues? You reassured us that everything was good.

ALL I ask if things go grim please plan an Offline option ahead of time just in case you lose everything.

This sad news :(
If there is a Hell! I'll see you there!
I have a feeling, as if my friend got cancer and will soon leave my life.
But I very much hope that I'm wrong.
Good luck,GGG.
So what's the size of this deal?
I would assume high double digit millions or very low triple digits.

Also this
like signing users up to their services
basically confirmes Microsoft wanted to buy / invest in GGG.

I know you can't deny or confirm any of this, so please just nod Chis :)

Personally i think Tencent is getting way to big now. They (partially) own all the biggest games in the World right now.

Well, there's always Warframe...
BM_Stammtisch wrote:
cgexile wrote:
Nikkaj wrote:
im not familiar with the whole shareholder stuff. does it actually mean if i spend 100 bucks on packs, GGG just sees 20$ off it? so the majority of my support goes to a global annonymous company not related at all to the playerbase? is that really the case?
if so, it seems like a terrible idea to sell this much of the company (aside from a onetime big cashgrab). it completely alienates GGG from the playerbase and its a waste to buy packs IMO

Yeah it's about 80/20 - visually would look something like:

That is not right. If you buy a "Supporter Pack" in the future 100% will go to GGG. They work with it. If GGG earns a profit at the end of the year, the owners must decide whether it is reinvested or paid out to the owners. 80% of the paid profits would go to Tencent and 20% to the remaining owners.

Example: GGG generates 10% of its turnover as profit. The owners decide to reinvest 5% in the following year and to distribute 5%. Then Tencent receives 4% and the remaining owners share 1%. For every $100 supporter pack Tencent receives $4 and $1 is split between Chris and the other two owners of GGG.

You're actually right and I'm wrong in my example. Maybe it makes more sense if we think of them as profit tags!

You sir should keep buying supporter packs (or profit tags?). I know the $86-some-odd billion dollar owner will personally care and thank you for it (I know I'm right on this one).
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on May 22, 2018, 12:48:24 PM
Serleth wrote:
BaggerX wrote:
Apparently the wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun...

Anyone have any examples of a Tencent acquisition of a major game developer having a serious negative impact?

Shh, the voice of reason shall not be listened to.

Unfortunately lots of people are stupid and lots of players are going to blame Tencent now whenever they happen to not like a league.

Unless the business model changes, I'm going to hold confident that the game's going to be the same quality it has always been.

Has nothing to do with the fact that they could shit in your lap literally and you'd thank them for the smell.

It is disturbing how emotionally aligned some of you get with your corporate over lords. It's a dark sector of the humans condition. How easily we bond to an exploiter. Like a beaten child ever striving to please a sadist.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities. https://www.youtube.com/@Innomen
Innomen wrote:
Serleth wrote:
BaggerX wrote:
Apparently the wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun...

Anyone have any examples of a Tencent acquisition of a major game developer having a serious negative impact?

Shh, the voice of reason shall not be listened to.

Unfortunately lots of people are stupid and lots of players are going to blame Tencent now whenever they happen to not like a league.

Unless the business model changes, I'm going to hold confident that the game's going to be the same quality it has always been.

Has nothing to do with the fact that they could shit in your lap literally and you'd thank them for the smell.

It is disturbing how emotionally aligned some of you get with your corporate over lords. It's a dark sector of the humans condition. How easily we bond to an exploiter. Like a beaten child ever striving to please a sadist.

Did you miss the part where GGG said they were not bound to do sweet fuck all for Tencent except report some financials and give them a part of their profits? Most of the money will just be reinvested into support for the game as it always has been.

And if "corporate" rubs you the wrong way, that's on you, not on the rest of us who only care for how this game will go forward from here. GGG aren't obliged to do anything to please anybody, and the fact that they put up the details of this deal in public is already far more than most companies would be willing to do. As for getting the actual contract, fat chance, though, because that's how business works.

I also really love how you choose to describe the players who have some optimism despite their caution (which by the way, includes me as well in every aspect) as battered children, when we've voiced our own criticisms and concerns often enough over the years, the majority of which have been addressed by GGG and the devs.

If the game dies as a result of its players choosing not to support it, don't come back expressing empty regrets about what could have been if the players just decided to for once not whinge about what GGG does.

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