I agree with XP lost if you die. But there should be some ways to have alternative choice for penalty.
Even Dark Souls, they give you a chance to retrieve your lost after dying. And they give a costed method to avoid death penalty.
Posted byCuteGon#7448on Mar 17, 2018, 9:32:02 AM
steven0006 wrote:
I know I am sick of the fucking bullshit in your game I've supported you constantly but this is just gone out of fucking control. Doesnt matter what you do or what shit build you choose during whatever trash league is up you will hit a road block where dying 1 time results in days worth of grinding out the fucking window. This isnt a god damn JOB i shouldnt have to fucking spend 100000000000 hours each fucking league to get to lvl 99.
Remove the fucking exp loss on death its fucking trash. Nobody wants to hit a wall they cant pass because they didnt pick the same trash piece of shit build that is meant to only run uber labs and not die. Think I speak for anyone that plays this game getting to 90 takes long enough let alone dying 1 time at 90 losing 10% exp and now your whole 10 maps you ran because higher tier maps dont fucking drop (t11+) so you are stuck running the same trash t6-t9 maps that get you shit for exp.
Ive spent hundreds of hours on this game and every fucking league I play its the same fucking thing, get to around 90 then die 1 time lose 3 days of play time to just hit the same shit wall of fustration. EXP loss shouldnt be in the game in the first place. This is an action RPG not a fucking arcade game. Not a single game in history that has exp loss has been fun.
Guarenteed you delete my post because god forbid someone talk shit about game on your forums so other people can see that your game is a JOB not a fucking game. When a game feels like a Job you as a develeper have failed, 0 fun losing 10% exp when you die.
Level 87-88 takes roughly 150mil exp, grinding the shit mid lvl maps because 0 high tier maps drop gets about 30mil exp an hour so it would take me an entire night just to get 1 lvl at 5 hours play time yet 10% of that is gone in the blink of an eye when during this fuck ass league some red faced beast comes and bends you over and fucks you in the ass. Ooops 10% exp gone so you go back and again insta rapped o well right not like the 3 hours you just spent on trying to get a fucking level ment anything. So next day comes you try again and again and again getting to some boss or beast or some random bullshit kills you and you go up and down in exp never actually fucking leveling.
What should I do run act 1 fucking twilight strand for years on end just to lvl and never worry about dying to some dumb broken bullshit mechanic? Or how about everyone in the game should make the same trash build because god forbid someone wants to play something else and have the same ammount of fun no no no no lets not do that lets just fucking ruin peoples gaming experience by making the game a fucking job just to level past 85.
I Ran last night with a buddy everytime i got 10% exp some bullshit red faced beast mob insta kills me and then back to where i started all night long and its the biggest waste of fucking time I didnt have fun and i sure as hell dont want to fucking play no more after that fucking trash.
But let me be these china asian fucks that run full party of buff bots that follow them so they can never die in the game. Is that what your games become is you have to run multiple accounts just to level past 90 because doing anything solo in the game thats not in solo self found league shouldnt be done right? right???????
Anyways doesnt matter everything anyone says falls on deaf fucking ears since you game devs obviously thought it was so COOL to take exp from people that die in a action RPG.
All I can say is remove exp loss or I will do you just like I did Blizzard and I will boycott you forever, never buying a thing from your company again taking my friends with me to whatever other game we decide to go to. I know that me and my few buddies that leave wont hurt your pocket book and thats fine but eventually after enough people leave taking their friends with them will leave your game in the same state as diablo 2 filled with nothing but Spam bots selling shit to the few hundred real people left actually playing the game anymore.
We have a winner! Congratulations!
26 x Fucks in a single post, and they said it couldn't be done.
Favourite armour? Hmmm, I forget it's name, but it's that scarlet one that whatsherface wears when she wants to look splendid.
I like Marmite.
Posted byTúrinTurambar#4000on Mar 17, 2018, 9:39:36 AM
sup whiners
Posted byNubatack#3979on Mar 17, 2018, 10:01:45 AM
It's a bit ironic, the exp loss on death. Yet in 'hardcore' your character doesn't even die.
They mess up death in both lol.
Posted byGeorgAnatoly#4189on Mar 17, 2018, 10:48:13 AM
Unfortunately this game is not casual player friendly at level 70 and above, you can play for say 2 to 3 hours and die once your back to where you started.
Posted byLisnari#0562on Mar 19, 2018, 12:41:57 PM
steven0006 wrote:
But let me be these china asian fucks that run full party of buff bots that follow them so they can never die in the game.
Everyone always blames the asians. :(
The recent Asia vs Europe Race proves who the real culprits are.
I see you EU...

Posted byPrizy#1622on Mar 19, 2018, 1:24:50 PM
The Death penalty is an ancient relict from days when it makes sense (D2/Titan Quest etc.). In POE it doesn't make sense because you die because of Lagspikes and a bad game balancing...
If you're playing a non-meta build, you'll have to expect at least to get 1-shotted from Mobs on T8 cards and higher. Sounds stupid, but it is so.
But being upset makes no sense because it's just a game. And if you got upset=>Play something other that making more fun for the moment: City Skyline, Simutrans, TESO, Fallout 4, Factorio etc.
The Way to Hell is paved with good intensions.
Posted byR3NNW#0350on Mar 19, 2018, 2:54:14 PM
zzang wrote:
The XP penalty on death is the last bastion, the last integrity this game have.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Posted bySnorkle_uk#0761on Mar 19, 2018, 2:59:41 PM
Remove XP death penalty but make portal scarcity in maps actually matter.
When you design a game around such a harsh penalty, i.e. 8+ hours of grind lost at high levels for a death, the frequency of death and difficult mechanics that cause death become minimal (as does level 95+ skill/gear diversity).
I'd much rather have a game that is more consistently challenging, that kills us more frequently, than a game that is built around and rewards challenge avoidance.
Edit: There are other problems with the XP penalty as well, in that it mainly penalizes players 90+ who are trying to level. There's actually no penalty for players at 0% XP and/or who aren't trying to level, as well as for level 100 characters. That's an inconsistent deterrent. A better design may be a loot-based penalty applied globally to that specific map/instance where the death occurred, which would target some of the botters much better.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client. Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Mar 19, 2018, 3:17:13 PM
Posted byVhlad#6794on Mar 19, 2018, 3:09:10 PM
death penalty should stay but be reworked.
some possible solutions could be a combination of any of the following.
1) add a factor to regain loss exp at a quicker rate up to the 10% loss.
if you die again you lose the difference up to that 10% debt.
2) increase the minimum experience gains per map tier , so that higher tiers offer better exp for a larger level limit. This would encourage running harder content.
3) Add loss experience in a map to the boss exp pool. Forcing players to ask for help to beat boss instead of skipping it. It could be a max of 1 deaths value. or even 50% of the exp loss.
4) add a currency sync for a book or through zana to buy that can save you/return the exp loss. Perhaps something to do with orbs of regret to give them more value. maybe Clvl : 1 regret.
currently the experience needed and gained are just too slow after 90 and abysmal after 95.
Posted bynadakuu#2485on Mar 19, 2018, 3:11:15 PM