Item Splitting Beastcrafting Recipe Disabled
Haha, crying jealous kids, they didn't get the bonus, what a sad story :D
well im i kinda same situation with this game, i dont wanna play any other character than trapper. but trappers suck so BAD compare to all those super puper mega fast and millions dps builds that it stops me from playing this game. im with you guys :D ign : GraveyardPrincess
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so much crybabies here
as always... teh game is "balanced" toward the 1000+ hours players.
If "basic" players can get great stuff... the game is unbalanced If the casual players can do bosses ... the game is unballanced If the working class player can rack exalt ... the game is unbalanced If the non streaming player can trade great loot ... the game is unbalanced If the players with families can do the shapers ... the game is unbalanced Yup that has been verified by our 1000+h experienced players.... So let's nerf everything that can help casual players reach the level of our beloved 1000+h per league players. And make sure they do not feel folowed by othe rplayerd. |