Submit Your Character for Build of the Week!
GGG, I know you guys are worse than 7th grade students at interpreting data, but 48.07 vs 25.72 vs 26.21 is not "conclusive" in any sense of the word. That's less than 2% from being an even tie, and 0.51% from More Common winning. What you have there is a poll that says you need to go back to the drawing board and work on something people actually agree with. Just because it passed the 50% mark doesn't mean it's a good idea to go through with it. If you actually read through the thread you could easily find some suggestions that you would be able to get at least 75% of the playerbase to agree with. I voted Yes, and """""won""""", but you guys are about to shoot yourself in the foot during a league where you can't afford to do so. Go back and think of some other way to solve the issue. |
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I think there could have been an alternative solution but given the votes I understand why they went with "yes but rare". It's the middle ground and when an issue is so divisive (50% want dead-capture nets, 50% don't) from their point of view it is likely the best option. I just hope that GGG don't do another poll like this again, it just causes more issues and more kicking off.
Onwards and upwards though! There have been significant QoL changes made so far which have improved the feel of beast capturing and the new nets are going to be rare so wrangling beasts the traditional way will still be the norm I imagine. As a game that is always evolving and changing there will be hiccups and rough patches but overall I think as a community we have it pretty good. (I voted no btw... in case anyone wonders) |
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If it dies, it dies!
48.07% No Giving two "yes"-options was kinda self-fullfilling. Reviving beast without even the danger of an enragement. Why should somebody care about capturing them alive? As long as these nets aren't as rare as an divine or exalt the normal capturing method will be forgotten soon enough. Processing tuned down tempest shield MTX [pending...]
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" Yea fuck the 48% of players who voted NO. |
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" Right :( |
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Thanks for spitting everyone who voted no in the face......
How the hell can anyone come to the conclusion that if 26% want to go left, 25% want to go in the middle and 48% want to go to the right, that the most fair solution is to go slightly to the left ? The Bestiary league proved once and for all, that GGG only listens to crying instead of well thought out criticism.
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" If someone still do not understand:
![]() Paint master! E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
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" Your graphic is one of the many examples of misleading graphics. You could just as well phrase it as hard [none or rare] or easy [common], and in this case the hard option won. And this would be a way better representation of the result. The core issue here is, the marjority voted for rare or worse, but they announce that they will make it rare or better. Or in very basic math: 1 = no 0.5 = rare 0 = common (48*1 + 0.5*25 + 0)/100 = 0.605 For GGG and you it is apperently something between 0 and 0.5 THAT is the issue here The Bestiary league proved once and for all, that GGG only listens to crying instead of well thought out criticism.
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Last edited by FonaR007#4449 on Dec 12, 2018, 6:42:12 AM
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