Changes to Ignite in 3.3.0

This is just my personal opinion, but i thought i'd throw it out there anyhow.
Maybe someone will see it and be like: ...huh.
I've been playing this game since beta. Thats a lot of deaths accumulated over time.
I enjoyed learning from my mistakes and getting further into the game with each new character.
However i feel as of late the only thing killing me in maps are spikes, and mostly elemental damage.
In reaction to this, i thought id spend this league as a champion support, focusing completly on staying alive via health, regen and resistances and tanking for my friends.

Perma fortify, 80%+ res, 700 hpreg and 6.5k life and a couple more endurance charges than usual. Not a single offensive node was taken. And i cant charge through a pack of elemental enemies and utilize the taunt mechanic to keep my friends alive, i'll just die to elemental spikes. Suffice to say, considering i can tank ANY physical hit without a problem, it felt quite sad.

The only way to "tank" in this current meta, is to not take ANY damage. Through evasion, dodge or block.
Which to me feels completly brainless.

Also, the powercreep over the years has led to the brainless clearspeed meta we find ourself in today.
Enemies die instantly or instantly spike you as a dps character through cummulative mods, and those encounters usually gives close to 0 chance to react to the situation. There is no in between. Players constantly balance their character around recovering close to full hp after one hit or spam instant potions and killing mobs in one go, which renders the enemy completly redundant. The only thing players usually keep in mind these days are mob post death mechanics.

The game needs to slow down. Give players reaction time, reward players for their actions. Penalize players for only stacking offense, instead of letting them clear maps mindlessly. Nerf enemy elemental damage. Make resistances actually count for something, as it is now, capped resistances are a must, as you've balanced elemental damage around having 75%. this NEEDS to change.

I've been supporting with this game for so long, its been a place for me and my friends to gather, and we could spend hours just theorycrafting and talking about interesting mechanics. However, none of that is necessary in the current meta, we all know what works. And what works isnt fun anymore, its just mindless. I remember a conversation i had with ProjectPT way back, and we discussed powercreep and the direction the game was heading in. We actually called the current state of the game, even though i want to remain hopeful, i see why he left.

TLDR; Unless the game returns to its roots, kills this mindless clearspeed meta, slows down and rewards theorycrafting and actually investing into the mechanics the game supposedly offers i cant see myself playing this for much longer.

Feedback on this post would be greatly appreciated.
MrSnorlax wrote:
Can someone explain something to me, maybe its because I haven't played in a long time but it feels like Fire is the only element that gets attention and lots of uniques/passive tree nodes that affect it. Is it just me or does anyone else think we need more attention to the other elements instead of fire?

I took a long ass break and just came back for Bestiary and onwards but it feels like the only big end-game viable builds have Fire damage.

Well is called POE for one reason ... to read ... Path of Elemental ... Physical dmg exist in this game only to be converted to elemental ... and if you want to counterattack the high physical dmg incommne you need to convert to elemental defense and boom this is the all potential of GGG employers .. nothing more nothing less.
How about we nerf BF so it doesnt do 500% more damage than any other skill in this game?
What happens to RF if the node do double the dmg for the skill O_O.
These news when i'm experimenting a burning build... thanks :)
Yeay just when i thought im back into the game and planning to spend on mtx and this happened. THANKS GGG, for reminding me about how clueless you are on your own game. Thanks for reminding me NOT to spend anything on this game. Thanks for reminding me why i took the break in the first place. It seems the only mantra that you know on balancing your own game is NERF this one to the ground and go buff that one so it's freaking OP. F#$K this, i hope WOLCEN is better so i can truly say goodbye to your S#%T.
Last edited by zanzibar9#5228 on Apr 27, 2018, 6:27:48 AM
semma_car19 wrote:
Ignite always had better dps than freeze builds, but it is funny that you killed fire ignite builds and now after so long you are trying to make it good again. Obviously you have no idea how to balance the game,it is either a total nerf or a total buff what YOU WANT TO BE PLAYED AT THE CURRENT MOMENT. Hope you do something that is actually gonna keep players longer than 1 month in the new league.Peace out

While nice I don't think this'll do much tbh. In terms of pure dmg it still loses out to poison and it's not worth bothering with much since you're better off investing in up-front fire damage anyways.

I think reworking it so it's not a pure damage thing (since it can't really compete as such without making certain builds broken) would be the way to go. Right now both freeze and shock have their places as utility effects which is pretty nice, doing something similar for ignite would be something worth trying imo.

Perhaps adding some new uniques/keystones to modify/add to effects of ignite would be a good way to go. That way if something like RF wants to say get the ability to stack ignite it'd have to sacrifice an item slot or some skill points to do so while allowing other builds to perhaps build around it.

Either way, it's a process, keep it up guys ^^

IS there really someone in the balance team thinking:

"fuck! we don t have enough penetration to kill 45% elem res bosses. I am counting on my gear, I have 10% on boots,37% with support,5% on belt,15% in flask.... humm no no no will not work at all 67% pen? wow too low! Should I use nghamau or dual sambar shaped for 20% more and 32% more? hum WTF too low! "

We really need to boost pen on tree, items and gems guys, clearly there is not enough. All of this to boost ignite... you know the shit you nerfed like 1 big extension ago. jaja.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 27, 2018, 6:35:49 AM
nman99 wrote:
Ignite this post and write a new one.

this shows what guys are playing poe....

what a creative constructive critixxx....... but in the internet times every last guys has to post something and created data rubbish

sometimes i wonder if the game is to hard to learn for some type of players like here... "nman99"

what a dull one...
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Last edited by loCurnus#1594 on Apr 27, 2018, 6:48:34 AM

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