Item Splitting Beastcrafting Recipe Disabled

Ygidua wrote:
In the end, the SSF community suffers most, again. We can not trade items, we can not profit from too many rare beasts spawning, except that it makes our life easier.

With the "fix" to spawn rates, we are now once again the dumb and it makes you wonder why it´s always us, that have to suffer for things that the RMT community does. It´s not our fault that people play in parties, find many beasts and then use them for crafting.

It doesn´t matter how much they abuse crafting, it has no impact on us and yet, we must pay the price.

GGG, please stop caring about the trade league, it can never be balanced, never be fixed. Start doing something for SSF, this is where the big boys play and where it matters. Give us back the red beast spawnrates from release, right now it´s terrible to play your game, as we find no beasts to capture.


but you could trade in the first 12 hours. you just missed out
Nice job GGG,
Some people seem to be surprised that GGG could make this kind of mistake.......come on. They have been making huge blunders and doing stupid things for years and never seem to learn. Sadly for me, I still love the game but I decided to take this league off. Thank God I did.

I have given GGG far too much money already and won't give them another penny. They continue to do bad things for their customers. My buddy who plays the game says, they like to piss in the eyes of their customers.

Roll back or ban the offenders please. Delete the league and we are happy to wait for a finished product next time.

There are bigger exploits circulating (lab farmers, seeing the contents of chests as an example) which also massively ruins the economy. Please prioritize these sort of problems ASAP.

Last edited by Nevzat#0411 on Mar 8, 2018, 11:11:18 PM
Worst ligue ever. (I think its impossible after BlueaShitters ligue)
Dead on day 5.
Great job GGG.
I wanna my money back. You dont deserv any cent i spent.
Roll back your shit to Legacy ligue. Nothing can safe this preAlpha ligue of worst Vorici quest.
The negative and entitled attitude of so many players posting on here is embarrassing. Year after year, GGG continues to release great content and if they sometimes make a mistake along the way they ultimately fix it.

As far as the drama goes: an unexpected event happened that influenced the economy?
And? Unexpected events always occur within economies.

An unexpected event happened that might influence the race to 100/kill the new boss?
So? Random events have always been a part of racing in Path of Exile.

I also think the addition of bestiary mechanics is being vastly underrated. It provides a framework for a whole new avenue of gameplay that the developers have only begun to explore. I'm excited to see how it develops as the game continues to evolve.

Serioulsy? Why can't I enjoy the fun as well?
slably wrote:
The negative and entitled attitude of so many players posting on here is embarrassing. Year after year, GGG continues to release great content and if they sometimes make a mistake along the way they ultimately fix it.

The problem is that they have not been releasing great content lately. Harbinger was lackluster and bugged on release, Abyss was good but plagued with issues and bugs, worst was the disgusting lack of polish that could have been overcome with QA. Then Bestiary.

Oh, Bestiary. Plagued with bugs, an unfriendly mechanic that detracts rather than adds to gameplay, bad rewards from an awful RNG fiesta spawn system. And AGAIN, DISGUSTING LACK OF POLISH. So many things about this league are bad, but a type of bad that anyone who has played for an hour or two could plainly see.
How do you not understand the frustration (even without playing one) of a 20% culling slayer to keep these mobs alive to net? Or minion builds?
How do you not see how awful it is to target a mob amidst their adds or other packs of monsters, oh, and the nets don't work half the time?
No flask charges after killing things in the pit? Fixed now but still..
0 Quality Assurance.

That's not even getting into promises of crafting from press releases prior to the league that flat out aren't in the game. Literal false advertising.

It is not entitled to expect a game you've pumped hundreds of dollars into to playtest their patches. Not have perfect patches, that's asking a lot. Not playtesting for more than an hour or two, not delivering on promises? Reprehensible.
WARNING: Do not give GGG money. Never forgive the content creator priority uncovered during 3.14 Ultimatum league.
GGG got caught giving content creators in game advantages, only when caught would they tell the player base they were doing this. This will continue, but more slyly.
Last edited by Ghostseer#0774 on Mar 8, 2018, 11:26:59 PM
slably wrote:
The negative and entitled attitude of so many players posting on here is embarrassing. Year after year, GGG continues to release great content and if they sometimes make a mistake along the way they ultimately fix it.

As far as the drama goes: an unexpected event happened that influenced the economy?
And? Unexpected events always occur within economies.

An unexpected event happened that might influence the race to 100/kill the new boss?
So? Random events have always been a part of racing in Path of Exile.

I also think the addition of bestiary mechanics is being vastly underrated. It provides a framework for a whole new avenue of gameplay that the developers have only begun to explore. I'm excited to see how it develops as the game continues to evolve.

Dude I'm sorry but I have been playing this game since 2013 and every single league without exception there is some massive bug that f*** everyone up expect the 5% of people that used it. And its getting worse every league.. there is a massive lack of testing and proper development. Breach we had bug where you could run breaches endlessly without using stones, abyss you could duplicate liches, they fixed that and when they did they broke the spawn of liches for like 2 weeks before they realised. I skipped Harbinger but I've heard there was some great bugs too in first 2 weeks. Legacy - bug where the charges on leaguestones wouldn't get consumed. Perandus, multiple bugs with chests spawning and Cadiro... This is ridiculous.
Can safely rename game to Path of Exploits by now.
slably wrote:
The negative and entitled attitude of so many players posting on here is embarrassing

would have tought the playerbase of this game was above entitlement....
the precise thing i appreciate about PoE is that it doesnt cater to casuals entitlement and that this is a game thats basically designed to be expolited, a game where there are still secrets and knowledge and an elite who have access to those and who will not neccesarily share that knowledge with everyone upon discovery. i am far from being a part of that elite, still i can appreciate such gamedesign.

for anyone else theres always blizzard games or certain mobas with their pseudo-complexity while at the same time the current "meta" and "next-level-strats" are self-evident common knowledge to anyone.

communistic games, really.
games designed to make not-so-smart people feel smarter than they are.

let me rephrase it:
the great thing about PoE is precisely that something like this "dupping-"thing can occour.
Last edited by PaoloPinkel#2463 on Mar 8, 2018, 11:36:30 PM

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