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I do not know why you wanted 50%+ to vote no anyway. You gave 3 options period....

The option with > 33.3% wins. 48%+ voted no

Clearly no is the best option
g00fy_goober wrote:
I do not know why you wanted 50%+ to vote no anyway. You gave 3 options period....

The option with > 33.3% wins. 48%+ voted no

Clearly no is the best option

I was shocked when I read their post. BAsed on what I saw yesterday, I assumed it was going to be a NO win. This league.... ugh.
Very strange decision on the results of the poll.

Imagine holding elections.

Obama 48%
Bush 27%
Clinton 25%

You need to choose Bush because the white President has been elected with 52% of the votes:)

Not all builds can pass the Hall of the Great Masters.
Builds with righteous fire can't beat totems.
There were bosses immune to burning and poison. And it was normal that some builds could not kill them.

And now due to cries you want make so stupid things, like catching the dead. What's next? Let's do that dead character can continue fighting or something the same thoughtless!!!

And it's still in the middle of the League!!!
While you're here, we wanted to mention that the poll we started yesterday has now closed. The community has conclusively decided that they would like us to introduce nets that allow you to capture beasts after they've died.

and the reddit salt and babyrage community got again what they want and make the game easier without any reason. D3 style soon? Ya I know I overreact but dude. The 3 sec threshold was needed to make it fair for 99% of the builds. yes some are harder, some are easier. That's how it with everything in this game. now its like, get your shit for free if you have money (hello 10% buying all the rarer nets to make the biggest currency with recipes while fucking up the intended capture mech)

In my eyes, another bad decision, but we will see.
Last edited by Moritonel#6533 on Mar 6, 2018, 8:29:21 AM
Yeah I'm a bit iffy on if I'll stay, depends how they implement it. If it's pretty common I think I'm done. I mean all the rewards were built around the idea of capturing these beasts, not scraping them off the ground. Ya'know it actually took some effort to catch them. They invested me into this theme; the idea of the league, then said only a few days in ya'know what screw that.

I'm honestly pretty disappointed, there's already so many rewards for the speed meta, why do we have to cater every aspect to that end. This could have filled another aspect to PoE's repertoire of activities to do. Now it seems like it will be a mandatory map scrap after it's been cleared.

I like to think there could have been a league of monster hunters, not road kill collectors.
I made it to level 8 in twilight strand. The class was so OP I deleted it once I made it to Act 1 town. Think I'm taking the rest of the league off.
Last edited by FonaR007#4449 on Dec 12, 2018, 6:41:58 AM
g00fy_goober wrote:
I do not know why you wanted 50%+ to vote no anyway. You gave 3 options period....

The option with > 33.3% wins. 48%+ voted no

Clearly no is the best option

Until you realize that 52% beats 48% every day of the week, no exceptions. It's not a three horse race. There's 2 choices No or Yes(which has its own sub-poll of rarity).

100% Ethical, most of the time.
Temeritas wrote:
DoEFotGS wrote:
Temeritas wrote:
Thanks for spitting everyone who voted no in the face......

How the hell can anyone come to the conclusion that if 26% want to go left, 25% want to go in the middle and 48% want to go to the right, that the most fair solution is to go slightly to the left ?

If someone still do not understand:


Paint master!

Your graphic is one of the many examples of misleading graphics. You could just as well phrase it as hard [none or rare] or easy [common], and in this case the hard option won. And this would be a way better representation of the result.

The core issue here is, the marjority voted for rare or worse, but they announce that they will make it rare or better.

Or in very basic math:

1 = no
0.5 = rare
0 = common

(48*1 + 0.5*25 + 0)/100 = 0.605

For GGG and you it is apperently something between 0 and 0.5

THAT is the issue here

The graphic wasn't misleading at all; it emphasized that the YES votes edged out the NO votes by a 52% to 48% margin.

If you're trying to argue that a person voting for, say, YES with rare net drops would prefer to vote NO over YES with common net drops (in other words, that person is more concerned about keeping the game hard than improving clunky mechanics), then put it this way - if the poll asked players to only vote YES or NO then it would be tough to argue that all those that voted YES in the current poll would not do so as well in the poll with only YES and NO options.

The sole issue with the poll is that those that voted NO didn't have any further say as to whether the nets should be a common or rare drop.

I was planning on sitting out this league for a while (and catch up on other games - started playing Horizon Zero Dawn) since I found the mechanics clunky and unappealing, but maybe after this change I will resume playing.
Last edited by DicemanX#7029 on Mar 6, 2018, 9:29:49 AM
Vaydra wrote:
g00fy_goober wrote:
I do not know why you wanted 50%+ to vote no anyway. You gave 3 options period....

The option with > 33.3% wins. 48%+ voted no

Clearly no is the best option

Until you realize that 52% beats 48% every day of the week, no exceptions. It's not a three horse race. There's 2 choices No or Yes(which has its own sub-poll of rarity).

If No had several variations like Yes

For example
No but we'll think about how to change the system
No and we will leave the current system
No but we will change the system in the next league

I'm sure that No will win
Last edited by wasama2#1179 on Mar 6, 2018, 9:34:53 AM

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