Item Splitting Beastcrafting Recipe Disabled
Okay this league is the worst i have ever played...and i ahve played all
First of all it is not FUN ! 0 FUN factor in the game... i have 0 desire to play or farm endgame you bored me to death for 3 days in league. Second dupes and buggs Third - Supporter packs that look like dog poop Forth - NO NEW GEMS or items to make me want to play something new ... Cyclone last league Cyclone This leagueee Cyclone the league after this league.......... |
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" I hope you only mean the ones who duped Elder/shaper items which the recipe states it should not do. Even then I think it is harsh. People should not get banned because they play the league. If GGG bans somebody for making 6links with this it would be unforgivable IMO. Same thing really with the helm enchants. This one is all on GGG. GGG messed up big time. Banning people for their own mistake would only make GGG worse. |
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Dang, if only those QA experts with 1000's of hours of in-game experience would have caught that before launch, this wouldn't be all over Reddit right now. Are you also going to fix the Lab enchant dupe and take those multiple items off the trade site that are up for sale?
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" So much salt. I hope you were trolling on that last part. Plenty of new gems the last 2 leagues. Its your fault for not wanting to do something besides cyclone..... No wonder you are not having fun with such a crappy build haha. |
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I feel bad for GGG for all the insane people threatening them.
I know you are going to learn from it and create better content next time. This is a buff ;) |
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" They should ban the ones that obviously exploited it and made dozens of copies. They knew what they were doing wasn't intended and took advantage of a mistake which is an exploit. |
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Pretty gutted by this, while it doesn't impact my play experience, it really stuffs the economy.
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" It shouldnt be hard to find out the few dozen people who took advantage of this. Find out which players made a large influx of divines and convert those into portal scrolls :) If anyone who accidentally gets screwed over by this can put in a quick ticket and have an investigation started to see if it was legit form or not. |
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" Sure, just like the learned with last league after they forgot to mention Abyssal depths couldn't spawn in half the maps and liches were way too rare to begin with, but good thing they fixed that after a month and a half after 75% of the community quit the leauge. Wait, i mean they learned their lesson with the horribly shitty mechanic that people started to ignore with Harbinger until they decided to fix it a month in when 75% of the community had quit the league. This is the time they fix it, for real definitely this time! delete all lootboxes
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" I did not get to try this duping at all and I don't really care much for it. In fact the league was already bad IMO and now it definitely does not feel good to have a lab farmer ready to go... just to get to compete with thousands of duped enchants. This is probably the nail in the coffin for me for this league. Still to me it would be bad if GGG banned people for their own mistake. I also don't feel like people should always have to think "Is this new league reward too good? Will I be punished for doing this because the 1000 hour experts didn't think of it first? On the other hand like you are saying, people did it systematically in an exploiting kind of way. I guess in some bad situations the situation is just that, bad. No easy feel good fix where everybody is satisfied. |
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