Data about how Beastcrafting is being used

Mentoya wrote:
DarkenLord wrote:
Mentoya wrote:
I've crafted some very awesome items!

Said the 3 challenge guy who didn't even finish story mode. What did you craft? A MS boots and life ring?

You obviously don't realize that one can have multiple accounts....I haven't creating anything on this account except movespeed boots. In addition, if you pay attention to chat, you would hear about some of the awesome uniques people are getting. True, lots of trash, but also some good ones.

Dude you've done nothing LOL
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

Like your highest char in this league is level 50s like do you not listen to yourself? Are you literally just completely oblivious of what is going around you?

See my previous post. It's also well known around here that you complain about everything....You are never NOT complaining.
What are you what?????

What is wrong with you THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WHAT I SAID LOL [Removed by Support]

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Patrick_GGG#0000 on Mar 16, 2018, 6:07:37 PM
I_NO wrote:
What are you what?????

What is wrong with you THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WHAT I SAID LOL [Removed by Support]

Learn better grammar and then try again.
Last edited by Patrick_GGG#0000 on Mar 16, 2018, 6:08:47 PM
You're level 51 like I don't understand why you continue to delude yourself.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I_NO wrote:
You're level 51 like I don't understand why you continue to delude yourself.

On this account yes I am.... Stop repeating the same thing.
Gonna go play now and leave you to your "whine" and cheese.
Last edited by Mentoya#7912 on Mar 15, 2018, 9:21:56 PM
Mentoya wrote:
I_NO wrote:
You're level 51 like I don't understand why you continue to delude yourself.

On this account yes I am.... Stop repeating the same thing.

You do not have another account LOL oh my god dude.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Mar 15, 2018, 9:22:10 PM
What would be nice is if we could buy traps that allowed us to target a certain creature we want to hunt.

Once we've capture it, we can go to our pens, right click the trap, click the beast we want, and it sets it to that type. Then having the trap gives a greater chance of that mob spawning in zones.
Mentoya wrote:
I_NO wrote:
Mentoya wrote:
I've crafted some very awesome items! For those who haven't crafted, you are missing out........Don't blame the league for that. I thought catching the beasts at first was hard too since I'm a totem user. But with a bit of creativity and strategic planning, it's not that hard at all.

GGG keeps making it easier to catch beasts, but people are still bitching and complaining lol....

Thanks GGG!!!

Wow you are delusional.

No, you are just lazy and want everything handed to you, otherwise you cry like a baby

Holy shit dude you're level 51 so I'm guessing you haven't even killed Kitava yet, no one wants anything handed to them rather than to have fun in a league, unfortunately this might be the worst league ever created in PoE history, worse than tempest which was awful at the time being.

Maybe you've had fun crafting 15% movement speed on your wool shoes but eventually you will come to maps and capture beasts and wonder "why the hell am I doing this" and then you'll realize how fucking dreadfully boring this league is. But maybe you should post after you've completed the game, luckily for you that will probably go super fast with all the "awesome items" you've crafted you NUT

Holy shit dude you're level 51 so I'm guessing you haven't even killed Kitava yet, no one wants anything handed to them rather than to have fun in a league, unfortunately this might be the worst league ever created in PoE history, worse than tempest which was awful at the time being.

Maybe you've had fun crafting 15% movement speed on your wool shoes but eventually you will come to maps and capture beasts and wonder "why the hell am I doing this" and then you'll realize how fucking dreadfully boring this league is. But maybe you should post after you've completed the game, luckily for you that will probably go super fast with all the "awesome items" you've crafted you NUT

You are lucky that GGG isn't charging monthly like many other games are... But the way people are complaining around here, you would think that people were being charged $15.00 a month or something. and if the "THREE MONTH" league has any faults they trash the hell out of the game. smfh

Last edited by Mentoya#7912 on Mar 15, 2018, 9:30:43 PM

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